English label over JPN label?


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
...overstock in Japan relabeled and sent over to the western market.

Apparently this was also the case regarding overstock garnered in the West, at least for certain games like Andro Dunos...

Above linked is a past auction for AD. If you carefully look at pic N°1&2 you'll notice that there is a genuine english label under the japanese one... it would seem, that this game was (wrongfully but understandable) unpopular in the west, not so in Japan. SNK saw a chance to re-sell the overstock to their autochtons. A word and a blow ;).

This, ...or maybe a bug in the production line with the consequence, that too many english ADs were made and the overlabelling we whitness, was just a corretion of that lapsus. Anyway, are there overlabelling issues with MVS carts, too?