Next proposed big Las Vegas NEO fan get-together

Dash no Chris

Jaguar Ninja,
Mar 14, 2002
Most of us here in Las Vegas have been waiting for Sunday, 9/28/03 (Gameland's next lock-in event) for our next big get-together. Well, I've got some mildly bad news to report.

I phoned up Gameland yesterday (Friday, 9/19/03) at 2:55pm to see if the lock-in was still a go. I was told that there would be no lock-in for September, but that they were tentatively planning one for the Columbus Day weekend (Columbus Day is Monday, 10/13/03). They didn't specify what day they were shooting for that weekend, but I'm assuming it'll be Sunday, 10/12/03. I have a feeling that lock-ins during the school year may be fewer and farther between than during the summer, what with the earlier curfew hours -- I think Gameland may only hold them on Sundays that are immediately followed by a holiday Monday.

Anyway, it seems there won't be a lock-in at Gameland for another 3 weeks. Did we still want to try for another large-scale 8/31-style get-together in the meantime?


Marco's Arms Dealer

Ukyo's Doctor
Sep 18, 2001
I am not wearing my conteacts or glasses so alot of misspellings , well Gameland next sunday is a go, but this sunday no way too busy for some odd reason. I am going today at 4pm til I run out of money and a wait time for a initial D game is gonna make me wait for any sudden Neo people decide to go now I'll meet ya there...


PS. man,. I can't wait to read this with my contacts on.

aftermath: wow, I type somewhat good.
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, Certified Gamer Chick,
20 Year Member
Oct 13, 2002
Like I said, I'm all for going tomorrow, but it won't be until roughly after 3pm. They -might- let me go home early due to possible overtime, but I'm not sure yet.

Is there any way I can contact you if I get let out before 3pm?


Bub & Bob's Bub,
20 Year Member
May 21, 2002
So does that mean we are still on for Neo-gaming and sushi on the 28th? I don't really care if there is a lock-in or not.

Dash no Chris

Jaguar Ninja,
Mar 14, 2002
Dinodoedoe said:
So does that mean we are still on for Neo-gaming and sushi on the 28th? I don't really care if there is a lock-in or not.
Well, the lack of a lock-in didn't stop us on 8/31, so I don't see why it should on 9/28 (since most of us have been planning to be available on that day, anyway). I just wanted to get the lock-in info out there, since it would at least affect our food plans. I don't see any reason not to continue with a plan similar to what we did on 8/31.

Those of you who know the Gameland staff better than I do, correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think that if Domino-chan needed to contact us there today, she could probably just telephone Gameland and ask them to page the NEO Pocket crew seated in the party area. I'm sure they'd at least be willing to pass along a message like "I'm getting out of work early -- please pick me up at 2pm instead of 3pm" -- wouldn't they?

BTW, Domino-chan, PM me regarding current pickup arrangements.

So, aside from Dinodoedoe, Domino-chan, and myself, who else is available today?



Bub & Bob's Bub,
20 Year Member
May 21, 2002
I'll talk to Decepticreep to see if he wants to come and play. He probably will since he's been playing Card Fighter Clash non-stop since the last get together.:loco: I hope Gameland will get SNK/Capcom: Chaos since the rest of the valley seems to already have it!:annoyed:

Dash no Chris

Jaguar Ninja,
Mar 14, 2002
Decepticreep said:
yeah i might go
Cool. I'm not going to be able to get there at my usual 2:15-2:30 time -- Hoteiya Las Vegas received a shipment of items from our supplier in Japan (including the Transformers Theme Song Collection double-CD!:buttrock: ) and I'm just wrapping up cataloging the contents. Gonna grab a shower and then head over to pick Domino-chan up at work -- since I haven't heard anything to the contrary from her, I'm assuming she's working til 3pm. Hopefully, we should be seeing the rest of you at Gameland by 3:30-3:40. Later!



