Brook PS3/PS4 USB to Neo Geo converter first impressions.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
As promised I have posted up my full review:



Kuroko's Training Dummy
Oct 18, 2016
Awesome review! Do you happen to know if these adapters work with the Brooks Universal Fighting Board? The Undamned USB decoders have issues with it, so I'd be interested to know.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Apr 1, 2014
Nice review Yodd, the button remapping seems like a real pain, and it seems looking at your adapter the cable on mine has been installed upside down. I have taken the back off mine and the cable is attached to the pcb via two plugs so in theory I should be able to remove them and install it the correct way up but they are so small I don't want to risk breaking it.

Edit: I have carefully rotated the cable around after I opened it again and now the connector cable is the correct way up. Not ideal that I had to do this myself on a $45 dollar product. Still no reply from Brook regarding the button mapping issue.
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NEST Puppet
Aug 30, 2016
Thanks for the review.

A bit of a shambles really! Then there's the upside port installation as previously posted. A very sloppy product!

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
It defaults to X is A. O is B. Square is C and Triangle is D.

On a regular PS3/4 pad this mimics the NeoCD layout.

On a fight stick that means the first two lower buttons are A and B and the first two upper buttons are C and D. Again mimicking the NeoCD layout. i.e. a layout no one with a fight stick will use. Ever.

And yes it supports Sony PS3 and 4 Bluetooth controllers. I haven't been able to get it to connect to other brand bluetooth controllers yet. Might not be possible.

Neo CD had a horrible button layout for SS1 and 2. I wonder if the pads can be remapped.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I would have much preferred the Neo CD layout be



Quiz Detective
Nov 21, 2016
The latest in this BS of a converter fiasco is that Arcade Shock has contacted Brook and will be requesting them to do a firmware update to change the default layout. They will be putting up a poll for people to vote on whichever layout they feel is best. I guess whichever gets the most votes wins and Brook will do a firmware update. What a weird solution.

Edit: forgot to mention they told me they would refund but minus $7.00 shipping they had to pay to get it to me and I would have to pay for shipping and recommended tracking back. They're being so kind as to not charge me a restocking fee because you know...They have handled this so beautifully.
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Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
I spoke to Arcade Shock a couple days ago about the remap button issues. Yesterday I sent them a link to my review on it. They asked if they could use it as a reference. I wonder if they forwarded it to Brook?


Whip's Subordinate
May 15, 2014
The latest in this BS of a converter fiasco is that Arcade Shock has contacted Brook and will be requesting them to do a firmware update to change the default layout. They will be putting up a poll for people to vote on whichever layout they feel is best. I guess whichever gets the most votes wins and Brook will do a firmware update. What a weird solution.

Thats pretty stupid, They should just make a option in the firmware update tool to specify default button layout.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Apr 1, 2014
It's like they didn't do any market testing at all, surprising since I gather Brook has a decent reputation in the fighting game community, thats one of the reasons I jumped on one. It seemed to be a great solution for me to just have one stick and not worry about mods and special fighting stick PCBs. It would be neat if you could load a profile from a USB stick inserted into the micro USB slot if they can't do the default key option as Niko suggests.

Aside from the button maps (major pain) and now that I have taken it apart and rotated the Neo cable 180 degrees so it's not upside down it works pretty well with a dual shock 4, I even got it working via Bluetooth which was flawless. I think it is a good product with lots of potential and when they do something about the button maps it should be near perfect. It does make me laugh that the instructions are also wrong and the photo on the box also has the neo cable the wrong way around.
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Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
I hope they listen to their customers and rectify this.

While I'm thinking of it, what did you guys think of the quality of the video? Both audio/ video and the content itself?


"Hey, are we done here?..., Cause I'm losing my bu
15 Year Member
May 7, 2008
Really dug the video. Jealous as I wish I had room for a couple of those Ikea tables for my setup, but sadly no space. :keke:

Great as usual bruva


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Apr 1, 2014
I thought the video was very well done, informative and the point. I really liked the tutorial on remapping the buttons which especially highlights the issue of them not saving after power down. The overall presentation was crisp and clear so well done. I just watched your OSSC and Neo SD videos and I have subbed!

