Tempest's latest activity

  • Tempest
    Tempest replied to the thread CRT Fetish Thread.
    I didn't see anything labeled cut off in the service menu. For USER (the user adjusted color temp) I did see Red and Green B/O but I'm...
  • Tempest
    Tempest replied to the thread CRT Fetish Thread.
    I honestly haven't noticed it outside of the color bars. Do you think I need to mess with it? I'm not sure I want to tinker with...
  • Tempest
    Tempest replied to the thread CRT Fetish Thread.
    Ok and what do I do with it? How do I use it to fix that?
  • Tempest
    Tempest replied to the thread CRT Fetish Thread.
    I have a 5X Pro that I was going to use as a CRT replacement, but as it turns out my TV is too old and crappy so when the screen scrolls...
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    • IMG_6042.JPG
  • Tempest
    Tempest replied to the thread CRT Fetish Thread.
    What exactly do you mean by 'progressively faded color bars match each other'. Can you give me a screenshot example? I don't think I'm...
  • Tempest
    Tempest replied to the thread CRT Fetish Thread.
    True. I was looking more for a starting point I guess. What's a good game to use as a color reference? Something where you can easily...
  • Tempest
    Tempest replied to the thread CRT Fetish Thread.
    Well I have 240p suite on my SNES and Genesis, but what do I use as a reference? I guess I could pull a picture of the color bars up on...
  • Tempest
    Tempest replied to the thread CRT Fetish Thread.
    It's nice to see this thread is still going strong after all these years... Question for the group: I got my hands on a PVM 20M4U and...