Voting is up for DarkSofts Neo Geo Multi Cart Design.

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Somewhere in Europe.,
Jul 5, 2005
I am thinking it's something for either PC engine or Megadrive, that's my guess, but it could be anything, and not neccessarily arcade related.

Like optical drive replacements? I hope that's what you mean, because there are enough flash devices for both of these to go around. Krikkz alone has three of them. I don't even know how many flash devices for MegaDrive I own. I don't need another one, that's for sure.

Also, I'd be surprised if this was something else than arcade. We need that CPS multi. I need it, at least. I also need a PGM flash cartridge, and ideally, another one for PGM2. How many systems already have a multi solution? All it takes is one NetDIMM and you can netboot pretty much everything on Naomi 2, including Atomiswave. Same NetDimm can be used for Chihiro and Triforce. We have multis for Neo Geo, F3, CPS2, ST-V and solid solutions for CPS3, G.Net and what have you. Most of the newer PC based stuff like Lindbergh and Type X has been cracked open as well. Original CPS is one of the last big ones. PGM isn't nearly as popular, but prices of some of the titles justify the need for a flash device, I would think. Especially when it comes to Cave's stuff.


Over Top Auto Mechanic
Jan 10, 2013
I am thinking it's something for either PC engine or Megadrive, that's my guess, but it could be anything, and not neccessarily arcade related.

The GDEMU/Rhea guy was working on a PC Engine flash solution... not that you'll ever be around to actually order one when he opens his pre-order windows. (The PSIO and GDEMU so need to figure out a mass-production and sales solution.)


Ninja Combat Warrior
Aug 19, 2015
I am thinking it's something for either PC engine or Megadrive, that's my guess, but it could be anything, and not neccessarily arcade related.

I found that unlikely, since they said somewhere they were working on something "to end this LCD madness" or something like that, which addressed the work of DS and aje_fr.

So I think it's definitely a product competing with them.


Neosd Developer
Oct 18, 2016
Thats pretty nice to read what you guys expect/want.

Whatever it is, expect a quality product. You can be sure about that.

I also want for myself some of the things you all have mentioned (and that are not already in development or finished).

We should start a different thread to discus what would be nice to acomplish for the last quarter of 2018

BTW on this project we are using RAM

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Southern Pounce.,
Jul 22, 2005
Thats pretty nice to read what you guys expect/want.

Whatever it is, expect a quality product. You can be sure about that.

I also want for myself some of the things you all have mentioned (and that are not already in development or finished).

We should start a different thread to discus what would be nice to acomplish for the last quarter of 2018

BTW on this project we are using RAM


Oh man ... so when you announce it, we could also buy it on the spot? It will be immediately available upon announcement? :D

Kid Panda

The Chinese Kid
Jun 13, 2010
The GDEMU/Rhea guy was working on a PC Engine flash solution... not that you'll ever be around to actually order one when he opens his pre-order windows. (The PSIO and GDEMU so need to figure out a mass-production and sales solution.)

Why is he making more shit when he can't even make enough of what he sells now? Seriously.


Neosd Developer
Oct 18, 2016
Why is he making more shit when he can't even make enough of what he sells now? Seriously.

Thats a great question,

Deunan is a great guy (and pretty good coder), we worked togheter when he was developing Makaron back in the day. When he released the first Dreamcast ODE, offered him to produce it at factory but he refushed.

I still don´t know why, prolly he wants to make some extra money every month out of work ...


Fu'un-Ken Master
10 Year Member
May 25, 2011
Oh man, a CPS1 multi is an insta-buy for a lot of people.


Ninja Combat Warrior
Aug 19, 2015
Thats pretty nice to read what you guys expect/want.

Whatever it is, expect a quality product. You can be sure about that.

I also want for myself some of the things you all have mentioned (and that are not already in development or finished).

We should start a different thread to discus what would be nice to acomplish for the last quarter of 2018


Also... RAM? Mmm... maybe it's not a flashcart then, but something different?


Overtop Pathfinder
Aug 28, 2017
Personally, I hope a FPGA-based AES/MVS implementation is in the cards. Given current FPGA tech can accurately simulate 16-bit consoles like the SNES/SFC, I should think a faithful implementation of a 24-bit console should not be too far off, especially if the people working on it are as intimately familiar with innards of the console as the NeoSD folks are. Fingers crossed.


15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Personally, I hope a FPGA-based AES/MVS implementation is in the cards. Given current FPGA tech can accurately simulate 16-bit consoles like the SNES/SFC, I should think a faithful implementation of a 24-bit console should not be too far off, especially if the people working on it are as intimately familiar with innards of the console as the NeoSD folks are. Fingers crossed.

Like a replacement system?


