Hard and software arcade games, sprites 2D, and about SNKneogeo company


Aug 7, 2003
5252, Orange Avenue.
Suite, No. 208, Cypress.
CA, 90630, U. S. A.

Fecha actual: MAR. 28. / 07. / 2003.

Estimados Sres.
Soy un aficionado a las recreativas arcades de sprites; y a las animaciones de dibujo cómic. Por favor ¿ podrían Udes. dar respuesta a las cuestiones, que pasaré a formular a continuación, sobre hard y software de videojuegos?.:

1º._ Neo Geo MVS, fue la consola de recreativa arcade, más impresionante de la generación de los 16 bits. Hoy sin embargo va muy por detrás de las nuevas máquinas como: CPS-3, Naomi, Game Cube, o PS-2. SNK desarrolló después, nuevas versiones de Neo Geo más avanzadas que MVS: (Neo Star -32bits-, Hyper Neo Geo 64, y SNK-Millennium -128 bits - ). Pero no consiguieron salir adelante en el mercado de las recreativas arcade. ¿Por qué ?.

_ ¿ Para cuando diseñará SNK-Playmore, una nueva versión de Neo Geo, más avanzada que su actual sistema MVS / AES, en los próximos años?. ¿ Podría ser, junto con Sony PS-3, y Microsoft X-Box 2, y otros sistemas similares, para la próxima generación de 256 bits ?.

_ ¿SNK-Playmore se mantendrá como fabricante de entretenimiento y juegos arcade, de gama media-alta, o buscará en el futuro, reducir costes en una gama media-baja, cuando diseñe sus próximas video consolas arcade para el mercado doméstico, a diferencia de Neo-Geo _16 bits ?.

_ ¿Volverán a trabajar en un futuro, para SNK-Playmore, compañías desarrolladoras japonesas como: ADK, Data East, Nazca, Saurus, Psikyo, Banpresto,…?. Si no será así, ¿ por qué ?.

_ ¿ SNK-Playmore, continuará centrada en desarrollar solo juegos arcades de lucha de competición y naves ( o shoot em’ ups). O trabajará en el futuro, más en otros géneros arcade, como: plataformas, beat em’ ups, algunos de coches ( tan buenos como “World Rally” ‹Gaelco› ), y trabajar en nuevos arcades bélicos, ( a parte de ″ Metal Slug ″, ‹Nazca/SNK›)?.

2º._ ¿Qué futuro podrán tener los sprites 2D en adelante: Son un género gráfico muerto, que tiende a desaparecer en un futuro no muy lejano, y a ser sustituido por los polígonos-renders 3D. O por el contrario, las compañías podrán diseñar en el futuro, una nueva generación de sprites, para gráficos de dibujo cómic, más complejos o avanzados que los actuales 2D?.
¿Por qué atraviesan actualmente las animaciones de dibujo cómic, basadas en sprites 2D, un agotamiento progresivo, que les lleva a combinaciones 2D /3D ?.

_ ¿Por qué SNK, no llegó a diseñar ninguna recreativa arcade, basada en sprites 2D, para la consola arcade Hyper Neo Geo 64, si su arquitectura para gráficos a de dibujo cómic, ( 1536 sprites 2D ) era muy superior a MVS ( 380 ). E insistieron tanto en los gráficos de polígonos-renders 3D?.

¿SNK-Millennium ( 128 bits ), fue una consola arcade diseñada solo para desarrollar sobre ella, recreativas 3D de polígonos, a diferencia de Hyper Neo Geo 64?. ¿ Por qué ?.

¿Por qué con los polígonos 3D, no se consigue en las animaciones, una calidad de dibujo cómic tan buena como la que se consigue en la actualidad, con los sprites 2D?.

_ ¿Que compañías desarrolladoras, estarán interesadas en trabajar con sprites, en el futuro, en diseñar nuevos trabajos de animaciones de dibujo cómic, para recreativas arcade?.
¿Por qué no estarán entre ellas, compañías como: Taito , Irem , Konami ,o Namco, entre otros desarrolladores ?.

_ ¿ Que implica mover animaciones de dibujo cómic, con un número creciente de sprites 2D, si con un número de 380 – 1536, ( con arquitecturas de 16 y 64 bits ), ya parece que se ha alcanzado la cima de su perfección, y no parece que se pueda ir mucho más lejos en el futuro a diferencia de las recreativas arcade 3D de polígonos-renders?.
¿ Dónde estará el límite para los sprites 2D, para los futuros diseños de consola de recreativa arcade ?.

