Oficial Super SD System 3 RGB Statement


Zero's Secretary
Feb 16, 2004

Congrats on the decision. That's how a company pave its way. And glad to read that you're creating your own support forum. All this sadly will have an impact on ulterior feature requests such as an alternate clean, hi-res menu (...) but will pay back long-term for everybody.

1. Out of spec Composite Sync signal: This has been fixed on the new PCB by using the PCE CSYNC output to drive the CSYNC circuit. Now standard Mega drive/Genesis CSYNC cables can be used.

Did you consider that some say the PCE's C-sync is indeed slightly off-spec and therefore there may be some issues depending on the monitor? I guess the new design contemplates this?


Neosd Developer
Oct 18, 2016
Great job Terra Onion =D Is there no way you can modify the old boards - I imagine time consuming, but perhaps with a mod they could be sold at discount rather than not using them at all?

EDIT: I don't even mind providing some free labour if there's a way to mod them.

Gadget, i would show a picture of the modified board but this is internet and people would start saying we are going to ship those ...

Its not possible cause the pcb is 4 layers pcb, at one of the internal layers there is a GND, this GND is linked to both digital and analog grounds, so we had to remove this pin on the expansion port connector from the pcb, to fix one board/do our tests.
We did more than that, but this is the biggest barrier from modding the board for sure ...



I give zero fucks about my customers
Nov 23, 2013
I am going to use this space to first say thanks to Voultar, a lot of guys were using scopes and fancy hardware while sending complains, but none of those had a clue about what they were talking about.
Voultar pointed us to the issue the same day and we were able to fix it so fast thanks to him. Again Voltar, we apreciate to see a top skilled guy helping instead of insulting.

No problem, guys. I was glad to help with all of the C-Sync stuff & ground referencing for analog. Mixed signal systems can be finicky, but you guys are good engineers and you have a great product.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Great job Terra Onion =D Is there no way you can modify the old boards - I imagine time consuming, but perhaps with a mod they could be sold at discount rather than not using them at all?

EDIT: I don't even mind providing some free labour if there's a way to mod them.

Since the boards have different logos, I was thinking selling them without the case, board only, would eliminate confusion in the future.

Edit saw NeoSD's response, nevermind.
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War Room Troll
Mar 26, 2016
Good job and very admirable way of handling it right down to putting up for a new batch and not recycling the old ones with the sort of defect to them to not have A and B batches.

Maybe things will change in the future to recoup them, maybe not, but it wouldn't be a bad thing. Perhaps etch or mark those on the board itself as A units, then sell at a grossly discounted price with a contracted term that says NO SUPPORT due to the various issues. That way you get something back, don't throw out perfectly usable stuff, and people on a budget could still get a chance. Think of it like how Krikzz does the CHINA versions of everdrives. They cost like 1/2 the price, but get ZERO official support at all and can't take a firmware update either.

Just for the record krikzz himself has absolutely nothing to do with those horrible chinese knockoffs. Not really a fair comparison to the neosd situation at all.

Just want to give the NeoSD team extreme kudos for handling this situation with complete professionalism. The support you're showing for your customers will gain a lot of lifetime fans of your product, and the 1000s of euros you spend fixing the situation will pay great dividends in this regard as time goes on. You have a lifetime customer here, that's for sure. Will be grabbing an SSD3 here ASAP, and will be grabbing any other products you come out with in the future as well, directly because of the way this situation is being handled. Thanks guys! Party on!

PS, fuck Bob from RetroRGB, what a backstabbing scumbag! The community needs way less of him, and more people like you and Voultar!


Chin's Bartender
10 Year Member
May 25, 2011
Just for the record krikzz himself has absolutely nothing to do with those horrible chinese knockoffs. Not really a fair comparison to the neosd situation at all.

