SNK titles on other Platforms


Crossed Swords Squire
Apr 26, 2004
Hello all,

I wanted to get some opinions on which system (Xbox, PS2, Dreamcast) handles 2D games the best or has the best conversions of SNK titles.

I've played KOF 99 Dreammatch and Last Blade 2 on the Dreamcast but realized that they aren't as good as the original Neo Geo release. In KOF 99DM, although the backgrounds have been slightly upgraded, they're missing some detail from the original (i.e. They don't change after each round - Stage under the bridge infront of traffic, there are cars that zoom by in the NeoGeo version but in not in the dreamcast version). In Last Blade 2 there is lack of detail in the backgrounds - in the Burning House stage, the Neo Geo version has heat waves which is absent in the Dreamcast version.)

Has anyone compared the KOF games on the Playstation 2 to the Dreamcast versions and NeoGeo versions? I read that the load times are bad on the PS2. KOF2003 for PS2 seems interesting because of the numerous new backgrounds.

Michael Yagami

I was wondering if I might get a rank with a Castl
May 1, 2002
Comparing ports to their Neo Geo counterparts usually turns ugly in a hurry around here.



There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
You are about to be buried under a pile of "use the search feature" posts, and probably one post from TooShort telling you the ports are inferior anyway.

All the ports are missing something or are different somehow, but the DC 2000-2002 are real good. Besides some lag on voices etc. and blood (in the US version), the DC ports of MOTW and LB2 are pretty good also. The PS2 ports of '00 and '01 play real well, but as far as visuals, '01 is miles away from the original (for worse or for better).

PS2 KOF '02's backgrounds, while 3D, are pretty understated and not too far off from the original in most cases. '03 on the other hand, has some 3D backgrounds that look great, and some that are completely distracting for how bad they are (at least to me). The problem I had with some of them was that despite the fact that they are 3D, there is a complete lack of depth of field. The example that comes to mind is one where you travel in front of a body of water at sunset...the colors used, combined with the amount of detail on the mountains behind the water and the even texture of the water itself, pushes everything forward and flattens the composition. This may not bother some people as much as me, but since I spend the better part of my day drawing and painting (on paper and digitally), it grates on my nerves.


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
I actually prefer the Super Nintendo port of World Heroes 2 to the original.

*waits for Brocke... I mean Takumaji, to jump me*


Feb 20, 2001
Just my 2 Cents regd. PORTS

1 : Ports of these games are very very good on the Saturn :
KOF 95 - 97, Metal Slug 1, World Heroes Perfect, Samurai Shodown 1-4, Fatal Fury 3, Real Bout, Real Bout Special, Galaxy Fight.

I've never played AES/MVS vers of Voltage Fighter Gowkaiser or Ragnagard seriously so I can't say how well they compare to the originals.

2 : Never buy SNK related PS1 games except the following :
Fatal Fury : Wild Ambition, Real Bout Special : Dominated Mind, Samurai Shodown : Warriors Rage, Last Blade 1, Metal Slug X.

These games are PS1 only (Consoles and/or Ports wise). Again, I've never played through Wild Ambition on the hyper64 seriously.

3 : These DC ports are top notch :
KOF 99 Evo (very very beautiful), KOF 00 - 02, Twinkle Star Sprites.

4 : DC ports which are NOT THAT BAD :
MOTW (Sound FX Lag)
LB2 (Same problem as MOTW)
KOF DM 99 (98) (Doesn't feel right)

5 : Top Notch NEO games that are not available through PORTS :
KOF 94, Real Bout 2.

I MUST had left some games out. I don't know. Someone please tell me what I had left out.


On a side note, I must say that SVC Chaos was really well done on the PS2 (As a port) KOF 00 - 02 and Metal Slug 3 kicks asses too. I really like 2K1 on the PS2.
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Tomcat No.1 Ranked Trader.Also, Donated $600+ to N
Jan 13, 2004

I think, MotW for sega DC is one of the most decent conversion ever..
I don't like at all the kof conversions for this console .


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Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
tsukaesugi said:
I actually prefer the Super Nintendo port of World Heroes 2 to the original.