_ ¿Qué mejoras introducían, los elementos: chaín, mosaic, mesh, movimiento UPRL, montagin, que desarrollaba por hardware Hyper Neo Geo 64 ? ¿Qué nuevas se podrán desarrollar para diseñar nuevas animaciones de dibujo cómic, en el futuro ?.

3º._ ¿Por qué los juegos arcade del momento ( como: ″Metal Slug 3″, _ SNK, 1999_ p. ej. ), no tienen un mayor argumento, diseñándose las escenas finales, muy cortas y pobres; y no se introducen videos o escenas cinemáticas, de animaciones de sprites, a medida que conseguíamos avanzar o adentrarnos a través del arcade y cambiar de escenario de acción?.
¿ Podrán diseñarse cortometrajes jugables, para futuras recreativas arcades, más complejos que las actuales, basadas en animaciones de dibujo – cómic, de sprites 2D ?.

4º._ ¿Por qué no existen grandes diferencias de calidad gráfica y sonora, entre una consola de juegos arcade, como una arquitectura especializada, y un ordenador PC doméstico, como una arquitectura multimedia, más general. A favor de las videoconsolas de recreativa arcade?. ( Como comparar dos equipos de audio: uno de la gama ″High-End″, con otro de una gama ″media″ ).
Tema aparte, es el precio del software, ( 72, 12 € ), muy superior a un DVD Audio/Vídeo ( 21 € )…

_ ¿Por que las consolas de juegos arcade, dejan de ser máquinas específicas, y se acercan cada vez más a la arquitectura básica, de un ordenador PC?. ¿Evolución lógica de estas plataformas de entretenimiento doméstico hacia la arquitectura PC ?. ¿ Por qué ?.

_ La CPU de la consola arcade, no lo es todo, ¿ que funciones cumplen los demás componentes de una arquitectura interna de hardware, para que, entre una Super Nintendo o una SEGA – Mega Drive, y la Neo Geo MVS ( de 16 bits, todas ellas ), haya tanta diferencia en gráficos y sonido?.
¿Qué diferencias pueden existir entre, una consola de recreativa arcade profesional y una consola de entretenimiento doméstica, en la actualidad ?.

Agradeciendo su atención, y su tiempo; se despide y cierra esta carta de consulta.
A la espera de noticias suyas:

Atte., les saluda: David Escobar Martín.


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001

5252, Orange Avenue.
Suite, No. 208, Cypress.
CA, 90630, Or S. A.

Present date: SEA. 28./07,/2003.

Dear Mr..
I am a fan to recreational arcades of sprites; and to the drawing animations cómic. Please they could Udes. give answer to the questions, that I will happen to formulate next, on hard and software of videojuegos.:

1º. _ Neon Geo MVS, was the recreational console of arcade, more impressive of the generation of the 16 bits. Today nevertheless it goes very behind the new machines like: Cps-3, Naomi, Game Cube, or Ps-2. SNK developed later, new Neon versions Geo more outposts than MVS: (Neon Star -32bits -, Hyper Neon Geo 64, and SNK-Millennium -128 bits -). But they were not able to leave ahead in the market recreational arcade. Why.

_ For when it designs SNK-Playmore, a new Neon version Geo, more outpost than its present system MVS/AES, in the next years. It could be, along with similar Sony Ps-3, and Microsoft X-Box 2, and other systems, for the next generation of 256 bits.

_ SNK-Playmore will stay like manufacturer of entertainment and games arcade, upper middle range, or will look for in the future, to reduce to costs in a lower middle range, when arcade for the domestic market designs its next video consoles, unlike Neo-Geo _ 16 bits.

_ Volvera'n to work in a future, for SNK-Playmore, companies Japanese developers like: ADK, East Data, Is born, Saurus, Psikyo, Banpresto.... If it will not be thus, why.

_ SNK-Playmore, will continue centered in developing single to games arcades of competition fight and ships (or shoot em' ups). Or it will work in the future, more in other sorts arcade, like: platforms, beat em' ups, some of cars (as good as "World Rally" ‹Gaelco›), and to work in new arcades warlike, (to part of? Slug Metal, ‹Nazca/SNK›).

