Rock star, film star, porn star, sports star

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Which one and why?


Leona's Therapist
Feb 10, 2016
This should have been a war room thread.

The answer is obvious.



Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Is the question which one we want to be, or the one we want to fuck?

Because both answers are Rockstar.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Film star. Because I am a frustrated actor. I like writing music, but I do this for myself and that's enough, objectively speaking my stuff is pretty lame. As for porn, its just a bit degrading, not to women necessarily, just in general, but it's cool, people fucking and getting payed for it.
As a kid and younger person I did a few acting gigs but didn't persue it, which I regret. I took a few acting classes some years back and I was really bad, stiff, inhibited, just shit. I blame the teacher, but also and mostly myself
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There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
None of those. They all seem miserable after a while.

About the getting paid for fucking thing, I don't think people recognize the pitfall of doing something like that for a job... letting it become boring and associating it with work. I mean, there's some danger of that in doing anything you love as a career, but this job in particular could really skew your life negatively in a fundamental way. Also, I don't know if I find it degrading so much as I find it depressing to be surrounded by people who have made poor life choices.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
None of those. They all seem miserable after a while.

Yeah, be careful what you wish for. Being a porn star was never appealing because who wants some faggot aiming a camera up your ass while you dip your wick in a human petri dish. Performing arts and sports careers can take a heavy toll on both body and mind. Anonymity is an underappreciated freedom.


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
Rock star, easily.

Great money, great lifestyle, you can let yourself go and still get plenty of pussy. You can change it up and keep releasing material even when your old.

Film star is close but the process of actually making a movie seems very boring compared to making music. Plus, as a musician you can perform in front of thousands live.


Maxima's Barber
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
Probably rock star - I have a background in music, specifically vocal training and performance. I've done a fair bit of acting through my college years, but I've always sang and wish I would have had more encouragement/avenues to pursue something to do with my voice. That said, I love my job now and I'm in a good spot so I don't have many regrets even though things sucked for a while. I actually do a lot of voice over work for e-learning programs and educational videos as well, so I guess I'm using my voice in some way even though it's not music oriented.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Aug 18, 2020

I do not like being in the spotlight. Privacy is a nice thing

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
If you had super powers, what would you use them for? The most typical answer, and probably not well thought out, is save the world. I say not thought out because saving the world, for most people, is probably ego driven and is more a desire to be a star, and adored by billions of fans. But back to saving the world, we do have super powers compared to other creatures. We are super intelligent. And we can use our powers, against the best efforts of the 7 billion plus super villains of the world, towards conservation efforts, helping wildlife sanctuaries, defending the oceans and seas from over fishing, and promoting regulations that curb corporate pollution and waste. Real heroism is a thankless job, but it is still heroism, and real.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
If you had super powers, what would you use them for? The most typical answer, and probably not well thought out, is save the world. I say not thought out because saving the world, for most people, is probably ego driven and is more a desire to be a star, and adored by billions of fans. But back to saving the world, we do have super powers compared to other creatures. We are super intelligent. And we can use our powers, against the best efforts of the 7 billion plus super villains of the world, towards conservation efforts, helping wildlife sanctuaries, defending the oceans and seas from over fishing, and promoting regulations that curb corporate pollution and waste. Real heroism is a thankless job, but it is still heroism, and real.

Are you using superpowers to save my thread?


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
If you had super powers, what would you use them for? The most typical answer, and probably not well thought out, is save the world. I say not thought out because saving the world, for most people, is probably ego driven and is more a desire to be a star, and adored by billions of fans. But back to saving the world, we do have super powers compared to other creatures. We are super intelligent. And we can use our powers, against the best efforts of the 7 billion plus super villains of the world, towards conservation efforts, helping wildlife sanctuaries, defending the oceans and seas from over fishing, and promoting regulations that curb corporate pollution and waste. Real heroism is a thankless job, but it is still heroism, and real.

Get off the vinegar, poofta!


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
If you had super powers, what would you use them for? The most typical answer, and probably not well thought out, is save the world. I say not thought out because saving the world, for most people, is probably ego driven and is more a desire to be a star, and adored by billions of fans. But back to saving the world, we do have super powers compared to other creatures. We are super intelligent. And we can use our powers, against the best efforts of the 7 billion plus super villains of the world, towards conservation efforts, helping wildlife sanctuaries, defending the oceans and seas from over fishing, and promoting regulations that curb corporate pollution and waste. Real heroism is a thankless job, but it is still heroism, and real.

Admittedly the "star" aspect as an end is ego driven, to me not interesting, though making good money from the trade would be great. But how it warps your perspective seems like a scary proposition.


Been There., Done That., It Was Shit.,
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
I would never want super powers...too much pressure.

In fact, I would like if everyone in the world had super powers except for me...and they’d all need to rescue me.

You’d all be like “oh man, Moe fell in a ditch again, someone has gotta go pull him out...sigh”


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
But back to saving the world, ...

But isn't saving the world inextricably connected with stopping the steady increase of population? I mean...

...conservation efforts, helping wildlife sanctuaries, defending the oceans and seas from over fishing, and promoting regulations that curb corporate pollution and waste...

...that and more, it's all connected to this unsolvable problem. Those 7 billion plus super villains will be 8,5 by no later than ten years. I'd like to know the stats for the time when Thanos erased half of mankind. The CO2 emissions were probably the least ever, similar to those during the C-19 home quarantine. Trying to solve that is a thankless job, indeed.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
But isn't saving the world inextricably connected with stopping the steady increase of population? I mean...

...that and more, it's all connected to this unsolvable problem. Those 7 billion plus super villains will be 8,5 by no later than ten years. I'd like to know the stats for the time when Thanos erased half of mankind. The CO2 emissions were probably the least ever, similar to those during the C-19 home quarantine. Trying to solve that is a thankless job, indeed.

No, you can save the world and handle a growing population. What you're insinuating is evil, which places you squarely in the group of villains. Promoting carbon minimization over neutralization is a good start. The reduction of meat and livestock consumption, for example, would go far in helping people sustain the planet. Discouraging deforestation and waterway pollution will help too. We need to criminalize acts that hurt the environment and fine and sanction government officials that permit it. We have tools. We can be better.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
I would probably need to be blurry face porn star

Just go to japan, you get to be Masked assailant #4 AND not get disqualified for a shoot because your peen is too small.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Superpowers? What would I use them for? Personal gain. If I was a Superman tier being, I'd take over the world.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
I'd like to be able to fly. That has not changed one bit since I was 3 years old. If I had only one wish from a genie, world peace could go fuck itself.


Hi, I'm Gmegbln
10 Year Member
Apr 4, 2010
Why are we talking about superpowers now lmao.

I'd choose rockstar. I value privacy too, I'd wear a helmet Daft Punk style and try and keep a normal life though.

As for superpowers, I'd pick being able to stop time.
I always thought flying would be a terrifying power to wake up with and I'd NEVER use it except a couple feet off the ground maybe. If you don't understand WHY you can fly or how it works, how do you know it won't just stop working when you're 100 feet in the air or something? What if your power is a finite resource? That goes for all superpowers though - what if every Dorito you levitate to your mouth is giving you cancer without you knowing it?


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
I always thought flying would be a terrifying power to wake up with and I'd NEVER use it except a couple feet off the ground maybe. If you don't understand WHY you can fly or how it works, how do you know it won't just stop working when you're 100 feet in the air or something?
I've thought a lot about that over the years, and that is a risk I would happily take.

But I'd be the opposite. I would never not be flying, floating, or hovering. I'd sleep in midair.