'Last Hope' Central thread


Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
xtoo_short20x said:
Agreed. For $700 it needs to have a Snap-Lock Case, not a shitty shockbox.


VinylBoy said:
Fran: No offense dude, HOWEVER... in one breath you're calling people "fanboys" for liking a homebrew. Then you state, "I am actually offended that people dare to develop stuff on my beloved neo geo". That's like a redneck calling his neighbor a hillbilly.



Most Prominent Member of Chat
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
Why does no one realize that HPMAN and Chamagne had no problem finding 25 buyers for Ghostlop 10 US, 10 JPN home carts, and 5 MVS kits at a almost 800 Euro. He will find 30-40 buyers at 700 bucks. Some of you need to chill out you sound like a bunch of jealous idiots just because you don't want to pay 700 bucks to play the game. I've never disgreed with Fran more than on the subject of homebrew games. That kind of position is completely retarded. Don't like the game, don't buy it. But to say that a venture like this is completely pointless? I just don't understand I guess.


Let Her Cook
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2005
This mans has little tiny pebbles in his head where his brain is supposed to be

Fran said:
a shallow shitty european r-type clone and the noobs are in awe

go play ikaruga or dragon blaze,damn

you all need a transfusion of good taste

only the japanese can make good video games,
is that *SO* hard to understand ?

but well,i am forgetting this is the place where hordes of fanboys want a stupid lame pc with stupid lame american games

( yes,i am talking about the x box 360 )

so it's prolly better to give up

love this kind of logic though :

"more megs = better game = badass !"

i mean,god,i stopped thinking like that when i was about 13

I bet your asshole could flatten a penny.

You mind if I put a penny in your asshole? I want a flat penny but I don't want to risk derailing a train.


Benimaru's Hairdresser
Feb 13, 2005

to the developpers

You have no answers to the question on the Neo Geo CD ?
are you interesting by a Neo Geo CD game version ?
it's easy to convert your game cadrige game than on CD game ?



Currently Active Users Viewing this Thread: 7 (3 members and 4 guests)
hermegildo, kuk, Shawn



Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Neo is primarily fighting games to me..

Its not the neo that made the games great, it was the developers who made something that would allow for such fierce and intelligent gaming competition. AES means nothing in the end, my greatest sorrow is reserved for people who've never experience a arcade with competent players. You could never understand just how fun these games can be, you can own every single one of them and not get it.

Walking into a cade with people playing KOF is one of the best feelings.


Aug 11, 2000
It’s great to have NG DEV.TEAM supporting the Neo-Geo. The developer is from Germany after all which is where many renowned products originate, from fast cars to elite appliances, and now original Neo-Geo software! Keep in mind that I’m not a huge fan of shooters, yet I felt this game was deserving of a quality home cart production. Just prior to the final home cart release, Samurai Shodown V Special, I attempted to have SNKP produce this game officially in limited quantities, but they were not interested. Their plans were already set to have SSVS be the final home release.

I wish there were more options for producing Last Hope. We know that SNKP has permanently moved on from the NeoGeo system, !Arcade! is no longer in business (but still needs to fill my order before he calls it quits for good), and that Vektorlogic is a possibility.

I definitely agree with the several posts I saw requesting that this title is released in the snap lock case. The NeoStore has plenty of new KoF 2001’s that could be used for this purpose, although I would need approval from SNKP before I could be involved. We need this kind of support to keep the Neo alive. Conversely, the best way to kill the interest is to kill the support. Hopefully that won’t be the case. Would also love to see the retail price below $400, perhaps if we can reach the numbers you need it can be done.

Mini review:
I received the prototype of Last Hope from the developer in May of 2004 and considering the unknown source my expectations were quite low. Not 11 meg Digger Man low, but I wasn’t expecting to be wow’d, no pun intended. I was immediately impressed with the graphics, sound effects, and the music. My 1st thought was that this must be some sort of port or rip from another system. No way would someone invest this kind of time into developing a game for the Neo without any solid reassurance of a release.