2º. _ Future what will be able to have sprites 2D in ahead: They are a graphical sort dead, that tends to disappear in a future not very distant, and to be replaced by the polygons-renders 3D. Or on the contrary, the companies will be able to design in the future, a new generation of sprites, for graphs of drawing cómic, more complex or advanced than present 2D.
Why they cross at the moment the drawing animations cómic, based on sprites 2D, a progressive exhaustion, that takes to combinations 2D to them/3D.

_ Why SNK, did not get to design no recreational arcade, based on sprites 2D, for the console arcade Hyper Neon Geo 64, if its architecture for graphs to of drawing cómic, (1536 sprites 2D) were muy.superior.a MVS (380). And they as much insisted on the graphs of polygons-renders 3D.

SNK-Millennium (128 bits), was a single console arcade designed to develop on her, recreational 3D of polygons, unlike Hyper Neon Geo 64. Why.

Why with the polygons 3D, is not obtained in the animations, a as good quality of drawing cómic as the one that is obtained at the present time, with sprites 2D.

_ That companies developer, will be interested in working with sprites, in the future, in designing new works of animations of drawing cómic, for recreational arcade.
Why they will not be among them, companies like: Taito, Irem, Konami,o Namco, among other developers.

_ That implies to move drawing animations cómic, with an increasing number of sprites 2D, if with a number of 380 - 1536, (with architectures of 16 and 64 bits), already it seems that the top of its perfection has been reached, and does not seem that it is possible to be gone far much more in the future unlike recreational arcade 3D of polygons-renders.
Where 2D will be the limit for sprites, for the future recreational console designs of arcade.

_ What improvements introduced, the elements: chaín, mosaic, mesh, movement UPRL, montagin, that developed by Hyper hardware Neon Geo 64? New what will be able to be developed to design new animations of drawing cómic, in the future.

3º. _ Why the games arcade of the moment (like: Slug 3, _ SNK, 1999 _ p. ej.), does not have a greater argument, designing itself the final scenes, very short and poor; and videos or scenes are not introduced kinematics, of animations of sprites, as we were able to advance or to enter themselves through arcade and to change of action scene.
Jugables cortometrajes will be able to be designed, for future recreational arcades, more complex than the present ones, cradles in animations of drawing - cómic, sprites 2D.

4º. _ Why great differences of graphical and sonorous quality do not exist, between a console of games arcade, like a specialized architecture, and a domestic computer PC, like an architecture multimedia, more general. In favor of the videoconsolas of recreational arcade. (Like comparing two equipment of audio: one of?High-End range, with another one of a range?media?
Separate subject, is the price of software, (72, 12 €), muy.superior.a a DVD Audio/Vídeo (21 €)...

_ So that the consoles of games arcade, stop being specific machines, and they approach the basic architecture more and more, of a computer PC. Logical evolution of these platforms of domestic entertainment towards architecture PC. Why.

_ the CPU of the console arcade, is not it everything, that functions fulfill the other components of an internal architecture of hardware, so that, between a Super Nintendo or a SEGA - Drive Mega, and the Neon Geo MVS (of 16 bits, all of them), is as much difference in graphs and sound.
What differences can exist between, a recreational console of arcade professional and a domestic console of entertainment, at the present time.

Appreciating its attention, and its time; this letter of consultation takes leave and closes.
To the delay of the news hers:


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
Come on, give the person a chance :D

<small>[ August 08, 2003, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Fox1 ]</small>


Camel Slug
Jan 16, 2003

I still can't understand some of it. Can someone rearrange the words in the paragraphs? frown


Bub & Bob's Bubble Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 24, 2001
I would, but im wayyyyyy tooo tired, I haven't gone to sleep yet, I will...soon..lol


Aug 8, 2003
that was really interesting! those other SNK archtitectures that never got used much, or at all

* 32-Bit Neo Star
* 64-Bit Hyper NeoGeo 64
* 128-Bit SNK-Millenium

Giga Power

Host for Orochi,
Jul 2, 2001
that was really interesting! those other SNK archtitectures that never got used much, or at all

* 32-Bit Neo Star
* 64-Bit Hyper NeoGeo 64
* 128-Bit SNK-Millenium
Why have I only heard of one of the three? spock


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
Giga Power:
that was really interesting! those other SNK archtitectures that never got used much, or at all

