Destiny (you know, Bungie's new FPS)


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
I ended up canceling my preorder after I played the beta. I didn't dig the online-only thing, and the two times I went into a 3-player zone, the game booted me out even though I never lost my connection. The bosses I got to see were kind of awful, too. In any case, my wife is about to have our first child, and there's no way I'll be able to play online with anyone. I've pretty much scrapped any plans I had to play online games for the next few years. I'm not going to be that douche on the team who has to drop in the middle because I'm supposed to be taking care of a child.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Anyone seen the reviews coming in?

Lot of varied opinions but doesn't seem, as many have said in this thread, that the story/single-player aspect is all that.

That said the loot-hunt and raid aspect still has me intrigued as a potential buyer.

Can anyone comment on the competitive multiplayer?

Will it provide a fun, lasting experience?


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Needs more Borderlands and less CoD for content.


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
The Vault of Glass raid is the most challenging piece of gaming I've ever experienced.

After six hours I and the rest of my team were unable to finish it.


I take no official position on the issue.,
Oct 10, 2002
Anyone seen the reviews coming in?

Lot of varied opinions but doesn't seem, as many have said in this thread, that the story/single-player aspect is all that.

That said the loot-hunt and raid aspect still has me intrigued as a potential buyer.

Can anyone comment on the competitive multiplayer?

Will it provide a fun, lasting experience?

I think if you're an FPS/Halo fan, you'll like it. The maps are superbly designed and the gameplay, while seeming slow paced at first compared to other current offerings of the same genre, is actually pretty frenetic.

If you aren't aware of how the stats work in the Crucible, here's a breakdown:

Weapons: All weapon stats carry over except Attack; that stat only applies to PvE and is equalized for PvP. So the base stats, like RoF, Impact (this is damage in Destiny BTW), Range, etc., are all taken into account. On top of that, any upgrades to a weapon apply as well. So you can change the base stats through this as well as give a weapon special attributes if it's rare or higher.

Armor: For PvE, you want to concern yourself with the Light attribute because it gives you a damage multiplier against enemies that are lower level than you (past level 20, light raises your level further), but in the Crucible, you want to look more at how armor effects your cooldowns and any special attributes it gives you through upgrades. Defense doesn't matter as it's equalized for everyone. So you basically want to tailor your equipment to complement your playstyle and/or class. Want that super bar to fill up faster on your Titan? Get your intelligence up.

Subclass: Everything in your subclass(es) applies to Crucible, so there's a ton of factors at work here. Again, tailor your build to fit your playstyle. There are a lot of different ways you can go here.

With all that stuff taken into consideration, it's pretty amazing that Bungie has created a really fun and pretty well balanced PvP experience out of this considering the depth of customization. It definitely isn't balanced in the sense that a level 5 player is at a pretty good disadvantage to a level 25 player, but once you hit level 20, it evens out across the board more. It's not perfect by any means, but damn is it fun when you do well in a match. Plus, I'm sure that Bungie will be tweaking the balance out over time now that they have real data to look at.

As for modes, they're pretty limited ATM. You've got Control (3 control points on a map, though holding them isn't the objective; the more control points you hold, the higher your point multiplier for your team's kills), Clash (6v6 TDM), Rumble (FFA), and Skirmish (3v3 TDM with the ability to revive team mates). Last weekend there was a temporary playlist called Salvage that was basically Skirmish with a randomly generated objective spawning that you needed to control or disable. It was fun. Lack of CTF is pretty glaring, but I imagine it'll be introduced at some point along with other playlists.

If anyone is considering getting this to play alone or for the story, I'd advise them to steer clear. The story missions are like the training wheels and they don't ever do anything all that interesting (not including Raids here). Not to say they aren't fun, because I enjoy doing them with friends for bounties to level my class/gear and earn rep and marks. I just think you have to like the whole entire package, PvP included, to not be disappointed by Destiny in its current state.
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I take no official position on the issue.,
Oct 10, 2002
The Vault of Glass raid is the most challenging piece of gaming I've ever experienced.