Just want to give the NeoSD team extreme kudos for handling this situation with complete professionalism. The support you're showing for your customers will gain a lot of lifetime fans of your product, and the 1000s of euros you spend fixing the situation will pay great dividends in this regard as time goes on. You have a lifetime customer here, that's for sure. Will be grabbing an SSD3 here ASAP, and will be grabbing any other products you come out with in the future as well, directly because of the way this situation is being handled. Thanks guys! Party on!

PS, fuck Bob from RetroRGB, what a backstabbing scumbag! The community needs way less of him, and more people like you and Voultar!
Oh fuck off. Before the shmup forum mods edited their thread you were one of the guys trolling the fuck outta the neoSD team. "lifetime customer" STFU whiny bitch. The backstabbing scumbag is you. Now you're coming in here trying hard to jump on neoSD's dick? The community needs way less of you.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
Oh fuck off. Before the shmup forum mods edited their thread you were one of the guys trolling the fuck outta the neoSD team. "lifetime customer" STFU whiny bitch. The backstabbing scumbag is you. Now you're coming in here trying hard to jump on neoSD's dick? The community needs way less of you.



War Room Troll
Mar 26, 2016
Oh fuck off. Before the shmup forum mods edited their thread you were one of the guys trolling the fuck outta the neoSD team. "lifetime customer" STFU whiny bitch. The backstabbing scumbag is you. Now you're coming in here trying hard to jump on neoSD's dick? The community needs way less of you.

Ridin' that Bob dick I see. Probably hard to find considering his weight class, so kudos bub!



Sep 21, 2016
PS, fuck Bob from RetroRGB, what a backstabbing scumbag! The community needs way less of him, and more people like you and Voultar!

Bob is amazing, his information has been incredibly helpful to me on multiple occasions, he's a huge asset to the hobby. I swear this forum is full of drama whores, go play some games, spend less time on the internet.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
LOOK Lads... my back hurts like fuck... I have arthritis in my right side.... I am popping more pills than your average junkie...

SSSOO... I plan to sit in chat for a while... that's where I relax....


PS. This just means... I aint in the mood to do any real mod'ding... but I am here...

Just sayin'....


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
Bob is amazing, his information has been incredibly helpful to me on multiple occasions, he's a huge asset to the hobby. I swear this forum is full of drama whores, go play some games, spend less time on the internet.

It's posts like this that make me wonder if we're even on the same planet...

...People with such a narrow vision of the scene...

PS. Huge ASS_et... yes... I agree...


War Room Troll
Mar 26, 2016
Bob is amazing, his information has been incredibly helpful to me on multiple occasions, he's a huge asset to the hobby. I swear this forum is full of drama whores, go play some games, spend less time on the internet.

Damn you guys have a threesome going now? So many chubby chasers these days...


Chin's Bartender
10 Year Member
May 25, 2011
Ridin' that Bob dick I see. Probably hard to find considering his weight class, so kudos bub!


Try hard bitch please, Bob is just a middle-man of information. He takes what he finds on forums and makes his videos. After his last video I've written him off as only that.
Your obsession with him is unhealthy, and your shit-talking this place and the mods here on other forums has been noticed.
Jan 7, 2018

I just forget to say big thanks to http://retrogamingcables.co.uk/ aswel, they shipped us two Mega Drive 2 Csync cables (for free) last friday with our UPS account, so we were able to have those last monday to perform our tests. All those RGB videos were recorded using theyr great cables.
I can tell that the difference on the audio noise is huge compared with the cheap ones.
I totally recomend to buy those

EDIT about returning pcbs :

Someone in usa wants to help us to concentrate the pcbs, so we are willing to pay the shipment back from usa to Spain of all the pcbs and you guys will not have to pay for this.

More details soon, we are working on this right now

I am going to use this space to first say thanks to Voultar, a lot of guys were using scopes and fancy hardware while sending complains, but none of those had a clue about what they were talking about.
Voultar pointed us to the issue the same day and we were able to fix it so fast thanks to him. Again Voltar, we apreciate to see a top skilled guy helping instead of insulting.

Seccond, i would like to express my total dissapointment with RetroRGB youtuber guy.

He asked us for a free review and I decided not to ship him that cause i consider him a totally not neutral guy, this is why i declined his offer on the first time but i acepted the same offer from another youtuber with much audience than him that is not linked or related with us.

So its going to be a neutral review from a reputable source as soon as the new pcbs arrive.

Retrorgb, moaning about not received a review unit and telling the product "is a dissaster", its really dishonest with your viewers. Get one and moan about it.

Thank you for confirm my recomandation and also Voultar for his skills shared ... especially mr. Rot who called me "the sales rep for that company or something" :)
Ps: hope you don't mind mr. Rot ;)
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War Room Troll
Mar 26, 2016
Try hard bitch please, Bob is just a middle-man of information. He takes what he finds on forums and makes his videos. After his last video I've written him off as only that.
Your obsession with him is unhealthy, and your shit-talking this place and the mods here on other forums has been noticed.

Your obsession with me is definitely unhealthy.

Bob is just a fat retard, as neosd and the mods here can attest...


Ninja Combat Warrior
Aug 19, 2015
Oh fuck off. Before the shmup forum mods edited their thread you were one of the guys trolling the fuck outta the neoSD team. "lifetime customer" STFU whiny bitch. The backstabbing scumbag is you. Now you're coming in here trying hard to jump on neoSD's dick? The community needs way less of you.

That's the first thing that jumped onto my mind.

I mean, I guess people change opinion which is absolutely fine, but, damn, going from what you wrote there to "lifetime customer"?
Jeez, dude, have some dignity. Just apologize and recognize they've managed this *very* difficult situation in a great way and keep the rest for another time.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Glad this whole thing is sorted out and behind us. Can't wait for mine to arrive. Thanks neosd team.


Dodgeball Yakuza
10 Year Member
Sep 16, 2013
Fantastic update. This was handled super professionally and with great transparency. This shows Alex's dedication to his prouct and his customers. That says a lot about what kind of person he is. I look forward to getting one and also look forward to any/all of their next projects!
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There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
That's the first thing that jumped onto my mind.

I mean, I guess people change opinion which is absolutely fine, but, damn, going from what you wrote there to "lifetime customer"?
Jeez, dude, have some dignity. Just apologize and recognize they've managed this *very* difficult situation in a great way and keep the rest for another time.

Don't sweat it guys. Both Rot and neosd read other forums so there aware of this crap.

That guy's on a short leash I'd imagine. I am or have been on occasion. Just be true, man up or whatever...it works itself out in the end.

Not that it matters but TuS hasn't made a good first impression.


Athena's Stalker
15 Year Member
Oct 6, 2004
Glad the issues were resolved, I'm still super excited to get my hands on the SSDS3. You guys continue to provide excellent customer service. Keep up the good work.


Quiz Detective
Aug 7, 2017
I’ve seen a couple of RetroRGB’s videos before and he seems quite far up DarkSoft’s arse the way he gushes about his MVS flash cart, yet seems to ignore NeoSD. Today’s video was out of order though...the guy is full of shit.

Nothing could be further from the truth. It's amazing the things people will convince themselves of in order to create an irrational hatred of someone. I've known Bob for a couple years now and he's been one of the most helpful and unbiased type of persons I've met in retro gaming fandom. The fact that he won't talk shit on Darksoft doesn't make him a fanboy. He reports would they post, and will not make an opinion of their product until he gets a copy shipped to him and he puts it through rigorous testing. If the product passes his tests, he will report that. If it fails miserably, he will report that also. He's already said this much multiple times.

Also, if you watch what Bob said in the video, he merely reports what the complaints have been, he does not trash Terra Onion AT ALL, and in fact goes out of his way SEVERAL times to praise their work on the NeoSD. Did you not see that or did we watch a different video?