* 32-Bit Neo Star
* 64-Bit Hyper NeoGeo 64
* 128-Bit SNK-Millenium
Why have I only heard of one of the three? spock
Neo Geo CD's rumored title was "Neo Star" before it's release. As to the SNK-Millenium, it was supposedly to be released September 2000. Here's the specs that were given:
SNKs next generation Neo Geo console, the SNK Millennium looks like will be powered by a Matrox 3D graphics chip pumping out 450 million polygons and 30.2 GigaPixels per second. Neo Geo mailing list revealed :
Graphic card 3D MATROX CHIPSET GPUN (G800?)
Polygons 450 million Polygons per second
Textures 30.2 GigaPixels per second? damn high!
Memory 128 Mb to 300 Mhz
Speed DVD and CD DVD TO 6X AND CD AT 32X
Sound Stereo with 128 channels
S.O. Microsoft C.E. or SNK Control Panel
Modem 128 Bps.
Matrox G800 Rumour Details :
Pin compatible with G450
Double fillrate of G450 (450 million polygon/s?)
Support for 250MHz DDR FCRAM
Support for Hardware T&L
Support for DirectX 8.0 Shader and fully functional DX7
New DX7, 8 IDC drivers
Mass production : Sept. 2000.
Dual G800
This info was gathered from old NeoGeo mailing list threads.

<small>[ August 08, 2003, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: ResOGlas ]</small>
Apr 20, 2003
Neo Geo CD's rumored title was "Neo Star" before it's release.
The NEO STAR was rumored to be a 32-bit CD/cart based system, that would also be used for online banking and gambling. But as far a I remember, the Neo Star was in reality a 32-bit upgrade for the MVS (a la SEGA 32X) that never saw the light of day.


water damaged
20 Year Member
Jan 8, 2001
Charles Franklin Fernandez:
Neo Geo CD's rumored title was "Neo Star" before it's release.
The NEO STAR was rumored to be a 32-bit CD/cart based system, that would also be used for online banking and gambling. But as far a I remember, the Neo Star was in reality a 32-bit upgrade for the MVS (a la SEGA 32X) that never saw the light of day.
Thanks for the info wink

Like I said in my above complete post, I was simply qouting old NeoGeo Mailing list threads, not hard facts.

Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku

Mega Shock!!
Aug 7, 2003
damn did that SNK millenium get really far along? Seems like it didnt. If it did though, then playmore could see some use in it, it wouldve happened already, but that arcade show is coming up...oh and the tokyo game show, with snk playmore making an appearance.....hmm...


Aug 8, 2003
known / rumored SNK video/arcade hardware:

SNK NeoGeo 16-bit MVS (1989) AES (1990)

SNK NeoStar 32-Bit (early-mid 90s) CD-ROM addon / upgrade for NeoGeo and/or standalone system (????)

SNK NeoGeo CD 16-bit (1994-1995) front-loading, top-loading, CDZ

SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 (1996-1997) 64-Bit, arcades only

SNK NG Pocket, NG Pocket Color (late 90s)

SNK Millenium 128-Bit (????) unreleased/rumored

(just read the specs above, OMFG I did not know about those specs until now, holy crap that would have been AWESOME. if they use Martrox cards maybe they will use the next Parhelia or something like that)

SNK-Playmore future hardware hinted at for next generation (????)

did I miss anything?
( aside from SNK's pre-MVS arcade games)

<small>[ August 10, 2003, 12:21 AM: Message edited by: shinsurfer ]</small>


Ace Gho,
20 Year Member
May 24, 2002

There's no need to "babelize" that, his Spanish is even worse than the English translation.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Lovecraft0110 said:

There's no need to "babelize" that, his Spanish is even worse than the English translation.

LOL at this and how old this thread is

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
He just can't stand when somebody uses bad English, Spanish or any other language... I wonder why he stays in these forums then, and most importantly, why he plays Neo Geo games... Yes, the Spangrish in them is even worse than the Engrish :loco:


Ace Gho,
20 Year Member
May 24, 2002
Amano Jacu said:
He just can't stand when somebody uses bad English, Spanish or any other language... I wonder why he stays in these forums then, and most importantly, why he plays Neo Geo games...

I'll take that as a compliment, heheh.

Amano Jacu said:
Yes, the Spangrish in them is even worse than the Engrish :loco:


I hadn't thought of calling it Spangrish but yeah, it's somewhat appropriate, methinks. :make_fac:
