Recent content by Marcel1980

  1. M

    RGB adjustment knobs

    My rgb of my CMVS is way to bright. So i want to add rgb knobs to my CMVS. But there is soooo much choice in knobs and i really dont know what i need for this... And i mean in specifications and in ohms. So can i use this one for this? ...
  2. M

    Audio points on the mv1-fz

    Small question and very simpel question i think. I am looking for left en right audio points on the mv1fz on the underside of the board. Can use these? The A and B.
  3. M

    Is this a sync problem?

    I got this CMVS based on a MV1FZ. I hooked it up through a euro scart on a Samsung LCD tv. No it has a small glitch. But i dont what it is and how i can solve it. I made a small movie ;