Do you have a NGPC now? Did you 15 years ago?


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
I don't think I ever showed this off before, but I do have a pic of what I currently have for the NGPC. I took this after I picked up SNK vs Capcom Match of the Millennium last month as it and the NGPSD Kit both showed up around the same time.

Much of this came in one big lot for a fantastic deal. I going back MOTM, Last Blade, Dive Alert, Gals Fighter, Metal Slug 1, and that's it. The other 14 games and system were the lot.


Street Hoop Star
Sep 9, 2002
nice collection! gotta love the loose cart route.

I've seen the top cart and the one on the bottom right, what are those? Any good?

The top one is Ward of Light and the other I don't know (it's in Japanese). They're just slot sims. I got them for like $2.00 tho.

I did buy the System brand new and still have the box and reciept. I just didn't take a pic of it. I also have the box (no manual) for MotM.

I don't think I ever showed this off before, but I do have a pic of what I currently have for the NGPC. I took this after I picked up SNK vs Capcom Match of the Millennium last month as it and the NGPSD Kit both showed up around the same time.

Much of this came in one big lot for a fantastic deal. I going back MOTM, Last Blade, Dive Alert, Gals Fighter, Metal Slug 1, and that's it. The other 14 games and system were the lot.

Good stuff, man!
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The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
That's an awesome lot you've got there, tanooki! I know you dig handhelds/portables in general. Which titles are your favorite go-to's for the system?


aka The Grinch
20 Year Member
Dec 16, 2000
Magical Drop is the dopest game on the system. That is all.


Kuroko's Training Dummy
Sep 17, 2013
I picked up the NGPC back in 2000 with King of Fighters R-2 at my local videogame shop. They only had that one single game for sale. Days after I went back to ask if they would ever import other games for the NGPC. "Sure" they said. Went back to the shop several times but no new games. In the end I was, and still am, stuck with King of Fighters R-2. Yes, I still have my NGPC in my Collection.


Somewhere in Europe.,
Jul 5, 2005
I was so hyped for the Pocket when I first read about it. I didn't get one until the Color got released. Was the first Pocket even distributed in Europe? When I got the Color, I fell in love with it. I still love the clicky stick. As for games, I think I've enjoyed Faselei and Neo Poke Kun the most. Especially Poke Kun. I love those mini-games.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Aug 14, 2003
I was so hyped for the Pocket when I first read about it. I didn't get one until the Color got released. Was the first Pocket even distributed in Europe? When I got the Color, I fell in love with it. I still love the clicky stick. As for games, I think I've enjoyed Faselei and Neo Poke Kun the most. Especially Poke Kun. I love those mini-games.

I don't think the B&W version was ever released out of Japan, EU and US directly got the first Color version. Picked up an import B&W myself upon release and upgraded when I found I couldn't play SNK vs Capcom! Neo Poke Kun is indeedone of the system's gems.


Igniz's Servent
Apr 30, 2010
has any new screen mods been figured out? Would love a better solution than the bonding of a front light.


Street Hoop Star
Sep 9, 2002
So I was looking for Baseball Stars on Evilbay and I was shocked that it was going for $100. I guess I've been out of the loop, but when did NGPC games gets so pricey?


Somewhere in Europe.,
Jul 5, 2005
Such a neat concept too. Taking you through the history of video games...

Plus, the later mini-games look really great! Basically any one of them could be made into a separate game and I wouldn't mind. I did a write-up on Neo Poke Kun some years ago, and made a thumbnail page of all the mini-games:


This was shortly after I got my hands on a dumper, so I could finally back-up my save. I wouldn't have had the patience to sit through randomly unlocking all of that stuff on an emulator.


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
That Neo Poke Kun looks pretty interesting. I've got the whole NGP/C library on my NGP SD Kit, perhaps I should fire that one up.

Also the other day scored finally Biomotor Unitron again, happy when it arrives to try it as it has been a long long time. I know I have the kit, but want to get back the games I had in the day I lost.


Somewhere in Europe.,
Jul 5, 2005
That Neo Poke Kun looks pretty interesting.

It's the best once you unlock all of the mini-games, which can take some time, but keep at it and you won't be disappointed.

I've got the whole NGP/C library on my NGP SD Kit

Is it the one I saw on AtariAge boards? I didn't know it was out. Where can one get it and how much is it? I'm also curious about how it handles saving, since it uses microSD. NGP/C games are different in this regard. Saves are stored in writable section of the ROM itself, so when you dump original cartridges that you've already played, the dumped image will contain your save data. Emulators handle it differently. Some store the whole writable section as a save and some just write the changes to made to that block to a file. I'd like to know how this device does it.

Edit: Found the cartridge. RetroHQ, right? You must've gotten one early!
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War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
I think it's 70 GBP + shipping (ended up being $90USD shipped to me.) There's a list of names he has for those who took interest in it ahead of time and I was very early on the list so I've had mine for a bit. He's still taking names and still rolling though the existing numbers so I have no idea how long it would take to get one.

