Beating Silber - a victory for cheezor


So Many Posts
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For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
To beat Silber, you going to have to sell your dignity and your soul by turtling a lot. I start the match pressing A&B to block, and then make sure that he doesn't too far away or too close in. I like to keep him about a body length away. So when he attacks with a major move, like the foot slam earthquake, the double jump kick, or the sliding past you punch, you can counter.
A word to the wise: never let your guard down unless you plan to attack. Never attack unless Silber is open. Silber is much moreaggressive than the other characterrs. He knows what buttons you're pressing. But he has to deal with his own recovery time, so that's your only chance.

for purposes of clarity, rest of this is written with idea that you are facing right.

Gai - not much you can counter with. I stick with his forward kick
B + [forward]

Ryo - too difficult. Ryo will easity be gaurd crushed by the double jump kicks. Ryo has no range in his fast moves, and so his hard punch and double jump kick will get blocked. Try his up-forward kick.
B + [up forward]

Seo - like gai, you can mainly counter with the forward roundhouse kick, but be careful, as Silber will often duck and counter with his own high kick.
B + [forward]

Pretty easy, just do his steel lance kicks after blocking a major move.
B+[downforward], B+[downforaward]

Too easy. Block and do any of python's crippling combos. If Silber moves too far back, chase him down with the driving punch
[hold B]
[up forward], [downforward], [upforward]
or vice versa

B, B, [forward]

Most grapple will result in reversals, so this is tough. After Silber muffs a move, lunge in for his ankles and take him down. It's the only place I haven't seen him counter. The head grab is too dangerous as he'll just punch you in the face as you go in. but if he steps on you as you go for his feet, it won't won't hurt as much. When you knock him down, go in for the kill by climbing on top and squishing his head, or the leg pin.
B, [downforward],[hold position]
(near opponent) b+[down]

Just keep doing that and he'll ventually be in the red.

This is really unbearable. I won by decision here. Yes, silber's moves are easy to grab, but you can't connect a neck chop into them because he's too strong. So I just block and counter with a low kick when he does a major move.
and when he's close and does the three punches, I do the step back and then neck chop.
then, if opponent stunned (clutching neck),
dash in, b,[down forward]
then, when opponent on ground,
dash in, B + [down]

Song is weak, but you can actually combo Silber once in a while. You can easily take him by blocking and countering with a
or like combo. however, safest bet is to just:

Counter with the
then move in with the foot stomp
dash in, b+[down]

This took me forever. you can try to counter with his punch then grab combo-
[forward],[forward],B+[forward] (grapple sequence), but silber is too strong to let you just do that.
you can also try to counter with the
but again, Silber will counter you with a low kick, or, worse, earthquake stomp your head (I was so depressed when that first happened).
never do the
[downforward],hold position, sequence
Silber will destroy you.

Nearly impossible to win. I got by on decision. Don't start by counter with take downs. Won't work. Instead, start by countering with high chops
then after Silber gets in the yellow, you can try to toss him around, but I'd recommend sticking to this combo:
Do not bother trying to do the Helicopter spin on him - he'll kill you for it. Other combos are a little risky.

Did I miss anyone?