Ace Ghost Pilot
Sep 27, 2013
Not sure about FPGA based system tbh - I hope they never do an FPGA based system! Basically I think the problem with those systems (eg. SNES Mini, Retron etc) is they just aren't original hardware, and then I would question why just not emulate instead? I know you can get a higher level of perfection in FPGA vs emulation, but it just feels artificial to me and pointless when emulation is there for free. I guess the other thing to consider is cost vs demand. There's a fine line there somewhere I guess, because I am happy for FPGAs to be used to improve video, add SD functionallity, additional features etc but I just cannot ever see myself buying an FPGA system that replicates entirely a particular console. That's one reason there are so many of those types of devices, everyone keeps producing more and more of them and it just feels like from an original hardware collectors perspective just more tat on the market. I am not looking forward to the new Atari system for that exact same reason... I guess if the Neo Geo X had been done properly with FPGA hardware, and had it had correct aspect ratio, then maybe that would be desireable because its portable and branded SNK, but that turned out to be more emulation tat.
Nov 15, 2000
The only FPGA board I have ever used is the Minimig, an alternative to the Amiga. I have been using the Amiga for a couple of decades and I assure you there is no way you could tell that it was running on an FPGA and not the real thing. Entry ticket for the NeoGeo, a system and NeoSD and Framemeister for HDMI hookuo is expensive. A Neogeo FPGA board would make things much more accessible without being emulation. Of course purists could stick to original hardware.


Overtop Pathfinder
Aug 28, 2017
Not sure about FPGA based system tbh - I hope they never do an FPGA based system! Basically I think the problem with those systems (eg. SNES Mini, Retron etc) is they just aren't original hardware, and then I would question why just not emulate instead? I know you can get a higher level of perfection in FPGA vs emulation, but it just feels artificial to me and pointless when emulation is there for free.

From what I've gathered, the primary arguments for FPGAs over emulation are lag and preservation of the original hardware. While modern emulators have made strides in lowering lag, platformers (which the NG has a paltry few) and fighters (which the NG has oodles of) remain particularly suspect to it. Combined with the display lag added by modern displays, the end result can prove quite distracting. As for the preservation aspect, the original hardware has a finite lifespan, and at some point in the (distant) future, FPGAs will be the closest thing we'll have to it, save for museum pieces and a handful of units owned by well-off collectors who can afford to keep them running.

I guess the other thing to consider is cost vs demand. There's a fine line there somewhere I guess, because I am happy for FPGAs to be used to improve video, add SD functionallity, additional features etc but I just cannot ever see myself buying an FPGA system that replicates entirely a particular console.

I think the choice boils down to personal preference: Collectors such as yourself will continue to prefer original hardware, while newer initiates to the scene might prefer FPGA-based products. I own several HDMI-modded systems and flashcarts, so I'm all for using FPGA-based products to add new functionality and features, too. I just think a full-blown FPGA implementation is the next logical step, especially for folks who aren't already heavily invested in the platform. As you pointed out, some people might still prefer emulation since it's essentially free, but I think the people on this forum don't belong to that crowd.

I also believe the NeoSD has proven that even within a very niche market there is a demand for FPGA-based products, and that they can be profitably made. (I assume the NeoSD hasn't taken the team to the poorhouse, since they're still coming up with new products.)

That's one reason there are so many of those types of devices, everyone keeps producing more and more of them and it just feels like from an original hardware collectors perspective just more tat on the market. I am not looking forward to the new Atari system for that exact same reason... I guess if the Neo Geo X had been done properly with FPGA hardware, and had it had correct aspect ratio, then maybe that would be desireable because its portable and branded SNK, but that turned out to be more emulation tat.

You hit the nail bang on the head! "Just more tat" is definitely not what I'm after, and the NGX debacle is the perfect example of how not to go about creating a "reimagined" console. So whoever's going to be making a FPGA implementation, will, in addition to technical acumen, need to have tremendous respect for the platform, which I think the NeoSD team, like Kevtris (trigger warning: mentions the Analogue NT Mini), has in spades; this is why I suggested them in the first place.
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Cheng's Errand Boy
Jun 28, 2015
Where's the DS NG cart?
[I own a NeoSD so back off on that please]

It's really upsetting that they tried to make people wait purchasing the NeoSD based off of hopeware almost a year ago (I cannot care less if they stumbled on unforeseen issues, if you don't have something fully working you're just "hoping" it'll work), what is wrong with people?


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
They probably own DS's other products and are pleased.


15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I'll never understand the loyalty some people have. If the NeoSD team pulled the same shit they'd be roasted, anyone would and that I think is the right course of action. This is a classic case of the 'sales department' not being kept in line and providing false promise.


Somewhere in Europe.,
Jul 5, 2005
They probably own DS's other products and are pleased.

I own other DS products, but had absolutely no problems choosing NeoSD over something that would be released later. Buying a relatively expensive piece of hardware from someone without any kind of record should probably speak in DS's favor, but I wanted the product sooner rather than later, and all has turned out well. For me, anyway. I appreciate DS's products, for sure. Though I would like them to be complete before being released, like the ST-V cartridge with jumpers and without a shell. Or bare PCBs, like the F3. Not counting CPS2, as it is meant to fit inside a donor board. Making products more user friendly and complete with shells and cases would certainly be nice.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
For me the load times are unacceptable. I'm not expecting DS's to be much better but I'm waiting to see.

Right now I'm happy with my current setup tbh and don't plan on buying either.
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