Recent content by Tidus Vash

  1. Tidus Vash

    Sticky sided cooling pads.

    I'm looking for that pad material that is cold to the touch, used for electronics. I've had it on some of my neo-geo boards. It's maybe an eighth of an inch thick, sticky on one side, and usually black in color. I've tried googling for it but I don't know any namebrands. If I search for cooling...
  2. Tidus Vash

    Where is the video ram?

    What is the location of the video ram on a MV4F board? Also, does anyone have board schematics for this board in pdf format they would be willing to send me?
  3. Tidus Vash

    ASUS mobo

    I started to post this in 'unrelated' since it isn't about Neo-Geo, but since it is a techinical question, I figured I'd go for it. I've built another computer but have hit a major hitch. I can't interface with it... All I can get to is the initial bios screen asking me to select my cpu...
  4. Tidus Vash

    Metal Slug 5 Tarma

    My MS5 locks up on the character selection screen if someone chooses Tarma. Is anyone else having this problem? Is it a bug?
  5. Tidus Vash

    Someone just asked me this...

    Someone just asked me this question, and for the first time, I realized I didn't know. What does "SNK" actually stand for?
  6. Tidus Vash

    Dance Dance Revolution flash card

    Sorry for posting DDR machine questions here, but this seems to be a very helpful tech forum for arcade games in general. What exactly does the 32mb flash card in a DDR machine do? What information does it store, and why is it not necessary for the 1st, 2nd, Solo2000, and Bass mixes to have...
  7. Tidus Vash

    thread lock request

    Not that I'm horribly upset, but this thread is like an infomercial for justifying a bootleg. Plus, it's the same arguments LOOPED for fifteen pages.
  8. Tidus Vash

    Wonder what neo games the non-neo kids play?

    here's some miscellaneous info that hopefully someone will find interesting if not, eh, here it is anyway Well, I have a Neo-Geo machine for public play stuck in the game store* next to our shop. *Yugio, Pokemon, DBZ, MtG, Mechwarrior type store* Today I was curious to see what these kids...
  9. Tidus Vash

    fav JAMMA

    I was wondering what some members of this forum's favorite JAMMA/modified JAMMA games are. Whether they be single PCBs or stuff like CPSII. Mine would be Puzzle Fighter and any Darkstalker game. *sorry if there is already an old topic like this floating around somewhere <small>[ July 31...
  10. Tidus Vash

    soccer game

    Aside from Baseball Stars 2, I have no Neo-Geo sports games. I'm looking for a cool soccer game and was wondering which one is the coolest or best all around.
  11. Tidus Vash

    ssssssssssst BOOM!

    I had a sound amp pop and ignite into a small fireball today. Now I'm looking for clues as to why (yes, the power supply is at 5v and I can't find a short). I'm asking for specs or info any of you can give me regarding Capcom Q-Sound on CPSII boards. Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom to be...
  12. Tidus Vash

    does it fit?

    Will a six slot MVS board fit comfortably into a dedicated Neo-Geo cabinet designed for a four slot board? I've seen pictures of the six slot but I do not actually have one. I would like to buy a six slot board and swap it with my four slot, but I'm not going to bother if it means serious...
  13. Tidus Vash

    green screen o' death

    This has probably come up several times on this message board, but I don't visit that much. I apologize in advance if my post seems redundant. I bought a two slot mvs today. I get the green screen o' death, but only on the second slot. I just wanted to know what the more common causes of the...
  14. Tidus Vash

    board schematics

    Does anyone have a set of NEO-MVH MV4 board schematics? If you need more info than that, let me know. Jpegs would be fine, if they are readable. Please help if you can. Thank you.
  15. Tidus Vash

    no sound

    I have a 4-slot MVS. It has no sound. I've tried adjusting the volume, and I've checked the test menu. It says "SOUND OFF" and I can't turn it on. If I try a sound test; left, right, or center, I get nothing. I've checked the speakers, they seem to be working fine and all connections seem...