offical wwe thread


Hardened Shock Trooper
Jul 16, 2003
The two recently called up shown in those profiles kicked ass in a show I saw in person. There was like 14 people there in the audience, but a couple still put in an entertaining show. Also great in the ring was the guy now known as "Johnny Nitro".

Ikumi Tachikawa

Crazed MVS Addict
Mar 24, 2004
Wow...This topic sure loves to vanish from sight if you leave it alone for a relatively short period of time!:eek:

Um...So did anything interesting happen on RAW this week?

Uh oh...I just thought of something. Could the fact that Benoit now claims ownership of TWO titles at the exact same time spell disaster for the Rabid Wolverine?:eye::eye:

I mean...things quickly took a turn for the worst back when Eddie had both the US and one half of the Tag title belts around his waist.

Latino Heat simply could not keep a firm grip on multiple belts, no matter how much sewage he sprayed in the Big Show's general direction...:emb:

Oh well...Its probably just my imagination. They woundn't DARE strip Benoit of any of his titles this soon after he earned them in the first place!:buttrock:
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Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
Ikumi Tachikawa said:
Oh well...Its probably just my imagination. They woundn't DARE strip Benoit of any of his titles this soon after he earned them in the first place!:buttrock:

Oh trust me baby, they will. HHH has teh power and he will do everything he can to keep that belt cause' he's the big dogg in the WWE. Why won't Vince realize what Stephane and HHH are doing to ruin the company? When Stephane and HHH were fake married, they had something good going on for their story as well as they did for the other wrestlers without taking up a lot of television time because professional writers did their job. Now that they're married for real and the roster in in effect, they suck at wrtiting because they have no experience and with the lack of pros, the WWE has turned into a reality show. You got a few good things for a little while but once someone sees something they don't like, they complain until they get what they want (HHH persay).


Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
ikumi, i dont know what you find entertaining in the big show? yeah he's big but the guy has no skill and he can't sell any matches.

speaking of raw, i see a heel turn for HBK. he will lose against benoit next week maybe because edge will interefere the match in favor of benoit and will lead into a feud between HBK and edge into summer slam probably.

anyone heard of a possible return for the hitman? i heard that him and vince are in the process of rebuilding and patching things up even after the 97 screwjob and the death of owen. i hope this is true because the hitman was the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

Ikumi Tachikawa

Crazed MVS Addict
Mar 24, 2004
El Duque...

To answer your question...

All of us have certain wrestlers that we enjoy watching, and the Big Show just happens to be mine.:buttrock:

The Big Show is my absolute favorite wrestler for a number of reasons.

First of all I love his character, especially his "lumbering-giant" persona. I find it to be quite enjoyable, watching him utterly destroy those who decide to step in the ring with him, tossing smaller opponents around with little to no effort and knocking people down to the mat with but a single swipe of his mighty paw!

Secondly, NOBODY has an easy time fighting the Showster. You simply do NOT squash someone as enormous as him! And even if he is to go down for the three count, the wrestler that puts him away for good will still come out of the encounter an extremely bruised and beaten man!:cool:

Whenever someone learns that he has to face the Big Show in combat, that wrestler pretty much always gets that "OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO!" look on their face.

Oftentimes when a group of wrestlers are locked in a mosh pit of flying fists and feet, they immediately stop everything and tackle the Showster en masse as soon as he makes his way toward the ring, simply because they KNOW that he is the greatest threat to their well being to ever set foot in the arena! And when the mob attempts to pile onto him, Show simply flings them all away like a bunch of flabby babies.:p

Lastly, I think that the Big Show is cute. I know that plenty of other girls would readily disagree with me (Especially the legions of idiotic Cena fangirls...), but I could really care less what those people think of me. The Showster is cute in an "adorable" sort of way (While the Deadman version of the Undertaker is cute in a "sexy" sort of way).:drool:

The Big Show is a giant teddy bear. A giant teddy bear that likes to beat the heck out of people, but a teddy bear nonetheless.:D
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Sho's Rival
May 15, 2003
i missed smackdown and raw. thanks for the recap as always.

how about mordecai vs undertaker and then bring in kane for a triple threat match. :buttrock:

whats the news with goldberg after he left the wwe? what is he up to now?

Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
orochi_lubu said:
i missed smackdown and raw. thanks for the recap as always.

how about mordecai vs undertaker and then bring in kane for a triple threat match. :buttrock:

whats the news with goldberg after he left the wwe? what is he up to now?

Ah, glad you asked. Goldberg is in Japan right now in New Japan Pro Wrestling along with Sean O'hare, Ultimo Dragon, and Stone Cold.



Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
The highlight of RAW last night...Triple H talking to a TREE!!! :glee:

Reality Check

World Hero
Feb 6, 2004
Razial said:
Oh trust me baby, they will. HHH has teh power and he will do everything he can to keep that belt cause' he's the big dogg in the WWE. Why won't Vince realize what Stephane and HHH are doing to ruin the company? When Stephane and HHH were fake married, they had something good going on for their story as well as they did for the other wrestlers without taking up a lot of television time because professional writers did their job. Now that they're married for real and the roster in in effect, they suck at wrtiting because they have no experience and with the lack of pros, the WWE has turned into a reality show. You got a few good things for a little while but once someone sees something they don't like, they complain until they get what they want (HHH persay).

