Recent content by djtachyon

  1. D

    Video Board Fix Successful, Now for other Problems.

    Okay guys .. thought I would update you all on my project (for those of you who care) I successfully replaced the V-Size 500 Ohm pot with a Radioshack 1K Ohm Micro-Size Pot., 500VDC, 0.1Watt. I works quite well. Unfortunately, it didn't fix all the video problems. I am getting some...
  2. D

    Arcade Expo, Rochester, NY -> Nov 25-26

    Seems there is some arcade expo and sale in Rochester, NY at the Dome Center this weekend! It isn't on the website but it was all over the newspaper here! I'm going in about an hour! Tachyon
  3. D

    Neo-Geo MVS Questions/Concerns, First Time Poster

    Hello all, glad to be part of the crowd now :tickled: I am a computer engineer, so nothing will probably go over my head. So my buddy and I just obtained a US Neo-Geo MVS 4-Cart Box. We had to get a new power supply from a local arcade dealer but are now running into a couple problems...