CPS2 - Important information to anyone using the hardware.


Dec 15, 2013
That's great to hear though I'm a little concerned about you having to set 5.44v though just to read 5.08v on the PCB side. It makes you wonder what the volt reading was on the PCB side for the previous guy videos who read 5.08v on the PSU. He is waiting for a multi and will do the tests with the same 'b' board and PSU already tested. I'm hoping the results come back all ok.


For reference, I did the tests with help from Raz. My supergun has the voltmeter connected directly to the output of the power supply, so the voltage we see in the videos is the one being "outputted" (is that a word?) by the power supply, it may be a bit lower at the JAMMA edge. Hope this info is useful in any way.



Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Jan 7, 2013
A drop of .3 to .6v between the psu and Jamma edge is to be expected. That's why it's so important to check at the jamma edge (or an IC on the far side of the board like xian xi said)


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
I had the report back now from aha2940 using a the multikit on the same PCB/PSU he used for the EPROM test.

"I tried your test rom on my multikit, without any change to the power supply (still set to "5.08V" like last time) and now the voltmeter reads only 5.04V, but it's stable and your ROM shows all the time "GOOD" on the System speed test. I had no time to make the video or try lowering the voltage, but I'll do those tests tomorrow. Hope this result serves for anything"

A few minutes later I got another message for him.

"It seems I spoke a bit too soon on the previous PM. Now I am seeing only 1EAA to 1EAC, which are BAD values. It seems this thing takes a little to stabilize or something. The voltage is still rock-solid on 5.04V while using the multikit"

On this report its clear the multikit is placing extra demand on the PSU in his case. I suspect him raising the voltage a little more will fix the situation. It shows the extra demand the multikit is placing on his setup and is probably the reason why its prone to this problem over a board using the expected devices and daughterboards.
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Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
I little update as its taking more time than expected for Aha2940 to complete his tests. Since his last report above he has reported that upping the voltage slightly has not fixed the issue on his multikit from where it was working fine with EPROMs before, he did report it improved slightly however. Just waiting on the results of him upping the voltage a little more.


Chang's Grocer
Jun 30, 2010
Curious: what's the power levels at the edge jamma edge connector, and back of the top board?


Also, try a different psu yet?

You know: A little stronger psu: Like a 200w, 250w, or a 300+w one?
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Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
He can raise the voltage more on the psu still. This psu was fine when the cps2board had EPROMs on only, once he put on the multilit the voltage at the edge dropped by .04v (from 5.08 to 5.04). He has adjusted the voltage to raise it up to 5.06 but that did not fix the issue again but it did improve slightly.
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Dec 15, 2013
Hay guys. I just uploaded a video I took some days ago: https://youtu.be/K-RoqopS6xo

This video shows my CPS2 multikit working with the same PSU settings that gave 5.08V before. Now it gives 5.04V, so that seems to indicate the multikit requires a bit more power. No surprise there, I guess. What surprised me is that, as you can see in the video, the board seems to work stable and error-free for like 10 minutes, but then it suddenly starts to lower the speed value and shows only errors. I don't know what this means, but I do know this:

1. I never made a video this long while using the EPROMs, so no idea if this happens with the EPROMs too, but I think it does.
2. I have not been able to test with 5.08V and the multikit. I tested with 5.06V, the errors took longer to happen, but they happened.
3. If new tests with the EPROMs are required, this will take time because one of my chips got a leg broken while taking it out to install my multikit, so I'd need to get and burn an EPROM before I can do the test.
4. I have not seen any other tests (at least in this thread), and I'd like to know if these results are consistent for other users, since my board/supergun/PSU/whatever could have something strange/broken that make them behave this way.
5. I do not think I can make more videos, since this requires a device with larger storage capacity than my phone, however I can do the tests and report what I see, however I am not sure how useful this is without videos.



Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
There are other tests reported in this thread, one with a multikit stating that raising to 5.08 gave no errors with the multikit. On my CPS2 kits it lasts for hours without dropping to errors (I have never had the error even once). You are the first person though to do a test on both EPROM and multikit on the same 'b' board and report the findings. And as you say it indicates the multikit requires extra power. This is probably why the multikits are more prone to this issue as the tests have shown than kits using the normal CPS2 spec.

More results would be nice but I think its pretty much been confirmed already.

All CPS2 boards suffer this issue if underpowered or dodgy psu. Boards with multikits are more prone because the kit increases the draw required from the PSU. Providing you up the voltage enough it should be fine, though you need to be aware of the overvolt if then using other JAMMA games on the same PSU.
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Dec 15, 2013

Have been running the test again using 5.12V since 50 min ago, still showing GOOD. For whatever reason, the voltage will not be stable at values between 5.06 and 5.12. If I lower it a bit, it will go to 5.06V, if I upper it, it won't change and then suddenly reads 5.12V.



Morden's Lackey
Jan 25, 2014
You're measuring voltage from the A board PCB or the jamma edge? Also, what PSU are you using?


Dec 15, 2013
You're measuring voltage from the A board PCB or the jamma edge? Also, what PSU are you using?

Actually, I made a mistake while building my supergun and the voltmeter shows the voltage at the PS output. I'll try to fix it to display the proper voltage at the JAMMA edge some day. The PS I am using is a MeanWell RT125A: https://www.meanwell-web.com/en/pro...nclosed-type/121-150-w/rt-125/product/RT-125A


Edit: OK, my board has been running for more than an hour and a half, still showing GOOD on speed test. I believe my board needs 5.12V to work. Possibly a bit less, but I don't feel like testing the minimum required voltage now.
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Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
The main thing is you have got it acting as it should be. The down side is the extra voltage your supplying it compared to the board while it had EPROMs on.


Dec 15, 2013
The main thing is you have got it acting as it should be. The down side is the extra voltage your supplying it compared to the board while it had EPROMs on.

Sure, it has been running since 2.5 hours ago and still showing GOOD. I am not so sure about the voltage, because since this is measured at the PS output instead of the JAMMA edge, the voltage shown is a bit higher than what the boards is getting no? also, I believe the electronic components on these devices have some tolerance, about 3% IIRC? that would mean they are able to stand up to 5.15V without issue, so I'm cool with that.

Also, I never did an hour long test with the EPROMs, so I am not sure if my board requires lower voltage using them while compared to the multikit. I would think so, but it was never tested.

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Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Jan 7, 2013
I always run about 5.1v at the JAMMA edge. It will read higher at the PSU, that is normal. If you're at or under 5.15v at the JAMMA edge, you're extremely unlikely to damage anything with that level.


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
I have now had two reports from advanced SSF2X players thanking me for the information presented in this thread. Both have reported that low voltage did have an effect on the game (slower) and that raising the voltage corrected the issue.

If you want accurate game play you must test and correct your voltage as suggested in this thread. Use the new suicide tester tool to easily comfirm your running currectly, espicially those using that multidevice. Although it is more supseptable to this issue due to the extra power strain it places on the system, it can still be fixed with a voltage adjustment.
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20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
I always run about 5.1v at the JAMMA edge. It will read higher at the PSU, that is normal. If you're at or under 5.15v at the JAMMA edge, you're extremely unlikely to damage anything with that level.

I guess you'd be surprised with how many components start to fail at that level in some boards. Specially boards with plenty of Fujitsu's TTL's.