It handles saving the same as an original game would. But, that said, the NGPC is an interesting setup I've never seen before as the game on the original cartridge any saving that happens goes into the same chip as the stored game data. Because of this, if you swap out your game, you lose the save unless you pop into the basic menu and select 'save.' It will make a copy of that game+save and store it on your micro-SD card, so when you want it back sometime later you can pick up where you left off copying back to the cart.

The file system on the cart itself has a 16M space, but 1M is used up more or less due to some lame fragmentation he's aware of and said he can improve in time with a firmware update. I've got like 4 games on mine or so currently, wedged as many as I could into the space. Because of the speed of the cart, how the system handles memory, and so on, it's kind of slow like the NeoSD in handling the games up front in downloading them from SD to flash kit memory. 1/2MB takes 30sec, and the largest games at 4MB take 4min to copy.


Somewhere in Europe.,
Jul 5, 2005
I think it's 70 GBP + shipping

Nice. I saw it on the webpage. A fair price, for sure. I think that's less than what the initial price of Flashmasta was, and back then it came with no case, and no bank switch.

He's still taking names

It handles saving the same as an original game would. (...) It will make a copy of that game+save and store it on your micro-SD card

Just to get it straight, when you back-up that save, it will write a ROM containing the save data, or is the save data separate? What I'm interested in is the ability to export a game containing the save data to use it with, say, an emulator, to take screenshots. Like I said previously, I used a dumper to extract the Poke Kun game, as I wouldn't be able to get nice screens otherwise.

The file system on the cart itself has a 16M space, but 1M is used up more or less due to some lame fragmentation he's aware of and said he can improve in time with a firmware update. (...) 1/2MB takes 30sec, and the largest games at 4MB take 4min to copy.

That's not really a problem for me. I'd get it for the sake of convenience. Having all of my games on one device is still faster than digging up actual cartridges, putting the one I was using back, and so on. Anyway, thanks for the info.

Edit: On Flashmasta and Bung carts, games smaller than 16 megabit need to be patched to save properly. You can use Cotton to test this. Does it save properly on the RetroHQ device?
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Kabuki Klasher
Apr 13, 2008
I still have my original silver NGPC I picked up from NCDX back in the day. Sadly, I rarely ever play it because it gives me headaches to do so. I do love it though. It's a shame that Magician Lord for NGP never saw the light of day. it would have been kewwwll~


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
Just to get it straight, when you back-up that save, it will write a ROM containing the save data, or is the save data separate? What I'm interested in is the ability to export a game containing the save data to use it with, say, an emulator, to take screenshots. Like I said previously, I used a dumper to extract the Poke Kun game, as I wouldn't be able to get nice screens otherwise.

That's not really a problem for me. I'd get it for the sake of convenience. Having all of my games on one device is still faster than digging up actual cartridges, putting the one I was using back, and so on. Anyway, thanks for the info.

Edit: On Flashmasta and Bung carts, games smaller than 16 megabit need to be patched to save properly. You can use Cotton to test this. Does it save properly on the RetroHQ device?

Yes when you decide to back up your save, it writes the entire game+save file back to the microSD card to be restored when you want it later. They're not individual files since it simulates what the real game cards do which have just one solitary chip with the game/save all on board. That's what Saint said how it worked over at AtariAge when I asked awhile back.

I've never attempted what you're talking about, guess it would depend on how the emulator deals with the files. I thought stuff like NeoPop would write a save file on the side but I haven't used it in a very long time.

While the NGP, NGPC and NGPC (JP only slimmer version) were all tested by a group of people before they started shipping them out, and it didn't come up other than one game I recall (not save related) I did test it. I ran up a score to get the ranking list and then shut it down. Restarted it, went back in from the kit menu, score was still in the spot I left it.


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
Today I got a great thing in the mail I've wanted for a time now.

Biomotor Unitron. I ended up wrangling a complete copy of the game for a little less than the cart only sells for. I'll at least have a nice manual to reference the unique setup of the game again at least.

Here's everything I've currently got now.


  • ngpc-collection.JPG
    538.5 KB · Views: 47
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Morden's Lackey
Apr 3, 2013
My NGPC finally came in the mail, and started playing Card Fighters this morning. Trying to save up to get some more games for it now.


Unsure if You Asked, For a custom Rank, But Hell,
10 Year Member
Nov 3, 2014
Today I got a great thing in the mail I've wanted for a time now.

Biomotor Unitron. I ended up wrangling a complete copy of the game for a little less than the cart only sells for. I'll at least have a nice manual to reference the unique setup of the game again at least.

Here's everything I've currently got now.

Why would you continue to buy carts if you have the very capable multi?