After six hours I and the rest of my team were unable to finish it.

I was watching a Twitch feed of it for about an hour last night. I'm just guessing, but I think I caught maybe the last 20-30% of the raid. They were working on the final boss before I had to go to bed. The gameplay and puzzle mechanics at work in the raid are insane compared to the normal game. I think if they would've implemented some of that stuff into the story missions, reviews for the game wouldn't be as mixed and more positive.

The group I was watching were all 26-28 and pretty skilled. Their teamwork was impeccable and they were still having a tough time. Even if I had a group of 6 to play, I don't think I'd have the patience or skill to tackle the current raid.If anyone wants to give it a go once we're all leveled high enough though (I'm sitting at 24 as of last night), I'm on Xbone. Gamertag is subcons. I've got two friends I play with regularly and Alec from the board here joins in from time to time, so we'd need two more.


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
My team was a mix of level 25 to 27 players. We did well as we made it to the last room. Unfortunately, few of us were properly equipped. I'm taking the time over the next couple days to take a closer look at my build. A resurrect Warlock really doesn't help much in the Vault of Glass. Not even as a wipe-save because so many factors depend on the entire team surviving...not just one person.


-Communication, even if you have a full team of 28s...if one person on the team isn't talking the whole team will fail, guaranteed.

-Everyone carries a high level void (purple) shotgun or fusion rifle. For Praetorians, highly shielded and high health gear-check enemies of death.


-Two guardians of every class. For radiance cooldown, golden gun, and shield for the last fight in the vault.

-Half a dozen primary, secondary, and heavy ammo resupply items that can be bought from the gunsmith. If your weapons don't generate their own ammo you'll need them.
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Rosa's Tag-Tea,
Oct 31, 2001
normally I totally avoid this type of game (anything grindy) because making a commitment of hundreds of hours just bothers me, but destiny seems to do a good job pacing itself, I felt like I was making progress and discovering new things constantly just an hour or so in. I really dig how the story mode will let you experience most of the game without eating up your whole life.....but if grinding like a mofo is your thing, you still totally get rewarded for that.


Fu'un-Ken Master
Feb 25, 2012
my gripes don't really have anything to do with the longevity or the level cap of the game, and i think many of the mixed reviews are the same

the game is just not fun to play. Its dull and repetitive. The same levels and enemies are used over and over, The cruciable is the same as any other multiplayer game with the same modes of play. The risk vs reward aspect is hosed. Remember in Borderlands when you took out a big boss the chest with all those shiny rare guns would drop? Totally non-existent here

And the raiding aspect in Destiny. 10 hours needed to beat the encounter? What the shit is that?
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20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
And the raiding aspect in Destiny. 10 hours needed to beat the encounter? What the shit is that?

That is way too long.

3-4 hours would be my max, period. Just not enough time in my life to play a game all day.

I'll probably get this, just not immediately.


King's Dry Cleaner
Jul 29, 2013
That is way too long.

3-4 hours would be my max, period. Just not enough time in my life to play a game all day.

yeah this is pretty much my thoughts on it at this point... raids are out for me as I just can't commit the time to it :\

will stick to strikes i guess!


Rosa's Tag-Tea,
Oct 31, 2001
I don't even know what a raid is, I guess this is a widely used and understood term in the MMO community? all I know is several friends talk about how they used to raid in WOW like it was their rock bottom drug addiction story.


I take no official position on the issue.,
Oct 10, 2002
my gripes don't really have anything to do with the longevity or the level cap of the game, and i think many of the mixed reviews are the same

the game is just not fun to play. Its dull and repetitive. The same levels and enemies are used over and over, The cruciable is the same as any other multiplayer game with the same modes of play. The risk vs reward aspect is hosed. Remember in Borderlands when you took out a big boss the chest with all those shiny rare guns would drop? Totally non-existent here

And the raiding aspect in Destiny. 10 hours needed to beat the encounter? What the shit is that?