*waits for Brocke... I mean Takumaji, to jump me*


You use the (semi-positive) verb "to prefer" in conjunction with "World Heroes"! ... it's good to see that WH-wise, you are not a completely hopeless case! :D

* starts mail-bombing Microsoft for a WH Ultimate Online on Xbox

Kristian Meller

Vanguard Pilot
10 Year Member
Sep 22, 2013
Ralf501 said:
Has anyone compared the KOF games on the Playstation 2 to the Dreamcast versions and NeoGeo versions? I read that the load times are bad on the PS2. KOF2003 for PS2 seems interesting because of the numerous new backgrounds.

The load times on the PS2 conversions of Metal Slug 3 and SvC are GREAT (as in very close to non-existant!). SvC is superior to the AES version, and MS3 runs at a higher resolution. I think it makes the game look better, and I've owned the MVS version so I can compare the two versions just fine...

The DC version of MOTW is OK. I just couldn't live with the flaws, so I spent $700 getting a low serial and near mint AES console and a japanese copy of MOTW on AES :loco:


Crossed Swords Squire
Apr 26, 2004
Kristian Meller said:
The DC version of MOTW is OK. I just couldn't live with the flaws, so I spent $700 getting a low serial and near mint AES console and a japanese copy of MOTW on AES :loco:

What are the advantages of having an AES with a low serial #?


Host for Orochi
Mar 7, 2004
Ralf501 said:
What are the advantages of having an AES with a low serial #?

they have better quality RGB output (so only relevant if you live in Europe really).


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
Originally Posted by Hide
2 : Never buy SNK related PS1 games except the following :
Fatal Fury : Wild Ambition, Real Bout Special : Dominated Mind, Samurai Shodown : Warriors Rage, Last Blade 1, Metal Slug X.
I MUST had left some games out. I don't know. Someone please tell me what I had left out.

Never say never....
In the US there were PSOne releases of KOF'95 and '99. There was also Samurai Showdown 3.
In NIPPON! (Done to my amusement. I need a good laugh.)
There are PSOne releases of KOFs '95-'99. A Samurai pack of 1 and 2. There may be others that neither one of us know about past that. But there are two original PSX RPGs that include an Athena story and a Kyo story.

SNES and Genny got SS1. But not very good versions. The winner for best SS1 port goes to 3D0.

SNES and Genny also got ports of Fatal Furies 1 and 2. SNES saw a port of Special. Both had ports of World Heroes and Art OF Fighting. (With the supposed AOF2 for SNES).

GameBoy got the Nettou KOF games for '95 and '96. It also had some sort of Samurai Showdown conversion.

And now, again for my amusement alone. Some random smilies.
:cool: :eek: :eek_2: :( :mr_t: :multi_co:


Feb 20, 2001
@ Kagerousame :

I didn't mention those PS1 ports because I didn't find them worthy to own.
Besides, those SS versions are much more superior.

The PS1 Athena game was simply called Athena, if I'm not wrong.
The 'based on kyo' game was called Kof : Kyo. It was like a 'turn based fighting game' and I used to own it.

Also, the gameboy games doesn't even deserves a mention.
The only handheld game that I really liked was KOF EX2 : Howling Blood.
That game :buttrock: anyway, to the benefit of handheld fighting game fans.

Anyone tried Fatal Fury Special on the Sega CD? I didn't and I want to.

Nevertheless, I'll have to agree with you that SAM SHO 1 on the 3DO rocks!


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
I'm not saying they're all worth owning. They aren't. But, they're out there none-the-less. And a lot of them are horrible.

I'm suprised you can stomach EX2. I don't think it's that great. hasn't stopped me from buying it anyway.

Oh well.


evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
son_of_bael said:
they have better quality RGB output (so only relevant if you live in Europe really).
They also tend to work better with the Phantom1, I think...


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
I think the PSX ports are, for the most part, ok and actually fun.

Especially had a lot of good times with KoF 97 on the PSX. It has a glitch where if you choose expert mode instead of advanced, and set the controller config to I thikn advanced, such that one of the shoulder buttons is the ABC charge, then if you hold that charge button between rounds you'll start the round with a full POW.

If you don't get what I'm saying then forget about it.

