why is it that in the backround for kof 2001

Kirk Foiden

James Tiberius,
Aug 14, 2002
where theres a mexican band playing tunes an all u here is crappy techno music?it makes no sense
Easy makes perfect sense. The music played has nothing to do with the backgrounds, but due to the teams and the whole computer Bio-(techno)logical nightmare contained in the Nests story arc. So in a way, even if the music is crappy, it does kind of fit the overall atmospheric motif(not that the music didn't leave heaps of room for improvement within its style).

Only a select games have music based on exactly what's going on in the background. Most of KOF 97, certain places in the Fatal Fury games (including one started by Terry's pet monkey), Matrimelee, just to name a few.

Why the band is there? Well, just because they probably wanted a location that kind of represented Mexico in there. Nothing more unusual than having a fight on a race course.

<small>[ June 12, 2003, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Kirk Foiden ]</small>


Bead Banger
Apr 7, 2003
oh o its just that im used to playing with music that goes with the backround in some fighting games

Hidden Character

Leader of The Hyperstone Heist,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2002
There's also a band in the BG of the England stage in '94, but doesn't have a damn thing to do with the happiness of the bgm.