just thinking


20 Year Member
so Trump coming into office was a big surprise at the time, but I'm sure this was something bound to happen eventually - as in it was in the works for years, decades maybe.
media tried to hide what specialists probably knew all along.
how did the marketing fail this time around?
Trump's victory was a spinning piledriver. it was a wrestling move KO. spectacular (I don't mean this in a good (or bad) way).

I obviously know little about US politics aside from what is available for reading, maybe some of you know how convoluted Argentine politics is - if you want to see what a rift looks like within society take a look at Argentina as of when Peron came into power mid 20th century onwards.

anyway. some of the things that took place during the past 20 years that may have gone unseen or as I say hidden from sight:

*looks like charisma goes a long way. Trump won because he has a shit ton of personality. Hillary is frigid. some voters felt they where voting for a real person, a fellow american - warts and all.

*the tea party. I don't know what ended up happening to them per se, but I do remember them coming up as a kind of reaction to the Obama campaign. it sought to communicate through less conventional ways, a non reliance on mass media tapped into a widespread distrust of campaign mechanisms. this created the groundwork for someone like Trump to not only put his message across in less conventional ways, it aided in that message staying put. in a sense Trump won through something like grassroots, at least the exploitation of such a mechanism.
Trump financed his own campaign. he went the indie root. the indie idea on so many levels has taken root in society, it is easy to assimilate nowadays. you may want to throw a ton of resources to change this, but it won't work - that's the point

*internet is changing in yet unseen ways how we interact and how this may impact on a political system which is grounded on more archaic structures. it has provided a semblance, for example, of free thought, brought people together which previously where not able to be, and changed the very way we perceive ourselves.

*Reality TV stars and the popularization of Trump, Kardashians, Paris Hilton and even the Osbournes (bunch of party animals in a big mansion but underneath it all are just as conservative as the next millionaire) - mixed with social media and the narcissist era of the selfie and twitter (giving way to the notion that we are all the center of the world/celebs) - a celebrity becoming president of the entertainment capital of the world was bound to happen. no-one wants a president who looks like she hasn't taken a shit in six months or been fucked in ten years.
an ode to decadence in other words. people love drama.

*Obama's message - yes we can. so can they. at face value Trump is as much a refresh as Obama. the outcome may end up being that he is not as radical as how he appears just like your current president.

----I know a non us citizen talking about this stuff is a bit dumb, but I enjoy the banter.
I'm just throwing this out there, what do you think?
what reasons where creeping in for the result to be what it was? beyond Hillary's bad campaign and the fact she is hated. what has happened to politics and society?

Also please don't vote for Michelle Obama in the future. she is already being propped up as a future candidate. she has the same going for her as Hillary does, and she's black to boot. it would be bullshit. yous need to re address what politics is giving you and have better candidates out there.
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20 Year Member
we say 'la tengo dura'
- I've got a hardon

- just want to point out Trump is a gemini, which means he is an excellent bullshit artist. seductive (Marilyn Monroe), and can also go toe to toe (Mohamed Ali).
-Hillary is a Scorpio. no-one trusts Scorpios. we work in the shadows.