Mod team updates

Aug 11, 2000
Bobak has accepted the position of an Administrator for our forums. He has been a moderator here since the very beginning, and he has served us as an unofficial administrator for quite some time. It's also worth noting that Bobak will be graduating law school this next weekend! We are very fortunate to have such an over qualified moderator and avid debater accept this promotion officially.

Takumaji, a multi-lingual (German, English, Dutch) from Germany, who can also read some French and Italian, has been promoted to moderator for the International Forums. Although Takumaji was voted in by the mod team, he definitely appears to be the logical choice for the role.

Also, if you feel like you are interested in contributing to this community and playing a larger roll, an opportunity will be offered for certain positions. More information to be announced soon.

Possibilities include:
Dedicated language specific forum moderators
MVS Price guide analyst
Game review editor
…and more

Feel free to post ideas in this thread suggesting positions or website rolls that you feel should be offered.


Choi's Clawmaker
Jan 26, 2003
Shawn said:
We are very fortunate to have such an over qualified moderator and avid debater accept this promotion officially.
Shawn's polite way of saying Bobak talks too much and has beautiful hair. :cool:

I will be most curious about the reaction to the price guide analyst thing.


custom rank,
20 Year Member
Feb 6, 2001
Shawn said:
Bobak has accepted the position of an Administrator for our forums. He has been a moderator here since the very beginning, and he has served us as an unofficial administrator for quite some time. It's also worth noting that Bobak will be graduating law school this next weekend! We are very fortunate to have such an over qualified moderator and avid debater accept this promotion officially.

Takumaji, a multi-lingual (German, English, Dutch) from Germany, who can also read some French and Italian, has been promoted to moderator for the International Forums. Although Takumaji was voted in by the mod team, he definitely appears to be the logical choice for the role.

Also, if you feel like you are interested in contributing to this community and playing a larger roll, an opportunity will be offered for certain positions. More information to be announced soon.

Possibilities include:
Dedicated language specific forum moderators
MVS Price guide analyst
Game review editor
…and more

Takumaji i think everyone agree's is a great choice he definately knows his shit when it comes to Neo Games.

Bobak on the other hand :lol:


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
I would offer to help mod gaming, if I wasnt so damn lazy as a poster as is =(


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
If you need anybody to mod the online section, I'm there. I usually spend a lot of time there anyway, and it'd be cool to coordinate online tournaments and whatnot.


Belnar Institute Student
Jul 19, 2004
Stinky-Dinkins - Idiot Moderator. Make it happen :buttrock:

Also, Takumaji as International mod, is this alongside FTL or replacing?


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
I don't have anything specific to bring to the table, but it would be very cool to contribute something.

edit:Actually I'd be up for working on reviews. I don't really think in the capacity of reviewer - unless that would involve the beat 'em ups (neo geo doesn't have a good selection of these, but they are my live's passion videogames-wise).

The review section needs a decent amount of work. It could be a really interesting section. the current reviews themselves are for the most part excellent. It would still be really good to work on that.
Last edited:

Aug 11, 2000
Mawdsley said:
Also, Takumaji as International mod, is this alongside FTL or replacing?

Takumaji is joining FTL for moderating the International forums, as shown here.

Also, this thread is not intended for the sign-ups, that time will come later. I was just hoping that some of you would share your ideas on what positions should be opened or created. Can be related to any section on, or a section that you feel should be added.


RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
I think creative section is long over-due an active moderator.


20 Year Member
Apr 15, 2002
NeoCverA said:
I think creative section is long over-due an active moderator.

If we would need another one, you would definitely be my pick.....but honestly, what's there to moderate?

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
I think we need some active mods that can move the wrong threads to the right place, delete the "bot spam accounts", etc. And a MVS price guide analyst should be one of the top priorities.
I guess I could mod the Spanish forum, but really, there's very few stuff to moderate there so far.


Choi's Clawmaker
Jan 26, 2003
Amano Jacu said:
I think we need some active mods that can move the wrong threads to the right place, delete the "bot spam accounts", etc. And a MVS price guide analyst should be one of the top priorities.
I guess I could mod the Spanish forum, but really, there's very few stuff to moderate there so far.
The moving of threads and deleting the obvious bad accounts is a regular activity and doesn't need more hands at the moment. And if anything, we probably don't need more full mods at the moment, but instead people that can contribute to the site's content as Shawn alludes to.

On that idea, I suggest somethings like:
- MVS KIT price guide analyst
- Reviews section keeper
- A Fanart webpage: separate, fully graphical display of artwork, inserts, etc
- Collections page keeper
- better FAQ section: mods, common questions
- links page: other sites that have useful info

Ideas for the forums:
- Contract 24-bit and Hyper64 and General Discussion into "Neo Hardware Discussion".
- Expand gaming discussion to include other systems, breaking down like this into Classic Gaming (up to 16-bit era), last Gen (up Saturn/N64), and new Gen (Dreamcast forward)
- Contract King of Fighters into Gameplay

I think, to keep the site bustling, we need to accept more than Neo discussion. Yes, keep Neo Discussion at the top of the page, but open the forums up to other systems and chat. The life of is in the personality of the members, born by the Neo. But, not as many new comers these days due to the Neo having no new development. You could argue though, people come in "for the Neo". The trick is to get them to STAY for the complete content here. Less single-time visits.

Also, I'd like to see embracing of SNK products in other ways. Atomiswave, though that's covered in the Arcade forum; ports (put Jorge in charge :kekeke: ) to new systems, etc.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
I could tackle gaming. Granted I aint perfect, but I could probably help out. Until next semester comes I pretty much have free time at this point, lemme know.

I've been kinda a dick on this issue, but if I could help out in the gaming forum in any way, im all for it.


Canadian Moderator
20 Year Member
Apr 9, 2003
I don't know if it's fiesable (sp?) due to bandwidth, but would it be possible to break the KOF section down into years? That way if you have a particular question or strategy or whatever, you can post it pertaining to that characters specific year. I mean, Robert is hardly the same in every KOF, right?

Anyways, now that Bobak's an admin, he can fix my account right? right?! RIGHT?!!

:loco: :loco:



Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Nov 14, 2003
If we would need another one, you would definitely be my pick.....but honestly, what's there to moderate?

Heck, if NeoC mod'd the creative forums I'd definitely get back into making inserts ;)

At times that forum can be a scatter/gather of insert designs, some fan art, and the inevitable "look at what I did in web design 101" :loco: Having NeoCverA or other proactive members run that forum might help keep it on track. Food for thought...


Die Gans,
20 Year Member
Nov 16, 2001
Bobak & Tak : good people, imo.

D-Lite : D-Mod

mvs analyst : haha. would never waste my time with again.

about time something happens around here ...


Buriki One Master
Feb 4, 2003
We should expand the FAQ's section to inlude pocket, hyper, and technical.

It seems Joe McCabe doesn't have much time for the collections page anymore so maybe it's time to find someone new

I also agree with the MVS Kit Price Guide Analyst and also think it'd be nice to have something along these lines as well. J's site is very useful to kit collectors, and it would be nice to see something like that incorporated here. I know there is a kit pics section but many are missing, and most are English. And it's easier to just look down a list and see what should or should not be included in a kit.

I think this site should remain focused on the Neo. People should come for the Neo and stay for the Neo. I understand that a person isn't JUST a Neo fan, so of course discussions on other systems/games is cool. But I still think the Neo should have top billing and heavy emphasis. We've lost the Pocket forums already and now if you have a thread on the Pocket it gets buried under Tonk's PSP/DS posts ;) I don't mind a handhelds forum but the Neo shouldn't be lumped in with the rest. I just don't want to lose more forums this way. I understand some of the forums don't get much traffic such as the Pocket (well used to be) and Hyper forums, but I'm sure there's a better solution than dumping them in with all other systems or whatnot. The Neo Hardware thing isn't a bad idea but I think the Neo deserves more than one forum. Again I think the emphasis should be on the Neo with a side of others systems/games. Not the other way around.

And maybe we should be coming up with more ways to motivate people to become more involved. How many new FAQ's or Reviews have been submitted lately? Maybe try to do something to get people playing some of those Neo games that are collecting dust. I remember that when the FAQ's section started there was a nice little contest. Maybe some more stuff like that.


Disciple Of Orochi
Jan 5, 2004
NeoCverA said:
I think creative section is long over-due an active moderator.
praedicator said:
Heck, if NeoC mod'd the creative forums I'd definitely get back into making inserts ;)
I think it's almost a given that NeoCverA sould be a creative forum mod. I will also throw Big Bear's name in there to.


20 Year Member
Jun 27, 2001
I would love to be able to help out in the forums if needed. I have free time at night and am here more and more nowadays. If you feel I can help out, please let me know as my services are here for you. I have graduated in 3D and web development and would love the opportunity to use these skills.



Choi's Clawmaker
Jan 26, 2003
supergoose79 said:
Bobak & Tak : good people, imo.

D-Lite : D-Mod

mvs analyst : haha. would never waste my time with again.

about time something happens around here ...
I think you might be the only one that thinks so highly of me.

Your post contributes nothing to this conversation and can easily be considered as spam.

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
DevilRedeemed said:
-Just to extend upon my last post: AW reviews/review section?

I agree here, we need an Atomiswave dedicated section, there's already a SNK(P) game on it, Neowave, and 3 more are coming "soon" and look awesome so far (NGBC, Samurai Tenka, KoF XI). I guess the discussion can be well integrated, like until now, in the Arcade board, but we need a section in the main site with a FAQ and game reviews. I'm actually working in a FAQ that can be found here (incomplete so far):

I wouldn't mind to have it hosted here as well. I'm also working on small reviews of games, but could do more detailed ones for this site as well.