File this one under "Dafuq, Sega??": Comedy Central Golden Axe tv series officially happening


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
comic books to Vidya games. it's because of that damn Mario movie and sonic movie.


Belnar Institute Student
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
I'm still waiting for the comix zone movie that was announced years ago.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Is Comedy Central even still a thing? I thought it was basically like MTV now where they have like 1 actual show and everything else is just 8 hour blocks of garbage on a loop.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Is Comedy Central even still a thing? I thought it was basically like MTV now where they have like 1 actual show and everything else is just 8 hour blocks of garbage on a loop.
Literally the most shocking thing to me about America now is this. It used to be TV show marathons were a special thing. Now they have become the norm. It was utterly bizarre.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Is Comedy Central even still a thing? I thought it was basically like MTV now where they have like 1 actual show and everything else is just 8 hour blocks of garbage on a loop.
Basically all the studios are under the Paramount banner now and the networks are just brands they use to broadcast their shows. Comedy Central gets stuff like South Park and Beavis and Butt-Head, MTV gets all the reality shows for 14 year old girls, CBS gets procedural crime dramas. But in reality it's all just content they're churning out for streaming and the broadcast is just a stop along the way.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
For a second, I got excited thinking it was Mike McMahon of 2000AD fame and we'd get a Golden Axe in the vein of his Slaine work. But it's the Lower Decks guy. Oh well.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Literally the most shocking thing to me about America now is this.

But seriously it started around when streaming really took off. A lot of networks just kind of gave up and there were sooo many cable channels to fill but I guess enough people kept watching and advertisers kept paying. Before I got rid of cable it was really depressing, just channel after channel of junk in 8 hour blocks. Just absolute crapolla like My 600 lb Tumor Wedding, Swamp Truckers Makeover, Moderately Attractive Woman House Remodeling etc. Why produce more content when there are 20 seasons of Impractical Jokers? That's a whole channel right there.

I honestly don't know anyone who still has cable though so no idea how bad it is now.

Streaming isn't much better when you actually look at the top 10 lists for shows, there's still an unbelievable amount of reality garbage. A huge segment of the population just wants to turn their brains off and programming that can be consumed while also fucking around on a social media is their go-to. I hate to say it but I mostly blame women, the amount of intelligent females who consume nothing but garbage TV is insanely high.

Even though there's more high level TV then there's ever been I don't think anybody is rewatching it. It comes out people watch and then it's on to the next thing, nothing is special anymore.

But it's the Lower Decks guy. Oh well.
Ugh. Well I know exactly what it's going to look and sound like, just like every other animated "adult" show on streaming. That whole side of the animation industry is sad. Absolutely zero creativity in what is arguably a medium that has the most potential for creativity and originality.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Literally the most shocking thing to me about America now is this. It used to be TV show marathons were a special thing. Now they have become the norm. It was utterly bizarre.
Is it really shocking? I used to need cable TV like any other utility, and now I haven't had a cable/satellite subscription in at least a decade, Most people under 40 probably haven't watched cable TV outside of a an older family member's house or a doctors office.
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20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Is it really shocking? I used to need cable TV like any other utility, and now I haven't had a cable/satellite subscription in at least a decade, Most people under 40 probably haven't watched cable TV outside of a and older family member's house or a doctors office.

I haven’t had cable TV in over a decade. I only watch it when I go to my parents home. I just turned 40 lol.

Cable and broadcast may as well be dead. I’m over streaming at this point as well. These days it will take a lot for me to sub to a streaming service and even then I’m probably only doing it for a single month to watch the entirety of a season.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Might be 20 years for me this year. It was either 2003 or 2004 that I dumped cable.


Philadelphia Freeman,
20 Year Member
Mar 10, 2002
Ugh. Well I know exactly what it's going to look and sound like, just like every other animated "adult" show on streaming. That whole side of the animation industry is sad. Absolutely zero creativity in what is arguably a medium that has the most potential for creativity and originality.



A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Yarp. I've only gone home a total of four months in the past twelve years. Some things I've kept up with and a lot I haven't. But the degradation of TV was the biggest shock, because I wasn't expecting it to be so different. It wasn't even that bad in 2019. But last October, man I really felt like I was in The Twilight Zone every time I turned on the TV. Channels used to at least have some semblance of character. I would even say they used to be a kind of safe space, do you guys understand me? There was nothing better than being with family and watching Simpsons on Sunday nights.

But they went full Idiocracy and said fuck you here's a 12 hour marathon of whatever. It feels so sterile. No safe space anymore.

Mot said something a few months back, how the MASH finale was viewed by 100 million people. That will never happen again. There's a show called The Good Doctor that is pretty decent that I only found out about a few weeks ago. It's been on since 2017. What TV shows bring people together anymore in 2024? I have no idea.


Belnar Institute Student
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
What is tv like in China. Do they have Netflix style streaming services.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I don't even have a TV. About a year ago it made the news that a lot of people are upset at what TV has become, in that it's no longer a 'turn on the TV and flip to a channel', it's all just a big menu now where you have subscriptions. I really enjoyed flipping through the channels twelve years ago. Can't do that anymore.

I use this web site to watch TV shows or anything, all free streaming, I got the latest season of Curb here:


Tung's Hair Stylist
10 Year Member
Mar 9, 2012
Remember the feeling of when a movie was shown on cable for the first time ever? That was always so fun as a kid to see a big blockbuster movie on tv at home for the first time.

I would say cable/satellite is worse now, as they have basically stopped showing any movies outside a certain rotation. No one mentioned the cost either, over $100 a month for a Directv subscription now just to watch the races and pro wrestling basically. I know more and more people who don’t watch tv at all

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
We changed our living room round and I realised I needed to run the TV aerial under the carpet to reach the new TV location. I couldn't be bothered there and then, that was 2 years ago and no one has mentioned it


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
If it's completely unhinged, I'll watch it.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Mot said something a few months back, how the MASH finale was viewed by 100 million people. That will never happen again. There's a show called The Good Doctor that is pretty decent that I only found out about a few weeks ago. It's been on since 2017. What TV shows bring people together anymore in 2024? I have no idea.
I'd say the last days of event cable would have been around The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, GOT era.

One of the things that kind of ruined the event model of old was that the shows just go on for too long, get crappy spinoffs no one asked for and most importantly they tend to nosedive in quality. GOT totally shit the bed, TWD went on far too long with no direction and has like 3 spinoffs that all suck.

House of Dragons started off really rough but turned around a couple episodes in, but the the lingering stink from GOT really kept a lot of people from even bothering with it. That's happened with a lot of shows, people don't want to invest a ton of time only to be disappointed, which is what happens 75% of the time. Hell it just happened again with True Detective.

Also there's no build up anymore with series since so many streaming services just dump an entire season for people to binge. That leads to nobody really digesting what they watch anymore, they're constantly just looking for the next thing to consume and immediately forget. The big season or series finale doesn't leave much of an impact when you binged an entire series in a single weekend like some sort of hypnotized zombie.

Plus theatrical movies have started to become events again with stuff like Barbie, Oppenheimer, Mario etc. Theaters were almost exclusively dominated by MCU, DC and SW for so long that streaming and cable kind of had to pick up the slack. Now it's switching back again since comic book and SW movies have burnt themselves out and there's room in theaters for other things.
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Crossed Swords Squire
10 Year Member
Feb 12, 2010
I'm curious what direction they will go with this.

We might see someone try to hump a dragon.