Love the setup as others have mentioned I can't stand clutter everywhere like you see in some videos so top marks!


Kuroko's Training Dummy
Oct 18, 2016
I don't mind remapping buttons to be honest, but this device makes it a pain in the ass. Having to enter programming mode, selecting the button you want to use, selecting the button you want to replace + some special button, having to exit programming mode when your done, etc.

It should have been done like the Undamned USB decoder. A simple "Hold any 3 buttons" at startup, wait for blinking LED. Push buttons in sequence you want to map ABCD, programming mode ends automatically. That's it!


NEST Puppet
Aug 30, 2016
For anyone who owns the brook converters get into the Arcade Shock Facebook page. They've set up a vote to select the default mapping and will pass it onto Brook to change if there are enough votes. Voting is already up and will end in 2 days.


Quiz Detective
Nov 21, 2016
For anyone who owns the brook converters get into the Arcade Shock Facebook page. They've set up a vote to select the default mapping and will pass it onto Brook to change if there are enough votes. Voting is already up and will end in 2 days.

These guys. I asked them to notify me when it went live and they didn't. Here's the problems I foresee. 1) not everybody who bought an adaptor will find out about this poll for the 2 short days it lasts 2) those that find out late will be pissed 3) the poll is being done on Facebook! This ensures troll voting and people who didn't even order the adaptor can vote.
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Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
They never directly notified me either and I have had several email discussions with them and even shared my video with them. They even asked if they could use it as a reference.

But they never once emailed me to let me know about this Facebook poll.

How shitty.

Emailing them back to find out WTF is going on.


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
man, what a shitty product. As it is, it's easier, cheaper and more conveniend to mod your stick :lolz:

Great vid though. Very nice sound/visuals, nothing to complain about the content either.

Since you asked: Again, this time worse than with the NeoSD video, I had trouble understanding you - it's like you're slurring your speech...

For example, this is what the second line sounded like to me:
listen what they habring to the table and flizard up to the claim
It seems to be worse when you are reading off and try to speak real fast... my advice would be to try to pronounce clearer and take your time.

However, I'm not a native speaker, so foook you still got every point across, I won't kvetch. ;)


Quiz Detective
Nov 21, 2016
I currently count 49 votes or what could be considered valid votes I guess on Arcade Shock's poll. In their own email response they said they had sold hundreds of adaptors. 49 votes so far and poll closes at 1am tonight...I guess? I mean, did they really think throwing up a random poll without notifying each one of the people who purchased the adaptor was going to be a majority vote? Lmao.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Apr 1, 2014
I currently count 49 votes or what could be considered valid votes I guess on Arcade Shock's poll. In their own email response they said they had sold hundreds of adaptors. 49 votes so far and poll closes at 1am tonight...I guess? I mean, did they really think throwing up a random poll without notifying each one of the people who purchased the adaptor was going to be a majority vote? Lmao.

I emailed Arcade Shock about this before the poll and they never contacted back about it, I only found out thanks to this thread. I assume the poll is just leaving your preference in the comments? I prefer layout D but understand type C might be more universal for people with 6 button sticks. What do you guys think is better for the Neo?


Quiz Detective
Nov 21, 2016
I emailed Arcade Shock about this before the poll and they never contacted back about it, I only found out thanks to this thread. I assume the poll is just leaving your preference in the comments? I prefer layout D but understand type C might be more universal for people with 6 button sticks. What do you guys think is better for the Neo?

They handled this thing so weird and I think voting is over now. They got real snippy with me in email responses too. I think they know this launch of this product was not ideal and rushed (wrong instructions printed and button mapping issue) and are just frustrated. Either way...If they go by the two days they said the poll would remain open, then Control type C wins.
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