Price drops at the neo store


Teh Mizzle
May 2, 2003
SvC kit dropped to $495 and super dodge ball kit dropped to $99. Anybody notice any others?



Geese's Thug
May 26, 2003
Anyone know of any problems with running dodgeball on a phantom? Any issues? If not, this is too good to pass up.


Apr 16, 2003
I hope that Matrimelee AES sees a price drop in the near future! I REALLY want to buy that game! :)


SouthTown StreetSweeper
Jun 5, 2001
Freelancer said:
I hope that Matrimelee AES sees a price drop in the near future! I REALLY want to buy that game! :)

Agreed, although Im thinking about getting a phantom. For some ROTD and Super Dodgeball love.:)


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
Tempting, but I already have a perfectly good SDB cart... hmmm, I'll have to mill it over... hard to justify buying a kit since obviously they have no value anymore... As for Tecmo WS, I love that game... may have to drop $65 on that!



Leon Ther,
Jun 20, 2002
twodeepuzzler said:
Anyone know of any problems with running dodgeball on a phantom? Any issues? If not, this is too good to pass up.

been playing my dodgeball mvs on the phantom for over a year now and have had no problems

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I really honestly do feel bad for someone who would've paid like 300 bucks for a SDB kit right before a hundred showed up at the Neo Store.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
lithy said:
I really honestly do feel bad for someone who would've paid like 300 bucks for a SDB kit right before a hundred showed up at the Neo Store.

Wow, somehow I dont think I had 400 War Room posts...but maybe anyway, that just means another 1000 post victoly contest. Prize this time is Ikari Warriors II for the NES, but alas its 300 posts away.


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
djdelly said:
Just placed my order for a super dodge ball kit. :buttrock:

Me too! Thanks SO MUCH for the heads up! I thought I'd never own this baby again with the prices it was fetching on eBay.

Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
Everytime the Neo-Store drops the price on Chaos I keep telling my friend that runs the arcade to buy the game, but he NEVER does.

I'd like to get the Super Dodge Ball kit. I loved the old NES game and I bet that one is just as fun.


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
YuckMud said:
Everytime the Neo-Store drops the price on Chaos I keep telling my friend that runs the arcade to buy the game, but he NEVER does.

I'd like to get the Super Dodge Ball kit. I loved the old NES game and I bet that one is just as fun.

Unfortunetly, the NES version is better in every way minus graphics. The Neo looks great, but it doesn't feel as good as the original Dodge Ball... and, it's just not a whole lot of fun single player... 2p can be ok, but most of my friends bore of it easily. Anyway... for $99 it is a great deal. A few years ago I bought a loose cart for $200 ;) Ah well...



6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
nruva said:
Unfortunetly, the NES version is better in every way minus graphics. The Neo looks great, but it doesn't feel as good as the original Dodge Ball... and, it's just not a whole lot of fun single player... 2p can be ok, but most of my friends bore of it easily. Anyway... for $99 it is a great deal. A few years ago I bought a loose cart for $200 ;) Ah well...


Agreed in many ways. I paid around 250-265$ for mine c. 4 years ago and I have had no regrets about it.

The problem with the NES version of SDB is that once you have the timing down, games can go on forever. The Neo SDB offers many more ways to vary the pace of the throws and the game itself. Neo SDB is also much deeper than it appears... there are many tricks you can do that'll surprise/aggrivate even an expert player.

I'd recommend buying SDB for the Super Famicom. That game is by far the best in the trilogy. The game is super deep, but that may not be apparent at first if you don't have some knowledge of the Japanese language to guide your way through the menus. The pictures in the manual help you figure out much you can do, though.

99$ is an outstanding price. I believe it will help the game be judged in a much kinder fassion - giving it the censure and praise it deserves.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
The best Dodge Ball game I have ever played is Dodge Danpei for Mega Drive, although it's not a Technos game.
It's really cool, especially in 2 players mode.


Kobaïa Is De Hündïn
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
nruva said:
Unfortunetly, the NES version is better in every way minus graphics. The Neo looks great, but it doesn't feel as good as the original Dodge Ball... and, it's just not a whole lot of fun single player... 2p can be ok, but most of my friends bore of it easily. Anyway... for $99 it is a great deal. A few years ago I bought a loose cart for $200 ;) Ah well...


Have you played the GBA version? It came out when the GBA did. It is freaking incredible. Fun as hell and really challenging


Astra Superstar
Apr 2, 2002
I picked up a dodgeball kit for myself last night. And to think a while ago I was going to drop 200 on a bare cart. I guess waiting payed off this time.
I just want to know what corner of the universe all these dodgeball kits came from.