Last Hope is a challenging shooter, not a game you can beat in one night, not even if set to easy mode. The play style is in the category of R-Type, Last Resort, and Pulstar, requiring a strategy to progress (memorization of patterns). When you die, you are ported back to a restart point, and there are multiple restart points per stage. I also remember power ups and add-ons for your ship, but not a life bar, so there is not much room for many errors. This is definitely a game that will require a long while to master.

I also didn’t experience any glitches, which says a lot of time was already spent debugging. It’s clear that some talented programmers were involved in developing this new game and it would be a shame if it never saw some form of release.

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
Yeah, but was it $700 good? I may be asking the wrong person.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
to say it needs a snaplock case to be any good, and that you're willing to sac 2001's for it

is silly

release the rom, release it on neo-cd .. and sell it that way

hell - you know it'll be dumped in 24 seconds after purchase anyway.

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
lithy said:
Why does no one realize that HPMAN and Chamagne had no problem finding 25 buyers for Ghostlop 10 US, 10 JPN home carts, and 5 MVS kits at a almost 800 Euro. He will find 30-40 buyers at 700 bucks.

I already mentioned this. Anyway I don't know if the difference (homebrew vs official but canceled game) will increase or decrease sales.

About the case, well, if they actually need to sacrifice an AES cart for each unit it makes sense to just use the same case the AES cart is supposed to come with, possibly even cheaper than buying the shockboxes separately. Anyway it would be much better if they managed to produce their own carts via vektorlogic or whatever.

kernow said:
hell - you know it'll be dumped in 24 seconds after purchase anyway.

Ghostlop needed much more time than this, althought the fact it came by "surprise" and the extremely sandy vagina of most of its buyers might have been the caus, and possibly this Last Hope will not be the same.
Last edited:

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
Realistically, I wonder what the real demand for this game is? 10s or 100s. I'm leaning towards the former.


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
A new actual Neo Geo game would be nice. Since I only have MVS carts, I really wouldn't care about the snap lock issue. Though, if there is demand for the game, those with home systems definitely deserve them.



Tech Support Moderator,
20 Year Member
Aug 12, 2000
No, I don't know who they are, but I wish them the best of luck as I'm all for the homebrew scene.


Robi15 said:
JMKurtz, did you know about this game and these guys allrady!?!? Shawn HAS a test rom and has not yet made a post? humm what is going on..? Shawn, comon post a short review atleast!! Anyway a HQ video of the game IS needed. 700us is is a very high price tag but then again i do belive this game is gonna sell, allthough i think it will take a while. 50 units is not soooo much. It hangs over the respect you are gonna recieve. Most of us are not gonna be able to play this game cause the hefty price and that's why most of the ppl are angry right now.


Tech Support Moderator,
20 Year Member
Aug 12, 2000
WTF is your problem? Many, many, many awesome games were created by individuals with passion. You don't have to have a $3,000,000 budget or funky Japanese characters to make a game great. A game is great on it's on merit. You don't need to work for Rare, Bungee, id, or whoever to be a great programmer either. You should reserve your opinion on the game until you get a chance to play it.

To NGDEV.TEAM -- Keep pushing forward!


Fran said:
a shallow shitty european r-type clone and the noobs are in awe

go play ikaruga or dragon blaze,damn

you all need a transfusion of good taste

only the japanese can make good video games,
is that *SO* hard to understand ?

but well,i am forgetting this is the place where hordes of fanboys want a stupid lame pc with stupid lame american games

( yes,i am talking about the x box 360 )

so it's prolly better to give up

love this kind of logic though :

"more megs = better game = badass !"

i mean,god,i stopped thinking like that when i was about 13


Ass Troll,, Ignorant, , , , (Do Not Resuscitate)
Apr 4, 2003
make a cd release for under the $50,- and ill buy. make MSX, kof02, blazing star, strikers 1945+ or MOTW as a conversion and release them for the cd if possible and id buy it. are these kind of concersions possible, if so please inform. by the way if you guys can make a MOTW2 with added bg's and characters and some new playmechanics id even be willing to go buy an mvs setup for it.

anyway game looks really amazing for a homebrew game, some things in the backgrounds look like they came from other neo games (pulstar). is the game completely made form scratch or did you use bg's and such from other games and changed the collors?


20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2000
Now that Shawn and JMKurtz replied, the whole thing sounds more and more genuine. I love shooters and i see my self as a potential buyer..though 700us..well i'll deside when the game is actually released.. more pictures and a video..in HQ plz.. Last Hope's "OFFICIAL" homepage looks like a container..utterly shitty and the screen shots are allmost useless..more work there plz :-). Fran is a cool dude who speaks his mind.. respect but his words are not a law.. Now that NG DEV.TEAM made the Last Hope public, lets see how things evolve. NG DEV.TEAM, please present proper game info (meg count, levels, wepons etc) and screenshots..begin with that! :-)


20 Year Member
Nov 28, 2000
Shawn said:
...I wish there were more options for producing Last Hope. We know that SNKP has permanently moved on from the NeoGeo system, !Arcade! is no longer in business (but still needs to fill my order before he calls it quits for good), and that Vektorlogic is a possibility.


First, thanks for your post; it's nice to see you are still around despite what others might say.

RE: !Arcade!: Didn't Ray produce his own AES boards for some of his conversions? If he's "out of the business" is there any chance of picking any of these up as part of your buyout? (If in fact there were any left, either due to them actually being used or possibly destroyed as part of the SNK legal action).


Wasn't Vektorlogic talking at one time about AES releases of their MVS games as well? I had posted this question in a separate thread about their MVS game on eBay but never got a response. It's possible that they already have AES components designed in addition to MVS.


Ghost of Captain Kidd
May 14, 2002
OK, I have changed my mind. If the game does use a KOF 2001 for a sac cart and the game comes with a snap-lock case instead of a shock box, I will pay around $600 for it but it had better be good. That is all for now.

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
Makismo said:
OK, I have changed my mind. If the game does use a KOF 2001 for a sac cart and the game comes with a snap-lock case instead of a shock box, I will pay around $600 for it but it had better be good. That is all for now.

One born every minute.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
Makismo said:
OK, I have changed my mind. If the game does use a KOF 2001 for a sac cart and the game comes with a snap-lock case instead of a shock box, I will pay around $600 for it but it had better be good. That is all for now.

...prob the dumbest statement so far in this thread... seriously...

On topic tho... would I be one of those first in line to buy this?... No...

Once it gets dumped.... forking anything more than $200 usd for an original will make you look sorta dumb...

The ghostlop dumping thing showed us that once its out there then prices will plummet....

Still... I like shooters and wouldn't mind playing this... atm tho... I'm gonna buy myself a Megadrive with Gynoug... cost = About £15GBP...


Angel's Love Slave
Jun 18, 2001
@ NG: DEV.TEAM: Please ignore the ramblings of Makismo, he's the resident village idiot. :annoyed:


Nov 25, 2003
rotphungte said:
Still... I like shooters and wouldn't mind playing this... atm tho... I'm gonna buy myself a Megadrive with Gynoug... cost = About £15GBP...

Gynoug rocks! :buttrock:


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Verythrax said:
Gynoug rocks! :buttrock:


I would just like to state that the Ghostlop carts where bootlegs and a dump brought the price down because having the rom in your computer was as legit in all senses of the word, as having the bootleg cart. in this case however, a limited run produced by the makers of the game would have more legitimacy in cart form, and therefore I don't think you can draw a straight line between this instance and the Ghostlop fiasco. time will tell surely.


Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
Mar 14, 2003
Greywolf said:
@ NG: DEV.TEAM: Please ignore the ramblings of Makismo, he's the resident village idiot. :annoyed:


That's me!

Anyway, I think Shawn's suggestions sound good. If he has enough sac carts with KOF 2001, that would be ideal. That way, the game could be released using new parts and would get brand new snap-lock cases. Using non-SNK boards is a bad idea IMO - the quality of the !Arcade! boards just isn't there, sorry.

Also, I'm glad to hear that Shawn was impressed with the quality of this title. The thought of having a great new Neo shooter is pretty awesome.

I'm interested to see how this one turns out. Not quite sure that I'm $700 interested, but if it's a terrific shooter for the Neo, who knows. I don't really give a fuck what people think about the way I spend my money.