So basically, it makes me wonder what other cool port exclusive glitches there are.

KoF 99 is also an excellent port for the PSX. It's dirt cheap too. It was so dirt cheap I bought the US version (despite the japanese packaging being 100x more sexy).

I thikn, but am not certain, that there's a thing about the cd slip cover on the PSX version of KoF 98, where Kyo's eyes are open on some and closed on others. I forgot what my cover has on it... whatever.

KoF 96 is tolerable, but the fact you can select the bosses is a big plus.

95 is probably the worst of the group, but it was also released early into SNKs PSX porting experience...

So for the most part, get the KoFs on the PSX.

I would definitely discourage people from ever buying the Samurai Shodown games on the PSX. The SS1&2 fencing pack is okay, but III and IV are utterly disgusting. III for the crap animation and epileptic inducing flashing, and IV for what they did to the sound.

Last Blade 1 on the other hand was excellent. They have a cool sprite edit of Washizuka that is supposed to be the real Koujiro Sanada (not his Mulan-ish sister that fakes being him).

whatever, whatever.


Rotterdam Nation Resident,
20 Year Member
Jan 12, 2001
for some reason I liked playing KOF 98 on the ps more than the DC despite the load times.
it was comparable to the NEOCDZ load times.
the music and sound effects sounded more closer to the original as well as the
graphics being original (with some frame cuts I guess. It's been awhile.) instead of
3d backgrounds.
as for all the other ports on the ps, I've never been too wild about them.
but I've always been more of a saturn guy myself.


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
I actually like the PSX KOF 95 more than any other version. I think it's mostly nostalgia though, because that was the first game I bought on my PSX and I was still in shock that it didn't look like a complete shit port like the SNES/Genesis ones. I remember being freaked that it was on sale at Toys R Us for like $25. I put in so many fuckin hours in on that port that it's unreal. It's one of those instances where I can't get used to the little details that are different in the original because the port is so engrained into my head.

Tomcat No.1 Ranked Trader.Also, Donated $600+ to N
Jan 13, 2004
Hide said:
@ Kagerousame :

Anyone tried Fatal Fury Special on the Sega CD? I didn't and I want to.

I remember FFS on sega cd, was a little slow, but no to bed for a conversion.
Also SS was available, under JVC label.


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Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
Takumaji said:

You use the (semi-positive) verb "to prefer" in conjunction with "World Heroes"! ... it's good to see that WH-wise, you are not a completely hopeless case!

You caught me.

Actually, it's true. I don't hate WH. I only slightly dislike it... Sometimes I even kinda like it.

OK... I don't really like the actual game so much as I like Janne.

OK! I admit it. I was in love with Janne for the longest time. I still am.

Why was she excluded from KOF?! Why God, why?!



Feb 20, 2001
@ Evil Wasabi : I love LB1 on the PS1 too. One of the best ports ever. Anyone seen the animated intro? Gameplay was top notch too.

I also agree that the SS Fencing Pack was only OK. Part 3 sucked and Part 4 was called 'Special'. It ended up being 'special' more in the wrong way.
Maybe I couldn't stand excessive frame cuts. I mean, yeah KOFs on the PS1 are playable but just look at Iori's fighting stance and Orochi Yashiro's hand movements when still.

I just can't stomach PS1 KOF ports. Maybe in the past, but not now.

@ SonGohan : I remember I had the JP KOF95 PS1 port when it came out. I also had the NGCD ver. I bought it just for comparisons sake. I pretty much overlooked all of the other aspects and was just wowed that it has 'CDZ Loading Speeds'
KOF 95 on the Saturn = :buttrock:

To each his own and that's what this thread is for.



Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
Hide said:
@ Evil Wasabi : I love LB1 on the PS1 too. One of the best ports ever. Anyone seen the animated intro?

Yeah, that was cool. That was Sunrise Studios I think... anyway, it was the same company that did the Dreamcast KOF98 intro.


Mar 10, 2004
Cell SamSho

Well personally my favorite port is the Samurai Showdown on my Sanyo 8100 cell phone, it's awesome. Each character has about three frames of animation, and best of all they never fall down, if you are asking for a perfect port this is it, if you don't like it you are a moron :lol: