Recent content by That Guy

  1. That Guy

    Anchorage Alaska.

    Is there anyone in the Anchorage area that's reputable and can mod my AES?
  2. That Guy

    Not SNK related, but videogame related.

    My gaming passion extends to just about all platforms, much as some of you. So I extend my question to the experts here of all things gaming related. I just learned that you can install a HDD in a PS2, however I don't know what a HDD looks like and what model is right. Mine PS2, which is the...
  3. That Guy

    Pricing for a CDZ.

    Hey all. Before I make a post in the marketplace, I was going to ask the general consensus of what I should sell my NeoGeo CD-Z (Boxed) along with five games. I hate to part with it, but I have some medical issues that are getting expensive. Included would be: 1) Metal Slug 2 2) KoF 94, 95...
  4. That Guy

    So.......this new video.....

    Whats that all about? Where did he come from and how did I miss all that drama? Seems kinda foolish to come to this forum and expect to get free shit and then get mad when you get ridiculed for trying to freeload. :scratch:
  5. That Guy

    Post Your Recent Purchases!

    New to my collection.
  6. That Guy

    Ok....time to earn my screen name.

    I'm trying to catch up with all the threads containing the drama of ChrisR and Dion. That's alot of fucking threads to read through.... Now on to the question that may or may not start a shit storm: How come I see ChrisR Still posting on here instead of being banned from posting on the...
  7. That Guy

    New Alaska Post.

    Did a search, found only two posts with no responses. The newest one was in 2006. Hope maybe there are more folks to meet since the last attempted post 7 years ago. I am moving to Anchorage starting tomorrow.
  8. That Guy

    What is Unibios?

    As the title suggests, I am curious. I have searched for a definitive answer both on the forums and google with no success.
  9. That Guy

    Problem with my collection page under the Collection Forum.

    Can't get the very large "attached" photos to delete from the page for some reason. Can ya point me to where I messed it up? It's the last two super sized photos of my CDZ and something else....can't scroll fast enough to find out.
  10. That Guy

    Post Your Recent Purchases!

    Finally got here!
  11. That Guy

    Master list error?

    I was trying to look up the US AES Kof '94 picture and got an error message. Looked under '95 and it has '94 posted under that year. Is it an error on the page or am I an idiot? The latter is mostly true in most situations....
  12. That Guy

    NGCD Controller D-Pad broken.

    Down direction isn't working. Any links on how to fix, send off to get fixed? Thanks!
  13. That Guy

    XRGB-mini photos (or, how I learned to let go of my CRT...and I am better off)

    When I hear RGB and Component Cables this is what I am thinking. Am I talking the same things as you guys or just confusing myself like a babbling idiot?