, Certified Gamer Chick,
20 Year Member
Oct 13, 2002

I checked my schedule for any kinds of shenanigans they may have pulled on me and so far things are looking great. I'll go ahead and bring a change of clothes with me on Sunday so I won't have to rush back home... unless you guys want to see me in my dorky uniform. :loco:

I won't bring my NGPC just yet.. I still have to work on a better deck. And be prepared for more of my Billy tirades!!

Dash no Chris

Jaguar Ninja,
Mar 14, 2002
Just looking to get a headcount for tomorrow's get-together. If I'm not mistaken, this is what we're looking like so far:

Dash no Chris
Marco's Arms Dealer

I'm assuming the two of you are going to be there, but I couldn't find any recent postings to confirm this 100%.

Any of you available for Gameland, and/or dinner afterward?



Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
I haven't been able to get a hold of my friend, so things aren't looking too good. I'll still try my best to be there though.


Bub & Bob's Bub,
20 Year Member
May 21, 2002
I will be abe to make the Get together but not the after dinner party.:( It's Maibukkake's birthday and I gotta meet up with him later tonight. :crying:

Dash no Chris

Jaguar Ninja,
Mar 14, 2002
I'll be picking up Domino-chan at work at 3pm, so you should be seeing us over at Gameland by about 3:30 or so.


Marco's Arms Dealer

Ukyo's Doctor
Sep 18, 2001
*stretches out and clears his throat* CHRIS GOT OWNED BY DAN IN SVC CHAOS!

also I own him in CFC today...but it's still even...Hey wanna try B only deck?


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
wtf is a lock in? do they lock everyone in there and force them to play video games? what if u want to pay some hot bitch for sex later that night but u cant cuz u r locked in a video game store? what are the benefits? seems like it would be better to just have a game night where peeps can come and go as they pleased.


, Certified Gamer Chick,
20 Year Member
Oct 13, 2002
A lock-in is when you pay a fee to get into the arcade (here it's $10) and all the games inside are on free play for the rest of the day. They stamp your hand and you can go for as long as your stamina lets you.

I'm hoping for a big 10/19 meetup... it's gonna be the Domchan's 26th birfday. XD

And I must say I have improved on my Terry since the last time I was there. POWA GEYSA!!


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
Bah, who needs video games and friends when you can do boring insurance work for your mom and watch Sunday afternoon TV? :p Oh well, at least I got $50 out of it.

As you can probably tell, I couldn't get a hold of my friend, so I couldn't make it once again. I should DEFINETLY be able to make the next lock-in because my best bud from LA will be in town.
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Marco's Arms Dealer

Ukyo's Doctor
Sep 18, 2001
Hey guys, I went to Gameland yesterday since I am a Initial D freak. I saw them take out our favorite game, "typing of the dead," and put in the stupid Neo Geo MVS with Matrimelee in it's place...poor poor typing of the dead...I will...ok this is too hard to type with a straight face, I AM GLAD THAT STUPID GAME IS GONE CAUSE ALL THE DAMN WORDS WERE IN ENGLISH JAPANESE WORDS! SCREW THAT GAME AND WELCOME BACK OUR NEO GEO MVS....ok only thing left is to rid of that stupid DDR machine then then WE WILL RULE THE WORLD...errm..or have a whole row NG MVSs.

M-A-D with joy,

Dash no Chris

Jaguar Ninja,
Mar 14, 2002
Marco's Arms Dealer said:
Hey guys, I went to Gameland yesterday since I am a Initial D freak. I saw them take out our favorite game, "typing of the dead," and put in the stupid Neo Geo MVS with Matrimelee in it's place...poor poor typing of the dead...I will...ok this is too hard to type with a straight face, I AM GLAD THAT STUPID GAME IS GONE CAUSE ALL THE DAMN WORDS WERE IN ENGLISH JAPANESE WORDS! SCREW THAT GAME AND WELCOME BACK OUR NEO GEO MVS....ok only thing left is to rid of that stupid DDR machine then then WE WILL RULE THE WORLD...errm..or have a whole row NG MVSs.

