Place to meet singles in Tokyo?

Seijuro Hiko

Camel Slug
Feb 15, 2004
Hi there,
I know that`s funny/weird question, but I`currently in Tokyo with a friend on vacation and I wanted to know if there`s a special place or area in Tokyo, where singles goes to try to find their soulmate or something like that?

I heard that there are places like that, but I don`t know where.

If some of you resides in Tokyo, maybe you can give me some tips. ;)

Thanks in advance.


Kabuki Klasher
Mar 4, 2008
If you're white, don't speak Japanese, and don't want a challenge: Roppongi. If you have a lot of money, Heartland or A971 (both places are awful).
If you're white and don't mind a challenge: anywhere else.
If you like smoking pole: Shinjuku 2-chome, as NeoCverA suggested. Sounds like a resident. :)


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
I love that the posts here unintentionally hit something like five key words that spambots look for :p :lolz:

That one nearly went haywire, and all within a few short hours! Very impressive.


Land of the Rising Bling:,
20 Year Member
Jan 17, 2002
Hi there,
I know that`s funny/weird question, but I`currently in Tokyo with a friend on vacation and I wanted to know if there`s a special place or area in Tokyo, where singles goes to try to find their soulmate or something like that?

I heard that there are places like that, but I don`t know where.

If some of you resides in Tokyo, maybe you can give me some tips. ;)

Thanks in advance.

Tokyo singles scene - places for foreigners to talk to Japanese ladies that are into foreigners that isn't Roppongi.

Check out the 300 yen bars.. there's a good singles standing only place in Shinbashi and another around Ginza. Usually packed with girls that want to speak a' the English and strange lumbering white guys.

Also try The Hub. There are two in Shibuya, one in Shinjuku and a few other sprinkled around. You can find groups or pairs of ladies that want to speak the English.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
I've heard Japanese women are the best if you're looking for someone to always bow down and wash the shit stains out of your drawers.


Presented by the Florida Department of Economic Op
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2000
I've heard Japanese women are the best if you're looking for someone to always bow down and wash the shit stains out of your drawers.

If my wife saw skidmarks in my briefs while doing the laundry, she would make fun of me.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
If my wife saw skidmarks in my briefs while doing the laundry, she would make fun of me.

Your wife has been infected by the American-European Women's Movement. It spread like the plague throughout the late 60's into today.

Japan however was mostly immune to this virus.

Interestingly, I was reading some article just 2 nights ago about how the vast, vast majority of women in Japan are still expected to stay at home and never enter the workforce.

The author of the article argued that at this point it's not really "sexist". That Japan's Governnment is fully aware that there's just enough jobs in the country to meet the demand of the men and the very few women who do work.

If 90% of the Japanese women tomorrow woke up and said "I want a job" and started flooding into the job market it would fuck up their system to all hell. The unemployment rate would literally hit 40-50% if women were expected to work just like the fellers.

To prevent this potential disaster, Japan fights against it by pushing extreme "culture" onto the people of "men work hard, women raises babies". Also, he mentioned a finanical trick Japan does to help keep this in place. Check out the cost of daycare in Japan. The average 8 hours in a daycay center for a child in Japan is set higher than any other country in the world. In fact, it's nearly 260% higher than the 2nd place country. Government regulations on private daycare centers are behind the extreme cost.

Your average worker in Japan would have to work 22 hours to pay for 1 day of daycare. Thus, not having a woman at home to watch your kids would bankrupt most families overnight.
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Kabuki Klasher
Mar 4, 2008
Interestingly, I was reading some article just 2 nights ago about how the vast, vast majority of women in Japan are still expected to stay at home and never enter the workforce.

Average Japanese family cannot afford for her to not get a job. And last I checked walking down the streets, going into office buildings, going into stores, there are plenty of women with employ.

The average 8 hours in a daycay center for a child in Japan is set higher than any other country in the world.

It's based on the income of the family if you go public... and is dirt cheap assumig you make what every other Japanese person makes... if you can get in. If you go private, it's "expensive". If you go international, it's ridiculous, but never reaches even close to those levels. Here is a tuition list for an all-English school in my neighborhood. Most expensive daycare class is 1.5 million yen a year, for M-F 5 hours a day. That's probably a 3rd of the average Japanese salary of someone with a kid that age if you're including bonus. Let's count Frecell as work, and say the average salaryman works 66 hours a week. So, 1/3 of his work pays for a full year of the highest dollar tuition if he so desires to spend it there.. The author of your article sounds like an uninformed toolbag.

If you want some good and scary reading, find something on Japan's totally fucked up birth rate and how the government is trying to make it cheaper to have kids. Of course, the infrastructure of this country require shitloads and shitloads of people... and they aren't being born. Japan in 50 years will be a depressing site if they can't figure out how to make it appealing and affordable to live there as a foreigner.
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Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Yeah, Abasuto, at best it sounds like you're describing the classic "office lady" phenomenon (where they find a salaryman and settle down), but I've actually read that those relationships are imploding at a much faster rate --especially since most Japanese men following that classic model tend to act like idiots towards their wives. Of course, this being Japan, the trend at the time of the article (several years ago) was the wife would wait until the kids are out of the house and then divorce.

The classic story where the old clashed with the new is the story of Princess Masako, who went from a lucrative career as a diplomat to basically a baby-machine --until she had a bit of a breakdown due to the intense pressure and control of that most-conservative of conservative institutions, the Imperial Household Agency.

I have no idea what the ratio of office ladies to married career women is though... I also don't know how many Japanese career women are purposely staying single longer to avoid the ridiculous expectations of some salarymen.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Interestingly, I was reading some article just 2 nights ago about how the vast, vast majority of women in Japan are still expected to stay at home and never enter the workforce.

Was the article in a 1973 issue of Reader's Digest? Because that doesn't sound accurate at all. I'll admit I've only ever lived in the big city, but there were always plenty of women working in every kind of business all over town. Maybe it's different in rural areas, and I guess they wouldn't count running mom & pop-type shops as being "workforce," but that still doesn't sound right.


Presented by the Florida Department of Economic Op
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2000
lol hybrids....

So...what is it that you guys particularly like about asian women? The looks or personality (as is assumed to be)? Or Both?

What are you looking for?

I like all women, regardless of race actually.

I didn't go to Japan looking for women, I actually met my wife in my hometown. She was visiting friends, and it went from there. I just found her to be an incredibly good person, someone that I could trust fully.

I had a bad run of dating some psychotic women prior to this.

We ended up getting married 4 years later, been married 6 years now and still going strong.

Yes, I have a little bit of a thing for asian women, but I didn't get a case of "yellow fever" and actively search for one.


20 Year Member
Sep 24, 2003
lol hybrids....

So...what is it that you guys particularly like about asian women? The looks or personality (as is assumed to be)? Or Both?

What are you looking for?
