The Jigen Memorial MVS Label List Project - Beta Rollout


I'm getting too old for this shit...,
Oct 30, 2001
First, I would like to apologize to everyone who posted, emailed, or sent in labels to be added to the database in the last couple of years. Due to personal reasons and a fair amount of laziness those contributions did not get updated on the site. You guys made the effort to scan them and send them in and I did not follow up. Unacceptable on my part, and I hope to now have this remedied.

Ok, so on to very good news - rcantor77 has agreed to take on the administration of the label database and get it updated from it's currently neglected state. We are in the process of getting him set up on the website as the database admin, and he now has a nifty new email address - Over the next couple of weeks he will be delving into the mess that is my SQL doodlings and making sense of it in order to be able to get it all updated as it should be.

The bad news; I don't know that I have all the labels that were emailed to me over the last year or two.

If you would - and I know I am asking you to do something that you already did and I dropped the ball - please email them to both and and I promise you that they will be updated in the coming weeks. We will need some time to get the database cobwebs dusted off, but I am committed to doing just that - no matter what it takes.

Once the database is updated and minty fresh, you may very likely see some postings about giving your input for changes you would like to see on the harMVS site. Please give that some thought, and when the time comes, let us know.

Again, I apologize for letting this get as outdated as it has and I appreciate all the contributions made - they will be recognized.


Nov 29, 2001
Hi Briggs

I remember offering to assist with the site some time back. Sorry that did not eventuate.
Im also rather busy at the moment and I must admit my web site skills are far from brilliant.
Best of luck keeping Hard MVS on the road, it is a great resource which we can expand on.
I would like to help out on the tech side of this. My expertese is more on the monitors than the mobos.


Lee Gray

Better Than Krauser
20 Year Member
Sep 21, 2001
Its hard to believe Clint has been dead for 8 and a half years now...was thinking about him today.


Real Time User Mokum,
Oct 28, 2002
I think about him pretty much every time I log on on these boards. It's impressive how a person I didn't even met I person can be felt so "alive" even after such a long time.

I miss him and now that I'm a father myself I just think about his parents and how much they must have suffered.



Not to be confused with H&M,
Nov 14, 2001
I think about him pretty much every time I log on on these boards. It's impressive how a person I didn't even met I person can be felt so "alive" even after such a long time.

I miss him and now that I'm a father myself I just think about his parents and how much they must have suffered.


He still pops up in my mind from time to time. I never really interacted much with him but he was quite a prominent memory.

Abitus sed non oblitus.


Baseball Star Hitter
Oct 23, 2010

Getting internal server errors for a while now. Any chance of this getting fixed? Maybe they could be hosted on here.

Unfortunately it seems that something has changed with the hosting and I have been unable to login for a while... I have been messaging Josh both on here and email to try and resolve but been getting no response.

If anyone is still in contact with Josh can you please drop me a PM.