I'm thinking of closing up shop


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
"Don't do it, brother!"

James, I had you make me a CMVS 3 or 4 years ago and it was top notch stuff. Don't let these D-bag leechers discourage you, you're one of just a handful of people in this hobby that I'd consider irreplaceable.


Sultan of Slugs
10 Year Member
Apr 20, 2013
Man it's really sad to hear this. You were the first person I talked to when I was getting into the MVS and your insight and tutorials have been invaluable. I would certainly have bought a cmvs from you if I had bought one from anybody. Your tutorial enabled me to make my own, have a good time doing so and learn more about the neo in the process. I don't know of anyone more professional, selfless and helpful in the scene. I wish you the best of luck in all future endeavors no matter what you decide.

Hopefully JNX will stay online for years to come.


Disciple Of Orochi
Jan 5, 2004
I have not bought anything Neo related in awhile but I always respected you because you are the one seller that never price gouged Neo related items.


Camel Slug
10 Year Member
Jul 8, 2013
Hey James, you modded my AES with all the bells and whistles with a freakin' fast turn around time! The mods you made definitely made me love my system even more! Sad to see someone like you with such a vast knowledge of neo technical know how closing shop.

With that said, I think right now might be the worst time to call it quits as the cmvs scene is on the rise.

I think there are areas of improvements you can definitely try, such as more internet presence with the product you are selling...a specific CMVS design of your product that distinguishes yours from the competitors. It is just part of doing business as one needs to constantly innovate to stay competitive in the market. Think Apple vs Samsung. I also agree 100% with LegoSlug's suggestions.

Keep fighting dude!
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3t3rn@l n00b,
10 Year Member
Aug 23, 2011
I won't be able to say anything that wasn't said already. you've been nothing but helpful and courteous to me in my short time here and with our transactions. whatever you decide on, just allow me to say thank you, for everything.

Lemony Vengeance

Mitt Romney's Hairdresser,
Jan 30, 2012

Absolutely infuriating.

The supergun information you've shared on JNX has proven to be indispensable for the community at large. Unfortunately, competitors have taken that same info and claimed it as theirs, and have been producing crappy knock offs at over-inflated prices.

I agree with those above me. You are a living neo legend.. After Tony passed on, you were the one person I could look to for the gospel truth when it came to tech info on the neo, cart repairs etc.. A Genius, a Legend, and a stand up guy. Don't throw the towel in yet. Things are gonna pick up!


Ralfredacc's Worst Nightmare
10 Year Member
Apr 30, 2009
James, your CMVS is the only one I'll ever need, and I really appreciate the help you gave me fixing that clusterfuck of a Strikers cart that Ash Burton sold me. I wouldn't blame you if you closed up shop (though I hope that you don't) but I hope you'll remain as part of the community.


Athena's Wardrobe Manager
Dec 4, 2011
Hi James. I've never had the pleasure of dealing with you directly over anything Neo tbh, but regardless, it has become pretty obvious since my time here that you are a pillar of the community.

I hear nothing but constant praise for you here on the forum - whether it be regarding your willingness to assist others, your high level of technical expertise or regarding your products themselves. Anyone who I've read about owning one of your CMVS builds touts it as the best available and does none other than recommend it to others as a result.

As a side note, I had no idea that you were making a living off the work you did here for NeoGeo members or elsewhere in the gaming community :(


Super Spy Agent
Feb 6, 2014
I don't know where I'd be without JNX or your help James, you're part of why I visit this site so frequently, you helped me out of a tough spot with my MVS and I appreciated it exponentially, and your guides and tendency to help out anyone with a tech related Neo problem is invaluable, thank you for everything you've done for this community and for me personally, I hope everything works out


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Aug 29, 2012
Maybe you need to update your webstore front. Also you have a lot of stuff on there that is sold out, I think streamlining it a bit might help. Dont pull the plug on it quite yet, update the store and streamline peoples ability to place custom orders through the website.

With that, maybe better advertise other custom services or repairs you provide aside from CMVS and superguns. Whether that be cap replacements, RGB mods, sticks, cables, etc. Not sure if those are money makers or not though.

I agree with this completely, I've always found the store section of JNX to be somewhat baffling, and though I'd seen some of your CMVSs I wasn't aware of your superguns until I started running across reviews that people had posted of them independently on youtube and such and recognized the JNX logo. From what I've seen they always struck me as top of the line work (they remind me of expensive video hardware I've worked with in television actually) but I assumed they were all custom on request, and based on the features and build, most likely prohibitively expensive.

I think if you reworked the site with some clear informational sections about your CMVSs, Superguns, and the other services you provide, with pictures and such, it would make a big difference. It seems to me there's a dearth of readily available Superguns out there, and custom CMVSs seem to have all but disappeared thanks to the more mass produce ones.

