Retro Gamer magazine's terrible Metal Slug feature --reviewed!

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Bub & Bob's Bub,
20 Year Member
May 21, 2002
I have nothing to add to this epic thread. I'm just here wondering when the thread will be stickied or just place in the hallowed halls of the "Best OF" threads.

Keep up the fight e-warriors. :vik:

Ancient Flounder

"Just walk away. Give me the pump...the oil...the
15 Year Member
Apr 23, 2004
I still enjoy being told what 'definitive' is supposed to mean, like I'm a fucking moron. Good times.

Ancient Flounder

"Just walk away. Give me the pump...the oil...the
15 Year Member
Apr 23, 2004
Whether we get it right or not, I don't think it makes the quality of the article any better.

No, it doesn't. And it still means that they don't quite get the definition of 'definitive' yet, differences between British and American English be damned.


Rotterdam Nation Resident,
20 Year Member
Jan 12, 2001
interesting rebuttal bobak,
I mentioned it elsewhere, but I am no longer interested in
picking up the retrogamer mag.
it's gone like this for me.

-someone posted a scan of windjammers in another thread (that was taken down)
-I post and say, hey that's a nice spread. but it's a UK mag? too bad.
-O wait. it's available at barnes and nobles? neat.
-O wait. what the hell is this about one of the writers acting immature. not responding to what was said, but arbitrarily throwing out insults that even goes into the wtc tragedy? this guy doesn't have balls, he's just acting like an idiot.

I don't expect darran to take complete responsibility of stu, a 40 year old grown man.
but it would probably be the mature and responsible thing to do
if he wanted to save face for his mag.

because here's a lost sale, especially in the case that I was a bit excited to hear
this mag was available locally.


6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001

You may not care that you've lost some readers, but perhaps you'd care to lose advertisers and content providers. Don't think for a minute they don't perceive the situation the same way - or aren't readers themselves.

Jonny pr


You may not care that you've lost some readers, but perhaps you'd care to lose advertisers and content providers. Don't think for a minute they don't perceive the situation the same way - or aren't readers themselves.

I can only concur with this statement*. I work in PR and work out where our companies advertising money goes towards. We were thinking of placing a two page advertisement in Retro Gamer but thought we should see what true Retro Gamers think of the magazine. Whilst some advertisers just look at pure statistics like readership numbers we do our job and take a holistic view (for example by seeing what people who never read the magazine think of it).

We also had our misgivings about the so-called 'definitive' article. We were told by Darran that it was a well-written feature, but it started with an Ed 'joke' that I didn't understand. This meant that the whole piece must have been poorly written. They also didn't appreciate what a true definitive article on Metal Slug should be. Instead they assumed that people reading Retro Gamer would already know about Metal Slug and would instead want to tell the readers which was the best version of Metal Slug and it's various sequels. What idiots.

I am pleased that someone is still pushing for quality videogamea journalism and can only support Bobak, Dane Bowers and the other two members of Another Level in their goal.

Now I'm off to snort cocaine with a fifty quid note!

* This obviously means I do agree with the statement.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
I can only concur with this statement*. I work in PR and work out where our companies advertising money goes towards. We were thinking of placing a two page advertisement in Retro Gamer but thought we should see what true Retro Gamers think of the magazine. Whilst some advertisers just look at pure statistics like readership numbers we do our job and take a holistic view (for example by seeing what people who never read the magazine think of it).

We also had our misgivings about the so-called 'definitive' article. We were told by Darran that it was a well-written feature, but it started with an Ed 'joke' that I didn't understand. This meant that the whole piece must have been poorly written. They also didn't appreciate what a true definitive article on Metal Slug should be. Instead they assumed that people reading Retro Gamer would already know about Metal Slug and would instead want to tell the readers which was the best version of Metal Slug and it's various sequels. What idiots.

I am pleased that someone is still pushing for quality videogamea journalism and can only support Bobak, Dane Bowers and the other two members of Another Level in their goal.

Now I'm off to snort cocaine with a fifty quid note!

* This obviously means I do agree with the statement.

What I like about this post... is well.... it has cocaine in it....

...I don't often log in to post in reply to a post..... think yourself bless'ed...

... I assume you'll be taking your business elsewhere now?

...I'm not fussed either way....

My judgement is usually placed on the quality and accuarcy of so called "Retro Gaming" articles... and this was an obvious bullshit lie....

Half this forum could've written a better so called definitive MS series article in our sleep....

..without resorting to wiki....:shame:



May 17, 2002
I don't often log in to post in reply to a post..... think yourself bless'ed...

Hmmm, when is the vid of you dancing butt nekked with the offending issue of retro gamer strapped to your genitals coming? :spock:


Armored Scrum Object
15 Year Member
Feb 17, 2007
What a delightfully epic thread. Too bad I missed the early stages of it. Hopefully, it will go on for a whole year!

Anyway, for my two cents - Funny how so many snarky writers who use the "It's just my style." angle to explain their poorly written nonsense tend to be the same ones who totally flip out when they get some criticism even half as blunt as their own commentary. Snark only really works the whole way through if you can stay cool and take it when the push back comes, if you are gonna go there yourself to begin with. But when you obviously can't take what you dish out... it all collapses, cause that's the point when it just looks like childishness masquerading as style. Which is probaby all it indeed really is in such cases.

