How shitty is iTunes for Windows?


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
If you actually own Apple products, do it. Otherwise, don't. There are better programs out there to manage music/video.


Chin's Bartender
Nov 6, 2015
I'm not an apple fanboy but I love my iPhone and iPod, haven't gotten a iPad...I dunno, maybe someday but I just don't need it, I have a ASUS tablet, surfs the web, play some games, it's android so emulation is great with Bluetooth, I think I'm all set.

I have an iPad 2, its now very slow because of that fucking iOS update (I've used macs since I was in grade school, first video game I played: Oregon Trail on an Apple II, I generally love macs but seriously I want find whomever decided you can't downgrade your device and carve their heart out with a fucking dull spoon. )

Anyhow, even with the slowness, its got iBooks, Kindle, Kobo, Viz, and magazine readers (if you read literary mags like Clarkesworld or Analog); so its great for reading, Skype on my iPad behaves better than my computer, and Netflix... it behaves better than my PS4, Xbox 360, or WiiU clients which... should not be the case.

Which are?

I'd like to get a nicer alternative to iTunes myself.

Folks I know who are hardcore Linux/Windows folk, use their filesystem. There really isn't much out there, I've used a craptastic open source variant when I had a linux box at work; I've also heard of this: but YMMV.

Younger folk I know, gave up on owning music, and just use Youtube or Spotify.

Alpha Skyhawk

Windjammers Wonder
Feb 28, 2012
I downloaded it and got Lucha Underground season 2, and I watched a couple episodes.

It's not as super slow and plodding as I expected, and it's not taking over my computer. The interface is kind of poo, though. Remove is delete, and delete is hide. How did they get those definitions mixed up?

Video looks and runs great, though. I'm not the biggest fan of it being DRMed up so I can't watch it in MPC, but at least there's nothing really wrong with the iTunes video player.