The article I linked to addresses more than just the longevity or level cap, that's just the title of it. But fair enough if you don't like the game. Not everyone will like it. I've just been having a blast with it. Haven't been this into a new game in a while. I just want to play it at the end of my day, every day.

As for the raid, 10 hours is the ceiling from what I've read. There's a lot of stuff to figure out. If you know what to do, it can take as little as 3 hours. And you can save and continue, but you have to complete it in a week's time or it resets. But I haven't even touched it yet myself, so I just know what I've read and watched on Twitch.


King's Dry Cleaner
Jul 29, 2013
I don't even know what a raid is, I guess this is a widely used and understood term in the MMO community? all I know is several friends talk about how they used to raid in WOW like it was their rock bottom drug addiction story.

essentially its a stupidly hard co-op mission that takes hours to finish because its so stupidly hard... you have to be a certain level to even have a chance at making it through as well with decent gear and what not... they don't allow people to randomly group up for it either because the assumption is you have to be well organised to do it so standard matchmaking doesn't apply

i'm sure there are many it appeals to... you know... the people with way too much time on their hands!? :P


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
I just would like PvP to reward three crucible marks per match instead of two.

50 matches of PvP is 49 more than I'd like to play.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
As for the raid, 10 hours is the ceiling from what I've read. There's a lot of stuff to figure out. If you know what to do, it can take as little as 3 hours. And you can save and continue, but you have to complete it in a week's time or it resets. But I haven't even touched it yet myself, so I just know what I've read and watched on Twitch.

Sounds a lot more doable in that case.

Interesting to see this kind of commitment in this genre.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I've watched several 'review in progress' (read: give honest review in a time when our audience is aware of the lack of transparency in the games journalism industry while not totally pissing off Activision or Bungie at the same time so they keep being nice to us) and the game looks boring as hell.

Everything I absolutely hated about the Halo series is alive and well in here. Will skip.


I take no official position on the issue.,
Oct 10, 2002
I just would like PvP to reward three crucible marks per match instead of two.

50 matches of PvP is 49 more than I'd like to play.

They give you three for winning, only two for losing. At least you get something for losing, even loot. A lot of people are complaining about the worst players getting loot, but this is just people complaining. In the time I've spent in Crucible, it's as random as ever and has no bearing on how well you do. I've gotten good loot doing both good and bad in a match. (EDIT: In case you were't aware, you can only earn 100 marks per week.)

It's a shame you don't actually enjoy the PvP in this though. If I didn't enjoy it as much as I do, I'd get pretty bored of just doing patrol/missions/strikes. Luckily I like everything, so switching it up keeps it fun. I log in, grab my bounties, and off I go. The bounties are pretty much dictating what me and my friends are doing when we play together.

Everything I absolutely hated about the Halo series is alive and well in here. Will skip.

I think it's safe to say if you didn't like Halo, you won't like this. It feels fresh, but is still very Halo in tone. I've grown quite tired of Halo over the years and am honestly not excited for Halo 5 at all, but this I cannot stop playing.
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Tung's Hair Stylist
10 Year Member
Sep 14, 2011
Played to level 20 and I'm done. They lied about being able to "go anywhere," this game is full of invisible walls. My major disappointment is the absolutely zero innovation. I understand we live in a world where Mario Kart 8 and GTA 5 are the best games of the year, but this is Halo without story and Borderlands without funny.

Strike missions are alright, but grinding shit to upgrade my guns on missions which consist of killing a dozen aliens, walking away and waiting for them to re spawn to kill them again in order to collect some arbitrary piece of space junk is filler busy work bull shit.


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
Story: Borderlands > Destiny
Gameplay: =/=
Loot: Borderlands > Destiny, in terms of variety anyway.
Audio: Destiny > Borderlands
Graphics: Destiny > Borderlands
Fun Factor: =/=, same grind although they're paced differently.
Replayability: Destiny > Borderlands, as Destiny has post level cap loot, PvP, and monthly events.