M-A-D with joy,
I can think of at least one or two other games (nah, more than one or two, really) that I'd rather see go to make room for Matrimelee, but I can understand why Gameland chose to remove The Typing of the Dead -- it just didn't get played all that much. It seemed to get the most attention during the lock-ins, when it was set to free-play. I really enjoyed playing it, tho, since I'm a HotD fan and since I don't have a problem with the Japanese text (managed to boost my typing speed recently by fiddling with a Hokuto no Ken typing tutor/game), making it about the only game in the place on which I could consistently dominate.

Glad to see Matrimelee back, tho. I agree -- if they'd just get that damned dance game the fuck away from our MVS cabs (I don't mind the music or the players so much as I hate that fuckwit announcer's voice!), then all will be well.



Bub & Bob's Bub,
20 Year Member
May 21, 2002
Gameland is also adding a 5th neo geo machine. It will only be a one-slot with KOF 2k1 but they will be upgrading it to a two slot and adding KOF 98 real soon!:buttrock:

Dash no Chris

Jaguar Ninja,
Mar 14, 2002
Marco's Arms Dealer said:
bump and what is going on for this sunday?
Well, I just got off the phone with Gameland: there will be no lock-in this weekend. I was under the impression that the public schoolers got Columbus Day off (Monday, 10/13), making for a 3-day weekend (and preventing Sunday from being a school night). Wait a minute -- did Nevada give up Columbus Day several years ago in trade for MLK Jr Day? Maybe that's the problem. The management said that since Sunday would be a school night they wouldn't be able to do a lock-in this weekend -- they get too many complaints from parents about lock-ins on a school night (or "my kid's not getting his money's worth / wasting his money going to a lock-in when he can't stay for the whole thing"). Anyway, they said that they might put future lock-ins on hold until Summer vacation (I'm hoping we might get at least one during winter break). Damn American parents, anyway. What the fuck does your kid milking every last minute out of a lousy $10 cover charge have to do with me getting a marathon session of freeplay SVC?!:blow_top:

Anyway, since we've never let lock-in cancellations prevent us from throwing a big gaming/dinner get-together, I would assume that we're still on for Sunday.

So, who's going to be there?


Figured out the source of my mix-up re: Columbus Day here in Nevada. I believe my memory is correct when I recall that Nevada opted many years ago to give up a Monday holiday on Columbus Day in order to observe a Monday holiday on MLK Jr Day (we had to trade a day for a day since there can only be so many federal Monday holidays in a year). However, the City of North Las Vegas (my employer) gives us a Monday holiday for both Columbus Day and MLK Jr Day. Since I've gotten used to having Columbus Day off the last several years, I think I'd begun to assume the public schoolers had it off, too. Apparently not. Thus, no 3-day weekend for the kids this week, and no lock-in for those of us who should've outgrown video games already.
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, Certified Gamer Chick,
20 Year Member
Oct 13, 2002
As usual, I'm there for both a 10/13 and a 10/19 meetup.

Can we pleasepleaseplease have a big 10/19 one? I dun feel like being alone on my birfday. ;_____;

Oh, and for both I'll most likely be available after 3pm. I'll PM you Chris with the usual details. Maybe this time my co-workers won't make it sound like I went home already. :p

Marco's Arms Dealer

Ukyo's Doctor
Sep 18, 2001
well...if it doesn't revolve around japanese food, I am game, sorry I am a big italian food moron, and I do like the cake...cake is good! Last sunday I totally forgot about it. So I'll be there with twenty bucks I hope.


Bub & Bob's Bub,
20 Year Member
May 21, 2002
I not real sure if I will go this week, maybe the week of the 19th.

Is there any neo game you want to see @ Gameland? It can't hurt.I want them to pick up some old( but good) games. I asked for KoF 98 and they went and bought one.