Xbox Live: Compiled List (version 2.0)


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
Typo on my name and tag:

Bofa DiezNutz=OMF2097


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002

See post #25 for the most current lists.

Kid Aphex

samus' love slave,
Nov 23, 2001
DurandalThoth said:
ive had you blocked for awhile duders, no offense, i dont game with scammers. japehi is blocked too.

lols. founding member.


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002

Gamertag = Member
I3th Racing = JOe Musashi
Abikyokan = RBjakeSpecial
acynicalclown = Average Joe
Akabane Kurodo = Seijuro Hiko
Alex Neuco = Alex Neuco
alternatingbit = MNK
applecrisp = beatifik
Appleidog = AppleiDog
AquaRed = Kirk Foiden
Argentina94 = Argentina94
Bofadieznutz = OMG2097
Beefy Hits = GregN.
BidEv82 = Big Shady
Billkwando = Billkwando
Bishamon = Bishamon
Blaine Blaine = Blaine
Blue Mary X = Darklighterx
Bofa DiezNutz = OMG2097
BOKUJIN = yagamikun
B0Y MEETS WORLD = Allien133
Bulletnyourass = Bulletnyourass
Bunnyears = Dan Elektro
Buro Destruct = Buro Destruct
buttasuperb = butta
Chnese Junk = Kunai
Circa2113 = Circa2113
Cynn = Cynn
DavidKSNK = DangerousK
Decepticreep = Decepticreep
DecimusRutilius = CurtWRX
Digital Shower = TonK
djdelly ng = djdelly
Dogyuun = SamuraiShodownSensei
FamiDude = Superfamifreak
Flaming Mop = daybona
Franco Bash = Franco Bash
galfordo = galfordo
Grinwing = Grinwing
HeartlessNinny = HeartlessNinny
Hermesgildo = hermegildo
Highlander1976 = Highlander67
Howdoin = Howdoin
Howitzer360 = Doctor Shroom
Insaneluchador = BouncingSoul
Jangofatt = Dinodoedoe
jdotaku = jdotaku
Jedah Dohma = Jedah Doma
jeffbogard = jeff bogard
Jeremy Forrest = greedostick
JHendrix = JHendrix
JoeHigashi19 = joe_higashi19
JOEY BLACKOUTS = KaedesDisciple
Jonny Dubs = jonny419
Jorant = Spike Spiegel
K04 Passat = matrimelee
Kazuya UK = Kazuya UK
kentucky COP = jeff10
King Yak = Michael Yagami
Kiun = SouthtownKid
kontact900 = Metal Fatigue
Kpj = Kpj
KumagaiToshiro = KumagaiToshiro
Kurodo Akabane = Seijuro Hiko
Lagduf = Lagduf
Lokai77 = Andyh
Lovergoat = Lovergoat
Magician NG = Magician
Mathemabeat = broken
Mawdsley2002 = Mawdsley
MeltyBloodR3Act = Saturn2dfreak
Methione = ajk1080
MilkManX = MilkManX
Mistah Jones = Ramad
Mobius76 = GD
m0gz = ray 7
MoneyB32 = bigb32
Moon Jump81 = YuckMud
Neobitz = JMKurtz
Neo Chosen 1 = The Chosen One
NeoCverA = NeoCverA
NeoGojira = NeoDragoN
NeverBX = Xian Xi
n0t sonic = not sonic
o63zr0freestyle = O. Yashiro
Olly C = TrueTrials
OrochiMaster = Phoenix Down
Pure Gamerbilly = Aaron D
PolyesterMan = Shingo Hibiki
ReverendCaliber = Kristoff
RevQuixo = RevQuixo
rcpaskus = Kid Aphex
Roxas585 = TheThirdMan
Snooptaliah = Snooptalian
Soniku17 = Soniku
Soul SNK = soulthug
Sub Unit One = twalden
T H A V A R I N = thavarin
TheBigBB = dmhawkmoon
The MC Hammer = ProfessorFrink
The Turntablist = DJ Daishi
ThundR = thundr51
tifosiotaku = ferrariman355
TSMMR 47 = chris1
twomins2midnite = Underdog
USP V3RG340 = SNKJorge
Van Klaun = neobuyer
VoodooPeople = Loopz
Wes Paul = Wes
xCHUNKY LOVER53 = Chunky Lover 53
yakumoHMJ = Hentai Sama

Member = Gamertag
ajk1080 = Methionine
Aaron D = Pure Gamerbilly
Alex Neuco = Alex Neuco
Allien133 = B0Y MEETS WORLD
AppleiDog = Appleidog
Andyh = Lokai77
Argentina94 = Argentina94
Average Joe = acynicalclown
beatifik = applecrisp
Bid Shady = BigEv82
bigb32 = MoneyB32
Billkwando = Billkwando
Bishamon = Bishamon
Blaine = Blaine Blaine
BouncingSoul = Insaneluchador
broken = Mathemabeat
Bulletnyourass = Bulletnyourass
Buro Destruct = Buro Destruct
butta = buttasuperb
chris1 = TSMMR 47
Chunky Lover 53 = xCHUNKY LOVER53
Circa2113 = Circa 2113
CurtWRX = DecimusRutilius
Cynn = Cynn
Dan Elektro = Bunnyears
DangerousK = DavidKSNK
Darklighterx = Blue Mary X
daybona = Flaming Mop
Decepticreep = Decepticreep
Dinodoedoe = Jangofatt
DJ Daishi = The Turntablist
djdelly = djdelly ng
dmhawkmoon = TheBigBB
Doctor Shroom = Howitzer360
ferrariman355 = tifosiotaku
Franco Bash = Franco Bash
galfordo = galfordo
GregN. = Beefy Hits
greedostick = Jeremy Forrest
Grinwing = Grinwing
GD = Mobius76
HeartlessNinny = HeartlessNinny
Hentai Sama = yakumoHMJ
hermegildo = Hermesgildo
Highlander67 = Highlander1976
Howdoin = Howdoin
Jedah Doma = Jedah Dohma
jeff bogard = jeffbogard
jeff10 = kentucky COP
jdotaku = jdotaku
JHendrix = JHendrix
JMKurtz = Neobitz
JOe Musashi = I3th Racing
joe_higashi19 = JoeHigashi19
jonny419 = Jonny Dubs
Lagduf = Lagduf
KaedesDisciple = JOEY BLACKOUTS
Kazuya UK = Kazuya UK
Kid Aphex = rcpaskus
Kirk Foiden = AquaRed
Kpj = Kpj
Kristoff = ReverendCaliber
KumagaiToshiro = KumagaiToshiro
Kunai = Chnese Junk
Lovergoat = Lovergoat
Magician = Magician NG
matrimelee = K04 Passat
Mawdsley = Mawdsley2002
Metal Fatigue = kontact900
Michael Yagami = King Yak
MilkManX = MilkManX
MNK = alternatingbit
neobuyer = Van Klaun
NeoCverA = NeoCverA
NeoDragoN = NeoGojira
not sonic = n0t sonic
O. Yashiro = o63zr0freestyle
OMG2097 = Bofa DiezNutz
PerGradeGundam = TemJin3000
Phoenix Down = OrochiMaster
ProfessorFrink = The MC Hammer
Ramad = Mistah Jones
ray 7 = m0gz
RBjakeSpecial = Abikyokan
RevQuixo = RevQuixo
SamuraiShodownSensei = Dogyuun
Saturn2dfreak = MeltyBloodR3Act
Seijuro Hiko = 1st account: Akabane Kurodo, 2nd account: Kurodo Akabane
Shingo Hibiki = PolyesterMan
SNKJorge = USP V3RG340
Snooptalian = Snooptaliah
Soniku = Soniku17
soulthug = Soul SNK
SouthtownKid = Kiun
Spike Spiegel = Jorant
Superfamifreak = FamiDude
TemJin3000 = PerGradeGundam
thavarin = T H A V A R I N
The Chosen One = Neo Chosen 1
TheThirdMan = Roxas585
TonK = Digital Shower
thunder51 = ThundR
TrueTrials = Olly C
twalden = Sub Unit One
Underdog = twomins2midnite
Loopz = VoodooPeople
Wes = Wes Paul
Xian Xi = NeverBX
yagamikun = BOKUJIN
YuckMud = Moon Jump81


Super Spy Agent
May 24, 2006
You can add me.

Mfnpimp= Caleb1883

I still need someone to co-op with on Crackdown.


Slug Flyer Pilot
20 Year Member
Feb 18, 2002
Just added another Gamertag to game online with two systems, although it's only Halo 2 as I only have one 360.


I still have my original tag (Argentina94) but I use either.

BTW, that game is still fun, fuck the haters.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Just added another Gamertag to game online with two systems, although it's only Halo 2 as I only have one 360.


I still have my original tag (Argentina94) but I use either.

BTW, that game is still fun, fuck the haters.

It's fun but Halo 3 is better :tickled::emb:


Crossed Swords Knight
15 Year Member
Mar 5, 2004
Gameoz = lovikov

I seem to have less friends each time I get a 360:crying:

Of course this is only day two, so there is still hope.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Gameoz = lovikov

I seem to have less friends each time I get a 360:crying:

Of course this is only day two, so there is still hope.

Hey, i'm adding you now.

What 360 games do have for online play these days?


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002

Gamertag = Member
I3th Racing = JOe Musashi
Abikyokan = RBjakeSpecial
Akabane Kurodo = Seijuro Hiko
Alex Neuco = Alex Neuco
alternatingbit = MNK
applecrisp = beatifik
Appleidog = AppleiDog
AquaRed = Kirk Foiden
Argentina94 = Argentina94
Bofadieznutz = OMG2097
Beefy Hits = GregN.
BidEv82 = Big Shady
Billkwando = Billkwando
Bishamon = Bishamon
Blaine Blaine = Blaine
Blue Mary X = Darklighterx
Bofa DiezNutz = OMG2097
BOKUJIN = yagamikun
B0Y MEETS WORLD = Allien133
Bulletnyourass = Bulletnyourass
Bunnyears = Dan Elektro
Buro Destruct = Buro Destruct
buttasuperb = butta
Canada225 = Argentina94
Chnese Junk = Kunai
Circa2113 = Circa2113
Cynn = Cynn
DavidKSNK = DangerousK
Decepticreep = Decepticreep
DecimusRutilius = CurtWRX
Digital Shower = TonK
djdelly ng = djdelly
Dogyuun = SamuraiShodownSensei
FamiDude = Superfamifreak
Flaming Mop = daybona
Franco Bash = Franco Bash
galfordo = galfordo
Grinwing = Grinwing
HeartlessNinny = HeartlessNinny
Hermesgildo = hermegildo
Highlander1976 = Highlander67
Howdoin = Howdoin
Howitzer360 = Doctor Shroom
Insaneluchador = BouncingSoul
Jangofatt = Dinodoedoe
jdotaku = jdotaku
Jedah Dohma = Jedah Doma
jeffbogard = jeff bogard
Jeremy Forrest = greedostick
JHendrix = JHendrix
JoeHigashi19 = joe_higashi19
JOEY BLACKOUTS = KaedesDisciple
Jonny Dubs = jonny419
Jorant = Spike Spiegel
K04 Passat = matrimelee
Kazuya UK = Kazuya UK
kentucky COP = jeff10
King Yak = Michael Yagami
Kiun = SouthtownKid
kontact900 = Metal Fatigue
Kpj = Kpj
KumagaiToshiro = KumagaiToshiro
Kurodo Akabane = Seijuro Hiko
Lagduf = Lagduf
Lokai77 = Andyh
Lovergoat = Lovergoat
lovikov = Gameoz
Magician NG = Magician
Mathemabeat = broken
Mawdsley2002 = Mawdsley
MeltyBloodR3Act = Saturn2dfreak
Methione = ajk1080
MilkManX = MilkManX
Mistah Jones = Ramad
Mfnpimp = caleb1883
Mobius76 = GD
m0gz = ray 7
MoneyB32 = bigb32
Moon Jump81 = YuckMud
Neobitz = JMKurtz
Neo Chosen 1 = The Chosen One
NeoCverA = NeoCverA
NeoGojira = NeoDragoN
NeverBX = Xian Xi
n0t sonic = not sonic
o63zr0freestyle = O. Yashiro
Olly C = TrueTrials
OrochiMaster = Phoenix Down
Pure Gamerbilly = Aaron D
PolyesterMan = Shingo Hibiki
ReverendCaliber = Kristoff
RevQuixo = RevQuixo
rcpaskus = Kid Aphex
Roxas585 = TheThirdMan
skink517 = cannonball
Snooptaliah = Snooptalian
Soniku17 = Soniku
Soul SNK = soulthug
Sub Unit One = twalden
T H A V A R I N = thavarin
TheBigBB = dmhawkmoon
TheCoyoteGospel = Average Joe
The MC Hammer = ProfessorFrink
The Turntablist = DJ Daishi
ThundR = thundr51
tifosiotaku = ferrariman355
TSMMR 47 = chris1
twomins2midnite = Underdog
USP V3RG340 = SNKJorge
Van Klaun = neobuyer
VoodooPeople = Loopz
Wes Paul = Wes
xCHUNKY LOVER53 = Chunky Lover 53
yakumoHMJ = Hentai Sama

Member = Gamertag
ajk1080 = Methionine
Aaron D = Pure Gamerbilly
Alex Neuco = Alex Neuco
Allien133 = B0Y MEETS WORLD
AppleiDog = Appleidog
Andyh = Lokai77
Argentina94 = Argentina94 and Canada225
Average Joe = TheCoyoteGospel
beatifik = applecrisp
Bid Shady = BigEv82
bigb32 = MoneyB32
Billkwando = Billkwando
Bishamon = Bishamon
Blaine = Blaine Blaine
BouncingSoul = Insaneluchador
broken = Mathemabeat
Bulletnyourass = Bulletnyourass
Buro Destruct = Buro Destruct
butta = buttasuperb
caleb1883 = Mfnpimp
cannonball = skink517
chris1 = TSMMR 47
Chunky Lover 53 = xCHUNKY LOVER53
Circa2113 = Circa 2113
CurtWRX = DecimusRutilius
Cynn = Cynn
Dan Elektro = Bunnyears
DangerousK = DavidKSNK
Darklighterx = Blue Mary X
daybona = Flaming Mop
Decepticreep = Decepticreep
Dinodoedoe = Jangofatt
DJ Daishi = The Turntablist
djdelly = djdelly ng
dmhawkmoon = TheBigBB
Doctor Shroom = Howitzer360
ferrariman355 = tifosiotaku
Franco Bash = Franco Bash
galfordo = galfordo
Gameoz = lovikov
GregN. = Beefy Hits
greedostick = Jeremy Forrest
Grinwing = Grinwing
GD = Mobius76
HeartlessNinny = HeartlessNinny
Hentai Sama = yakumoHMJ
hermegildo = Hermesgildo
Highlander67 = Highlander1976
Howdoin = Howdoin
Jedah Doma = Jedah Dohma
jeff bogard = jeffbogard
jeff10 = kentucky COP
jdotaku = jdotaku
JHendrix = JHendrix
JMKurtz = Neobitz
JOe Musashi = I3th Racing
joe_higashi19 = JoeHigashi19
jonny419 = Jonny Dubs
Lagduf = Lagduf
KaedesDisciple = JOEY BLACKOUTS
Kazuya UK = Kazuya UK
Kid Aphex = rcpaskus
Kirk Foiden = AquaRed
Kpj = Kpj
Kristoff = ReverendCaliber
KumagaiToshiro = KumagaiToshiro
Kunai = Chnese Junk
Lovergoat = Lovergoat
Magician = Magician NG
matrimelee = K04 Passat
Mawdsley = Mawdsley2002
Metal Fatigue = kontact900
Michael Yagami = King Yak
MilkManX = MilkManX
MNK = alternatingbit
neobuyer = Van Klaun
NeoCverA = NeoCverA
NeoDragoN = NeoGojira
not sonic = n0t sonic
O. Yashiro = o63zr0freestyle
OMG2097 = Bofa DiezNutz
PerGradeGundam = TemJin3000
Phoenix Down = OrochiMaster
ProfessorFrink = The MC Hammer
Ramad = Mistah Jones
ray 7 = m0gz
RBjakeSpecial = Abikyokan
RevQuixo = RevQuixo
SamuraiShodownSensei = Dogyuun
Saturn2dfreak = MeltyBloodR3Act
Seijuro Hiko = 1st account: Akabane Kurodo, 2nd account: Kurodo Akabane
Shingo Hibiki = PolyesterMan
SNKJorge = USP V3RG340
Snooptalian = Snooptaliah
Soniku = Soniku17
soulthug = Soul SNK
SouthtownKid = Kiun
Spike Spiegel = Jorant
Superfamifreak = FamiDude
TemJin3000 = PerGradeGundam
thavarin = T H A V A R I N
The Chosen One = Neo Chosen 1
TheThirdMan = Roxas585
TonK = Digital Shower
thunder51 = ThundR
TrueTrials = Olly C
twalden = Sub Unit One
Underdog = twomins2midnite
Loopz = VoodooPeople
Wes = Wes Paul
Xian Xi = NeverBX
yagamikun = BOKUJIN
YuckMud = Moon Jump81


Crossed Swords Knight
15 Year Member
Mar 5, 2004
Hey, i'm adding you now.

What 360 games do have for online play these days?

Thanks...I will add you back.

I don't have any games yet but have dl'd a bunch of Arcade Live games (demos) and the Too Human demo.

I rented Soul Calibur 4 and will have that on Saturday. I will for sure be buying Fallout 3 and more than likely Gears of War 2 and Fable 2. Other than that, I may just rent what everyone else is playing, so that I can do some online gaming.

Is there a certain game that a lot of members play? What are you playing?