When is it "OK" to resort to violence?


Is he greater than XD Master?
10 Year Member
Sep 5, 2009
Watch the following video.

Watch where the he/she puts his hands around the Jew's neck and threatens him with violence. Watch as the conversation continues and the tranny resorts to name-calling and baiting.

The most horrible thing is that they were having a debate, and when an opposing viewpoint was brought to the table the tranny resorted to violence. Then the liberals defend the blatant violence and threats, like it was justified. Since when is it to put your hands on somebody during a debate? They say he was being "rude", yeah I suppose that rude is expressing your opinions during a debate. His language wasn't inflammatory, but apparently his opinion in of itself was.

Anybody want to tell me why exactly the tranny feels he had the right to put his hands on the Jew? If the roles were reversed, we would have a hate crime on our hands.
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Foreman of Jewish Tunnels
20 Year Member
Mar 19, 2001
Since when is it to put your hand son somebody during a debate? They say he was being "rude", yeah I suppose that rude is expressing your opinions during a debate.

Absolutely never. In my opinion, the term "debate" implies civility in an argument. There's nothing civil about succumbing to our baser instincts.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
The Jew is witty. He pretty much had a answer for everything that was thrown at him, I think that he made some great points. The minute someone threatens you physically, not verbally, it's fair game. If someone I did not know in a argument put there hands around my neck I would most likely punch them in the face. That being said, I think the Jew would get his ass kicked by the tranny.

This. This is the only time it's ok:

That's perfectly fine.
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fresh out of fucks
10 Year Member
Dec 21, 2010
Jenner still sounds like a dude

doesn't he need hormones or something for that?


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
When someone tries to get me to watch videos like that!



Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Force is only appropriate in response to or defense from another use of force. It is never okay to initiate the use of force against the person or property of a nonaggressor.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Used to know a guy, one time he was listening to music with his headphones on, couldn't hear a thing. After a while, takes them off and then hears his wife crying loudly. Goes down, sees a guy raping his wife. Said the rapist was talking about how he was going to kill her when he was finished.

Guy got his gun, came in, shot the rapist. When the rapist was on his knees, shot him again.

Police came, questioned the guy. Guy told them everything, and then the police asked him, "So you shot him execution style?"

Since that question, it took months and months to make sure the guy wasn't guilty of a goddamn thing. Ultimately, he turned out all right (aside from a fear of wearing earphones again).


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
The use of violence is only acceptable in self defense.


Force is only appropriate in response to or defense from another use of force. It is never okay to initiate the use of force against the person or property of a nonaggressor.

...and this.

Physical force is a tool, a very valid, powerful, and useful tool. Like anything else, there is a very specific time and a very specific place. Self defense is definitely one of those times.

That debate was definitely not the time or the place...

With that said...I fucking hate these "Geraldo Rivera" type sleazy "discussion forum". So you invite a trans-gendered person and a religious person to a debate. What in the shit did they think was going to happen? A lovely, open minded discussion about it?

On the topic, I'll say this. I guess I don't get all of this. Let trans-gendered people be. Religious nuts go around preaching love and acceptance then only offer it to their own. I'll gladly admit the Jenner issue is a circus, but the struggles trans-gendered people face is not a joke and is very real. Religious assholes telling us how we feel (or should feel) then waving their stupid book in our face is just insulting. Personally, I can say it was great being accused of being homosexual my entire childhood...by religious fanatics, it was awesome.

Kristian Meller

Vanguard Pilot
10 Year Member
Sep 22, 2013
Guy got his gun, came in, shot the rapist. When the rapist was on his knees, shot him again.

That second shot does make the guy a murderer. The first one obviously ended the rape, so any acceptable use of violence was done.

From what I read, that moon landing denier should take his own life. Because, you know, it's been proven beyond a shred of doubt that man has been to the moon.


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
That second shot does make the guy a murderer. The first one obviously ended the rape, so any acceptable use of violence was done.

From what I read, that moon landing denier should take his own life. Because, you know, it's been proven beyond a shred of doubt that man has been to the moon.

From the comfort (and safety) of my office...I agree. There is a fine line between self defense and murder.

Could I stop at that line? Yeah...not so sure. Respecting that line requires an ocean of logic and self control. If I found someone raping my wife and I had a gun...I'm guessing I'd empty the magazine in him as well. When it all boils down, we're still animals (as much as we all try to deny that), sometimes emotion takes the wheel. I've heard or more and more cases where people committing murder in a situation like this have walked free when the smoke has cleared.

To find someone guilty of murder in a situation like that is very difficult and far from cut and dried.

Kristian Meller

Vanguard Pilot
10 Year Member
Sep 22, 2013
I'm sure most people would feel the impulse to shoot again in that situation, but that doesn't make it right. He should have gone on trial.


Is he greater than XD Master?
10 Year Member
Sep 5, 2009
Religious nuts go around preaching love and acceptance then only offer it to their own.

Pretty sure that acceptance wasn't a core value in the Old Testament at all. The New Testament likes to throw around the word "love", but there are many verses that talk about division between believers and non-believers.

Not a bible nut, but I've taken secular Religious Studies classes where I was required to read a shit load of The Bible. The God of the Jews and Christians (surely Islam) is not the god of acceptance. According to the book it's his way or you're fucked.

Any Christian who comes and tries to tell me that The Bible is a book that promotes acceptance as a core value, I automatically know he/she hasn't studied the bible much.
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Setsuna's Owl Keeper,
15 Year Member
Apr 22, 2006
You can resort to violence any time you want. Just understand there will be consequences afterward.


War Room Troll
Jan 12, 2015
People are nothing but evolved animals that are being brainwashed and trained into obedient blobs ...thieved out of their right to stand their ground and one day rise against an oppressor. Violence should be always an option.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
I agree that violence is only appropriate in self defense of oneself or another. If you're going to lay your hands on others every time you lose your cool, then you've got anger management issues.

Kristian Meller

Vanguard Pilot
10 Year Member
Sep 22, 2013
Exactly. Double tap entirely appropriate in that situation.

What makes it entirely appropriate? The rapist was incapacitated with the first shot. The guy's wife was raped, so it's entirely appropriate that he takes on the role of judge, jury and executioner in a highly emotional moment?


Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Jun 1, 2009
Hmm it should always be okay to resort to violence. But more in the manner of fist-o-cuffs not killing or stabbing. We need the old days to return. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one yadda yadda, but unless you're big enough to enforce it I don't want to fucking hear it.

The strong need to take back the world and stop letting the bitches with the biggest mouth run the show. Meatball and caveman-ish opinion? It sure fucking is. Do I care that you don't like it. Fuck no.