I'm a little disappointed that folks from the RG forum etc. only showed up to predictably defend Stu. I mean, when one of my e-friends makes an ass of himself, and it's been known to happen, I don't rush to his defense out of some misguided sense of loyalty or automatic defensiveness on behalf of my Internet posse. Act like a raving jerk someplace, and you are on your own, friend. :shame:


... I assume you'll be taking your business elsewhere now?

You'd be better off assuming his whole post was ironic. We all know where using irony got us last time. Let's hope it gets us another 50 pages this time. I've never been this addicted to something since Puzzle Bobble.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they did here.

Now no one can say this thread lacks a little taste of the Gettysburg Address.


Well my registered nick here should pretty much give the game away.

Firstly I don't agree nor disagree with anything said in this thread. People who spend their lives arguing on internet forums are pretty stupid truth be told, but hey, I'm sure they don't need that pointing out to them.

The reason I decided to join and make this post here was to point out to the owners and editors of retrogamer (or whatever it's called) that I do not buy your magazine for the specific reason that you let Stuart Campbell write for you.

Quite how a supposed 41 year old professional can go on a internet forum and display this kind of behaviour is beyond me. However, I do know that he has a long history of it and because of that I refuse to buy any publication that allows him to write articles for it.

It's not personal, it's just my preference as I don't like the way the guy behaves on the internet and have seen first hand what he is capable of (and if I needed reminding this thread would be a great place to start !) thus, if I read any of his writings it's practically impossible to take it or the publication it resides in seriously.

It's not just me who feels this way either. Most of my friends are of the same stead as myself. IE - if they flick through a magazine and see Stuart in there they simply won't buy it.

It's not really surprising that he's had trouble finding work over the last few years. He's basically sued everyone he ever worked for in a pathetic attempt at getting even with them for not putting up with his childish tantrums.

Magazine publishers. Do yourselves a favour and don't hire this prick. It's costing you sales.


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
If anyone fancies a laugh may I point them to this.

It's Stu getting slapped back down to size. Best thing I've read in years.

This was a good read. The following details of his beef against Future made me laugh.

And then came the really good stuff. He further granted Future an order preventing me from ever raising the case again without the express leave of a judge, an order which as far as I've been able to gather also prevents me from filing an appeal. (Unless, again, I can get special dispensation to do so from another judge, which is unlikely, and even if granted is expensive and rarely successful.) And for the final shot in the triple whammy, he awarded Future costs.

What happens now is that they have three months to decide whether to actively pursue the costs award, a course of action which is apparently rather expensive (especially in a case such as this one where very little is likely to be recoverable, as I've got no money). However, Future have already previously stated their intention to pursue any such award, and given the huge sums of money they've already thrown at this case out of sheer spite, it seems unlikely that they would fail to continue to do so now, even though effectively they'd just be wasting more money with nothing to gain except rendering me bankrupt out of vindictive malice

With their costs already somewhere in the vicinity of £30,000 or more, they'll certainly achieve that aim. I don't have assets worth anything like that much, so the more-or-less inevitable prospect is that sometime in the next three months (and I'd be surprised if Future didn't prolong the suspense until the last minute) I'll be informed that I'm about to have some bailiffs come round, empty my house and sell the contents at auction for Future's benefit. After that, who knows?

Man, that'll teach ME to have my work blatantly and undisputedly stolen by a multi-million pound company and complain about it!



Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
Well my registered nick here should pretty much give the game away.

Firstly I don't agree nor disagree with anything said in this thread. People who spend their lives arguing on internet forums are pretty stupid truth be told, but hey, I'm sure they don't need that pointing out to them.

The reason I decided to join and make this post here was to point out to the owners and editors of retrogamer (or whatever it's called) that I do not buy your magazine for the specific reason that you let Stuart Campbell write for you.

Quite how a supposed 41 year old professional can go on a internet forum and display this kind of behaviour is beyond me. However, I do know that he has a long history of it and because of that I refuse to buy any publication that allows him to write articles for it.

It's not personal, it's just my preference as I don't like the way the guy behaves on the internet and have seen first hand what he is capable of (and if I needed reminding this thread would be a great place to start !) thus, if I read any of his writings it's practically impossible to take it or the publication it resides in seriously.

It's not just me who feels this way either. Most of my friends are of the same stead as myself. IE - if they flick through a magazine and see Stuart in there they simply won't buy it.

It's not really surprising that he's had trouble finding work over the last few years. He's basically sued everyone he ever worked for in a pathetic attempt at getting even with them for not putting up with his childish tantrums.

Magazine publishers. Do yourselves a favour and don't hire this prick. It's costing you sales.

If anyone fancies a laugh may I point them to this.

It's Stu getting slapped back down to size. Best thing I've read in years.


if that doesn't put things into perspective I don't know what does.

I knew he's a little prick before I even heard of his Slug article but this is something else, eh...


, Troll Me, , Cuz I is 3lit3, ,
Aug 31, 2000
Just read first few pages. Although I do think the RG writer doesnt have a flamboyant enough writing style or persona to do one of those "opinionated columnist" type reviews, I Do think someone else threw a typically pompous ill informed hissy fit for nothing.

My only gripe is the poor writing and factual errors that cant carry the piece.

PS: I hope i dont develop a "problem" logging on again!
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