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
OrochiEddie said:
Have you played the GBA version? It came out when the GBA did. It is freaking incredible. Fun as hell and really challenging

Yes I have, I got that the day the GBA came out... great game. We went and saw it at E3, it was in some upstairs back room, almost missed it, but we went exploring. They had Dodge Ball shirts earlier, but ran out :( I really wanted a SDB shirt.... Anyway, yeah, love the GBA version!



Friend me on Facebook!,
20 Year Member
Aug 13, 2001
How does the domestic release of Dodge Ball on the PSOne compare to all the other DB games? It is only $10 or so at TRU.


6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
Lastblade said:
How does the domestic release of Dodge Ball on the PSOne compare to all the other DB games? It is only $10 or so at TRU.

It's better than most dodgeball games... but not as good as most of the DB games you probably know about;) .

Everything in that game is "okay" except that the animation in the special throws is sub-par. The shape of the ball doesn't dramatically change. That may not sound important to some, but if there is no visual trick to the throw than it will be just as easy to catch as anything else thrown at you.

Also, the game works on a one-hit-and-you're-out method. There is no lifebar like in most other Dodgeball games. That's another reason why the special throws are not important. It doesn't matter if you throw a "lob shot" or anything else - because 1 hit and you're out. It's more important to vary the speed and rhythm of your throws than to execute special throws.

Special throws work on a method similar to the gundam dodgeball games. Catch the ball, get 1 point. 3 points does a special throw, 6 points does a "level 2" special throw, and 8 points will allow your team captain to do a unique super. Points are character specific, so if your captain catches the ball that point does not carry to any of his teamates if he passes the ball to them.

If you have 6 points, you may as well just do 2 level 1 special throws rather than 1 level 2... I guess it doesn't matter. I believe the developers should have thought that through a little better. It truely is a burden to the gameplay.

The game has 2 things that are in its favor. One is that you can vary the speed of your throw by how hard you press the throw button. Another is a double edged sword... the amount of throws in your arsenal. If I remember correctly, you have 5 level 1 throws and 5 level 2 throws you can perform by common joystick manuevers. There are really only a couple that are of any use, unfortunately.

Mediocre game, but better than most of the other dodgeball games in existance (there are about 20).

I have a copy for sale if you are interested.


Friend me on Facebook!,
20 Year Member
Aug 13, 2001
ForeverSublime said:
It's better than most dodgeball games... but not as good as most of the DB games you probably know about;) .

Everything in that game is "okay" except that the animation in the special throws is sub-par. The shape of the ball doesn't dramatically change. That may not sound important to some, but if there is no visual trick to the throw than it will be just as easy to catch as anything else thrown at you.

Also, the game works on a one-hit-and-you're-out method. There is no lifebar like in most other Dodgeball games. That's another reason why the special throws are not important. It doesn't matter if you throw a "lob shot" or anything else - because 1 hit and you're out. It's more important to vary the speed and rhythm of your throws than to execute special throws.

Special throws work on a method similar to the gundam dodgeball games. Catch the ball, get 1 point. 3 points does a special throw, 6 points does a "level 2" special throw, and 8 points will allow your team captain to do a unique super. Points are character specific, so if your captain catches the ball that point does not carry to any of his teamates if he passes the ball to them.

If you have 6 points, you may as well just do 2 level 1 special throws rather than 1 level 2... I guess it doesn't matter. I believe the developers should have thought that through a little better. It truely is a burden to the gameplay.

The game has 2 things that are in its favor. One is that you can vary the speed of your throw by how hard you press the throw button. Another is a double edged sword... the amount of throws in your arsenal. If I remember correctly, you have 5 level 1 throws and 5 level 2 throws you can perform by common joystick manuevers. There are really only a couple that are of any use, unfortunately.

Mediocre game, but better than most of the other dodgeball games in existance (there are about 20).

I have a copy for sale if you are interested.

Wow, thanks for the insightful response. To tell the truth, I am a complete DB newbie, I have played the NES version somewhat a long long time ago but I don't remember any more. Mainly, I am looking to get the NG version just to get into it again.... The PSOne version intrigues me b/c it is cheap, but other than that, I rather play a superior version.


6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
Well, if you want it you can have it. Just pay shipping (3.85$ for priority mail w/ Delivery Confirmation, or 1.20$ for media mail as-is)... PM me if you want it.