And if theres something I want to pick up in the future that you have I'll definitely make a point to grab it from you. Been planning on picking up a hanzo actually. Even if it's just little things I hope it helps!
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Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
You'll always have my support James. The outpouring of support here is a joy to read, and I hope it's encouraging for you too. Unfortunately, all the good will and hard work you've selflessly put into this hasn't financially benefited you like it has other builders that have a knack for flashy pics and marketing spam vs. real community involvement. At least in the last year+ or so anyway.

All this to say, I do hope work picks up for you but I trust that you'll make the correct decision for you and your family when it's all said and done. Like many others, I'm proud of the many items you've helped me with, but more importantly, I'm proud to call you a friend.



Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Jan 7, 2013
Don't let these D-bag leechers discourage you, you're one of just a handful of people in this hobby that I'd consider irreplaceable.


If hosting fees are ever a problem, let me know; I could probably host your site for damn near free (if not entirely for free).


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
10 Year Member
Feb 5, 2010
Advertise your supergun/cmvs on the Neo Selling Forum. Don't throw in the towel yet.


Bead Banger
10 Year Member
Aug 7, 2012
I think the sad reality is that people tend to look for the cheap stuff over the high quality products and craftmanship that JNX has to effer, i never bought from the store but it's easy to tell from the info available and costumers feedback. And this obviously is bad for the business.

One thing is for sure:
James is one (if not the one) top Arcade gurus on the scene and most important of all, always ready to help. This guy just saved my PGM for free yesterday with his precious knowledge, that is why people never get tired of saying "Thank you for everyting James"!

Wish you the best with your future decisions mate.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
I think the sad reality is that people tend to look for the cheap stuff over the high quality products and craftmanship that JNX has to effer, i never bought from the store but it's easy to tell from the info available and costumers feedback. And this obviously is bad for the business.

Actually, quite the opposite! People are getting suckered by some of these other modders into paying MORE for flashy junk.

I do think James could do more to make his products known... he's losing out to the kennyboys and christophs because he isn't a big advertiser like them. Perhaps an updated store is in order as well?


Galford's Poppy Trainer
May 3, 2005
Xian Xi

you have helped me more times than you know with your guides and parts. never had one of your cmvs but they look fucking great. please do some more guides.

thank you friend
i could never afford your quality work but you made my life better. i wish i could have made your life better.
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Loyal Neo-Disciple
Jun 1, 2014
Most everything I have to say about JNX and James has already been said. This is totally unfortunate. I wish you the best in whatever decision you make, man!


15 Year Member
May 20, 2004
That's a shame you're thinking of moving on Xian :( You are one of the few left here that i see making CMVS still.Now that i blame you,since you have stated that JMN isn't getting the business like it use to.If you do quit by the end of the year it will be a sad day indeed.


Quiz Detective
Jul 29, 2002
James is an inspiration. He's helped me out so much with my CMVS. Great guy, patient, and extremely knowledgeable. Thank you for taking the moment and time to answer every single question I've ever thrown at you. Your store and your services, should they and when they go, will be sorely missed by existing and future members of this community.


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
Hey James, we all know the good work you do helping out us less techincal folk in the community. You are number one for that.

I agree with lego slug and jonmkl though, you have to market your store better. Put up a facebook page and you would have 1000 likes in a month i reckon just from this site. Push your products and stay in peoples faces. As more people have come into the scene your gear isnt getting as much air time, need to make more noise mate!
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red impact

Crossed Swords Squire
May 8, 2006
Sad to hear, you have helped me and countless others and there is still life in the old [neo] dog yet.

Take some time, see what competitors are doing and mix in your magic and come back harder, better, stronger.

Good luck buddy!


20 Year Member
Feb 27, 2004
..all I can say is if your business is stalling, then maybe it is time for new projects...I appreciated your help during these years as well, hope you'll find inspiration...the community will gladly support you on your next journey!


ng.com SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
This seems almost unthinkable, it shouldn't be allowed to happen. Shawn has been looking for new lines in the store, it seems to me that if he is happy to sell the 161 in 1 carts and the JGP cart then the official SNK only rule has gone now and the floodgates are open.

Hey Shawn, why not sell Xi's CMVS's through the neostore, it's win win for everyone, quality products at fair prices with guarantees that mean something.


B. Jenet's Firstmate
Jun 4, 2011
Only ever dealt with you once james, and as the other post on here say, you are a top top bloke indeed. You knowledge is second to none and if you go, it will be like having a limb severed on here.

How about offering mods for other consoles (that's if you don't already)? I'm sure people on here will push plenty of work your way.

I would gladly use you again :)


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
I was actually considering sending in my component modded Neo AES to you to look at. Has extremely bizarre issues regarding shadows.

Guess I need to do it sooner than later!
