The Ki Atsushi/LWK Trump Supporter Topic


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
I don't blame him, with my current choices I'm also currently affiliating with anarchist as well.

Phase 1. Divide and conquer, get everybody turned against everybody else.
Phase 2. Spread disinformation. discredit, disbar and dismember the press. Make own propaganda news agency and control information.
Phase 3. ????? Ruin, jail, assassinate opposition. Expel jail and kill a percentage of the population. Take their stuff.
Phase 4. Profit

TBH... I could live with that... It's an honest way of looking at it...

All Anarchy is... is doing away with the old guard and setting up a new guard...

It can be this Heavenly ideal... but eventually Human nature comes into it... and it gets fucked ayway...


PS. I hate uninformed thinking where it's me me me... without looking at the whole picture...

Lack of common sense and too much bullshit....

EDIT: I have no real beef in these Political threads... i just hate ignorance...

Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
TBH trying to look at the bright side of this is hard, but IMO if Trump is catering to big businesses on Wall Street then it stands to reason, at least in the short term, that stocks and trading will go up. So, if you wanted to take your nest egg with the help of stock brokers you could probably increase it quite dramatically in the short term. Now considering Trump is taking the regulations on banks off and making it easier to get thrown into another recession I wouldn't be doing it for the long term.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member


I still don't get why you guys have your period over this shit. It's politics, either side is only in it to line their own pockets. Deal with it.

They don't care about YOU.

They don't care about the future of your country

It's all an act. Think of Washington as Hollywood for ugly People.

I don't disagree that they're not just lining their pockets. But we're having our periods over this because Trump and his Goldman Sachs buddies have been not just threatening, but taking direct action, against women's rights, civil rights, science, and facts, economic stability, and international relations, just as he said he would on his campaign trail, and just as people like us were fighting against back then. The difference is, no one knew if he was just shooting his mouth off back then. So people on both sides wrote him off as either not worth protesting against or not worth backing.

I know that every present situation is "so much worse than before" in the "back in my day" sense or the "no, this time the world really IS going to end" sense, but for real, being as objective as I possibly can, Trump's words and actions are more dangerous than any western politician I've heard in my politically conscious lifetime, and seem to be just a prelude to true disaster, and not just in the short term. His actions will have long-lasting effects. That's why we're having our periods. Personally, as a straight, white, American male, I have not felt any direct negative effects from the Trump administration thus far. But as a journalist, someone who believes in science and facts, someone who doesn't believe in war as anything but a last resort, someone who doesn't believe in unmitigated capitalism, and someone with many international friends, he's already had a lot of indirect negative effects on my life.


Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
I like Trump, the dude cracks me up. Pretty much tells everyone to go eat a dick.

As for deregulation, yeah, I'm not a huge fan. We're looking at 2008 all over again. That said, Dodd-Frank is toothless fucking bullshit anyway. Obama got cucked by the Goldman gang within 3 months of taking the office and never looked back. So what the fuck's the difference? Call me when one of these pussies reinstates Glass-Steagall. Until then we're jump bumpin' dicks and high-fiving each other.

Women's rights? Gay rights? Minorities? I don't really see how he's attacking these. Most of that nonsense is all a big fucking smokescreen anyway, none of them really give a shit. Fucking paid protester freedom fighters showing up in black hoods with sticks and fake outrage? Give me a fucking break.

Keep their heads in the sand, and keep the credit cards swipin'.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Women's rights? Gay rights? Minorities? I don't really see how he's attacking these. Most of that nonsense is all a big fucking smokescreen anyway, none of them really give a shit. Fucking paid protester freedom fighters showing up in black hoods with sticks and fake outrage? Give me a fucking break.



20 Year Member
Alan Moore finds your lack of faith disturbing.

View attachment 42500

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Women's rights? Gay rights? Minorities? I don't really see how he's attacking these. Most of that nonsense is all a big fucking smokescreen anyway, none of them really give a shit. Fucking paid protester freedom fighters showing up in black hoods with sticks and fake outrage? Give me a fucking break.

As a minority Trump's EO affected my family. It didn't affect you? Cool. But discounting everyone else's struggles just because you're living comfortably is a shitty thing to do.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Of all the things Trump is doing, the one all y'all should be enraged over is his plans for the EPA.

I just don't understand all these climate change doubters. They only care about deregulating the EPA so they can line their pockets (or supporters pockets) with more money, peoples health and the planets health be damned. Reagan tried that in the early 80s and got roasted by putting Anne Gorsuch in charge as the Administrator.

And getting rid of federal environmental regulations and moving them to a state level? Bitch, please. Like air, water or soil contamination cares about state lines.

Full disclosure: I've worked at the EPA for almost 10 years, so I am familiar with the scientist and the work they do. Junk science? No way. These people are very serious about their work.


Ikari Warrior
20 Year Member
Of all the things Trump is doing, the one all y'all should be enraged over is his plans for the EPA.

I just don't understand all these climate change doubters. They only care about deregulating the EPA so they can line their pockets (or supporters pockets) with more money, peoples health and the planets health be damned. Reagan tried that in the early 80s and got roasted by putting Anne Gorsuch in charge as the Administrator.

And getting rid of federal environmental regulations and moving them to a state level? Bitch, please. Like air, water or soil contamination cares about state lines.

Full disclosure: I've worked at the EPA for almost 10 years, so I am familiar with the scientist and the work they do. Junk science? No way. These people are very serious about their work.

Whats the deal with this no inter agency communication and so on?
If you have to sign a pledge of loyalty to Donald Trump to keep your job will you do it?
Doesn't matter in 2-6 months I doubt there will be much of a EPA left. Maybe a couple years.
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Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
As a minority Trump's EO affected my family. It didn't affect you? Cool. But discounting everyone else's struggles just because you're living comfortably is a shitty thing to do.

Fair enough, sorry dude. I had a feeling this was personal.

I'm sure it'll get sorted out soon enough, don't let it bring you down.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Whats the deal with this no inter agency communication and so on?
If you have to sign a pledge of loyalty to Donald Trump to keep your job will you do it?
Doesn't matter in 2-6 months I doubt there will be much of a EPA left. Maybe a couple years.

Unless something major happens, I suspect the EPA as it is currently will be a distant memory in the near future.

I figure Trump will have all of us displaced Contractors and Federal Employees down there in South Texas working on his Wall.


Ralfredacc's Worst Nightmare
10 Year Member
Of all the things Trump is doing, the one all y'all should be enraged over is his plans for the EPA.

I just don't understand all these climate change doubters. They only care about deregulating the EPA so they can line their pockets (or supporters pockets) with more money, peoples health and the planets health be damned. Reagan tried that in the early 80s and got roasted by putting Anne Gorsuch in charge as the Administrator.

And getting rid of federal environmental regulations and moving them to a state level? Bitch, please. Like air, water or soil contamination cares about state lines.

Full disclosure: I've worked at the EPA for almost 10 years, so I am familiar with the scientist and the work they do. Junk science? No way. These people are very serious about their work.

I agree 1000%. I work in environmental research, and the work that I do influences policy making at the California EPA. None of us are doing this because it's fun or because there's lots of money in it.

Nothing says "I'm a fucking retard" to me like someone who doubts climate change, or science in general. Is the scientific community perfect? No. Can there at times be an inherent bias in the system? Yeah. But Jesus fucking Christ. We're trying to figure the world out and expand the breadth of human knowledge while bible-thumpers and corporate profiteers try to convince everyone that they know what's best.


20 Year Member
Jibbs, i want to say to you in this tender moment, that i believe you are a good and noble person whose candid states of humanity are finely balanced.


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
I agree 1000%. I work in environmental research, and the work that I do influences policy making at the California EPA. None of us are doing this because it's fun or because there's lots of money in it.

Nothing says "I'm a fucking retard" to me like someone who doubts climate change, or science in general. Is the scientific community perfect? No. Can there at times be an inherent bias in the system? Yeah. But Jesus fucking Christ. We're trying to figure the world out and expand the breadth of human knowledge while bible-thumpers and corporate profiteers try to convince everyone that they know what's best.
This is it though isn't it? Science isn't afraid to come out and sy they were wrong with a certain theory or hypothesis. That's what learning as you go is. The problem is: the less science literate someone is the more likely they are to go "they were wrong?! What does Jesus say" and turn to some old doctrine that states we are all made by some magic sky god. This is the issue science has faced since day one. Galileo being silenced by the Catholics.

The best anyone can do is respect the scientific method and try and get the truth out. I loved the example Neil DeGrasse Tyson gave in his version of the cosmos wherein icebergs, permafrost, and glaciers showed an increase of lead particulates in their makeup over the last 100 years or so, and when they dug further into this ice the lead effectively disappeared. This was part of what drove the Muskie act, and started emissions standards. But even proof, solid evidence that we are directly poisoning this planet isn't enough; they still deny everything. Claim it's been a pretty cold winter, and don't seem able to separate weather from climate. But this is where we are at.

Build the wall, put more countries on the no fly list, start putting together internment camps in Wyoming for anyone who doesn't agree, and lynch the brown people. It's ridiculous, and hard to believe anyone actually voted for it.


General Morden's Aide
anarchism is a joke too

I love this -- and would just add, that it's also hypocrisy, once you realize how much of yourself is pure materiality, including your body, sometimes even your soul. But whatever, people need delusions and I'm not an exception.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Of all the things Trump is doing, the one all y'all should be enraged over is his plans for the EPA.

I just don't understand all these climate change doubters. They only care about deregulating the EPA so they can line their pockets (or supporters pockets) with more money, peoples health and the planets health be damned. Reagan tried that in the early 80s and got roasted by putting Anne Gorsuch in charge as the Administrator.

And getting rid of federal environmental regulations and moving them to a state level? Bitch, please. Like air, water or soil contamination cares about state lines.

Full disclosure: I've worked at the EPA for almost 10 years, so I am familiar with the scientist and the work they do. Junk science? No way. These people are very serious about their work.

Neil Gorsuch moved to DC because his mom was appointed as the first female head of the EPA, back around 1981.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
When Bush Jr. "won" the election I felt that perhaps America isn't as sharp as I'd like to think, then re-election just solidified that sentiment...when Obama won I became aware of America's love for a good story (not that I cared for the puppets in the other camp anyway) here we are, lol, this is just a clear sign that government is just like any other venture in a capitalist world like this one.

I still love America, no doubt, best place to be still IMHO. I would just like it if people would just wake the fuck up...I dunno, maybe it's better to keep on trucking? How in the hell does the republicans entrust this man with politics?

Good luck on the next one! If it's not evident that all this is a hoax then...


MotoGP and Formula 1 Freak
20 Year Member
As a minority Trump's EO affected my family. It didn't affect you? Cool. But discounting everyone else's struggles just because you're living comfortably is a shitty thing to do.

This is what I have never really understood - the proclivities of GOP-leaning voters to say that 'it doesn't affect me, so what do I care?'.

True that not everything equally impacts everyone, but instances like this create the slippery slope that eventually can lead to things that impact the majority rather than just the majority.

The GOP has preyed on the idea that modern culture and the embrace of minority rights has destroyed the idea of community in many parts of America. I don't disagree with that assertion on some level as there have been book(s) written on the subject of the decline of community aspects in America. What I think you would find in a lot of the instances of decline, is that a 'me first' mentality became pervasive...thus the very people who complain about the decline, are the one's who have greatly contributed to it. In any event, through all the culture war bullshit and everything else, the modern GOP has done an immeasurable job of fostering division, and creating the me vs. them mentality the party has become so synonymous with. Resorting to cheap straw men and red herring tactics, with a straight face, they've managed to convince 60 to 70 million people that minorities are responsible for the ruination of American culture, community, standards, and ideals. Never once have those people stopped to consider the one's responsible are the one's they vote for every 2, 4, or 6 years without second thought. Mind you, the Democrats aren't innocent in all of this either, but the GOP has been on a mission for the last quarter of a century with this shit. After all, when the goal is to strip mine the very people you claim to be defending the values of, of all of their financial assets over the long haul, you have to create straw men to do it. One end result is that America, while being safer than it has ever been as a whole, is represented as being under siege by Muslims. All of the sound bites like sharia law, jihad, ISIS, suicide bombings, and on are smoke and mirrors bullshit that leaves out the reality that I'm more likely to die on my commute to or from work than I am to die by the hand of an Islamic terrorist. Orlando, San Bernadino, and Boston were all unfortunate incidents, but were not representative of the norm in America as it relates to Islamic terrorism.


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
This is what I have never really understood - the proclivities of GOP-leaning voters to say that 'it doesn't affect me, so what do I care?'.

True that not everything equally impacts everyone, but instances like this create the slippery slope that eventually can lead to things that impact the majority rather than just the majority.

The GOP has preyed on the idea that modern culture and the embrace of minority rights has destroyed the idea of community in many parts of America. I don't disagree with that assertion on some level as there have been book(s) written on the subject of the decline of community aspects in America. What I think you would find in a lot of the instances of decline, is that a 'me first' mentality became pervasive...thus the very people who complain about the decline, are the one's who have greatly contributed to it. In any event, through all the culture war bullshit and everything else, the modern GOP has done an immeasurable job of fostering division, and creating the me vs. them mentality the party has become so synonymous with. Resorting to cheap straw men and red herring tactics, with a straight face, they've managed to convince 60 to 70 million people that minorities are responsible for the ruination of American culture, community, standards, and ideals. Never once have those people stopped to consider the one's responsible are the one's they vote for every 2, 4, or 6 years without second thought. Mind you, the Democrats aren't innocent in all of this either, but the GOP has been on a mission for the last quarter of a century with this shit. After all, when the goal is to strip mine the very people you claim to be defending the values of, of all of their financial assets over the long haul, you have to create straw men to do it. One end result is that America, while being safer than it has ever been as a whole, is represented as being under siege by Muslims. All of the sound bites like sharia law, jihad, ISIS, suicide bombings, and on are smoke and mirrors bullshit that leaves out the reality that I'm more likely to die on my commute to or from work than I am to die by the hand of an Islamic terrorist. Orlando, San Bernadino, and Boston were all unfortunate incidents, but were not representative of the norm in America as it relates to Islamic terrorism.

You know...I fully agree with what you're saying...but you have to know deep down that this isn't a "GOP" or "DNC" thing...this is a modern politics thing. I can twist everything you just listed to make it sound like a DNC exclusive...but I won't. The fact is, we've let special interest groups of all kinds basically take over our government and we're all paying for it.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
What do you want me to say, Jim?

I would appreciate you, or anyone else that enthusiastically supported Trump to speak to the points of concern in my original post.

I'm genuinely looking for a way to see the cup half full. I just can't get my head around the current situation-this is untread road we are all now walking on.