The backstage power crap never gets old.

If HHH can do anything he wanted and only out for himself he won't have jobbed to Benoit in Wrestlemania, he won't have jobbed to Shelton Benjamin twice in a row, and he would have won the title back on Backlash. Before Benoit came over to Raw, No other wrestler on the roster was ready for Main-event and he is the ONLY active main-event wrestler the WWE has. Goldberg gone, Lesnar gone, Austin gone, The Rock in Hollywood, Angle is too hurt to wrestle and was made GM of SMackdown, Big Show is taking a well-deserved break, and the Undertaker is "too special" to be used on regular T.V. With so many so their Main-eventers gone the WWE is force to push the only Main-Eventer left in their roster Triple H.


And the Triple H war goes on...and on....and on....and on... :emb:

Just for the record though, Razial's right. No more on the subject from me though :cool:

Apr 20, 2003
Arcademan said:
The highlight of RAW last night...Triple H talking to a TREE!!! :glee:

:lol: It's True. It's damn true. :lol:

For those of you who missed RAW (in no particular order):

Women tag team match, Victoria and Lita vs. Molly and gale Kim.
Winner the team of Victoria and Lita. Of course, after loosing her wig, Molly beat the crap out of both Victoria and Lita until Kane showed up. Kane wants to make-out with Lita, but she scapes into the Backstage area.

Backstage, Matt meets Lita and tells her that he will make Kane pay for what he did. Matt and Lita hugh each other until Lita sees Kane and starts screaming. Kane just beat the crap out of Matt.

Rhyno vs. Rob Conway.
Winner Rhyno with the help of Eugene. Conway was beating the crap out of Rhyno when suddenly Eugene approached the "sound guy" (That's how JR called it) and pressed the pyro buttons. Conway was distracted by the pyros allowing Rhyno to goar Conway and pin him for the win.

Backstage, La Resistance was pissed at Eugene's actions and demanded Johnny Nitro for Conway to have a match against Eugene. Nitro told Regal that Eugene will meet Conway for a match in two weeks. I will love to see that match since it was not approved by Eric "Eugene's Uncle" Bishoff.

Christian vs. Grandmaster Sexay.
Christian won the match. After the match "the problem solver" was beating Sexay until J2Y's music came up. Per Christian's command, "the problem solver" ran-up the isle to beat Jericho up, but Jericho came from the crowds and beat Christian out of the ring. Then Jericho gave the walls of Jericho to Trish until "the problem solver" grab Trish and pulled her out of the ring.

The Coach was in the ring demmanding a home hero's welcome because unlike Kansas' basketball and football teams he was a winner. Tajiri came into the ring, and in English :eek: said that Coach was a Liar (or was it Riar :D ). Coach insulted Tajiri by asking him to bring some chinese food, so Tajiri beat him up. Garison Cade came to grab Coach and as they were leaving Triple H comes to the ring. Triple H laughs with Tajiri for was just happened to the Coach until Triple H low blows Tajiri and shoves him out of the ring. Triple H was talking crap about how he is the one that deserves a match against Benoit for the World Heavy Weigth Title and not HBK. Then Tajiri was slowing climbing up the ring until Triple H noticed him. Triple H went to grab Tajiri by the head, when Tajiri spits the green mist to Triple H.

Backstage, Triple H was carried to Bishoff's office, and thinking that Bichoff was infront of him Triple H start yelling to a tree. Bichoff tells Triple H where he is actually located and grants Triple H a match and leaves his office, while Triple H starts talking that he is going to beat the crap out of Tajiri and then beat the crap of Benoit for the Title. then Triple H notices that he was talking to himself.

Triple H vs. Tajiri.
Triple H won. It was a good match, but this time Triple H was ready to avoid the green mist.

Kane vs. Matt Hardy.
It ended in no contest. Kane was pretty much beating the living hell of what left of Matt Hardy, and after two consecutive chokeslams Lita came running into the ring. Kane approached Lita and pointing to Matt as saying that if you don't want for me to keep beating Matt, you do as a say (or something like that). Well Lita was literally cornered by the Red Machine, and he finally made-out with Lita. Then Kane left the ring as a happy monster. Hmm, it is starting to get interesting...

Before the Main Event the King called for Stacy Keebler to show her legs to Wrestling Legend, Harley Race. Then Orton came down to the ring and said that he was the only true legend. Then he approced Race and spit his face. Suddenly, Shelton Benjamin ran into the ring and attacked Orton.

Main Event for the World tag Team Title belts.
Benoit and Edge vs Flair and Batista.
Benoit and Flair retained the belts. After the match Triple H attacked both Edge and Benoit. Triple H then asked Batista to bring a chair, so he could hit Benoit's head with it. Then HBK shows up and attacks Batista. HBK grabs the chair and hits Benoit's head by mistake. Triple H and HBK exchange blows until Triple H is kicked out of the ring. Edge confronts HBK about his actions against Benoit, and HBK swears that it was just and accident and shakes hands with Edge.

After the handshake, Benoit attacks HBK and gives him a sharpshooter. And while HBK is tapping by the pain that he is receiving, Edges is trying to put some sense into Benoit's head by telling him that HBK's attack was just an accident.

Well, there you have it a pretty good show.

Sorry for both my grammatical and spelling errors, but I did not take the time to proof read my post.


p.s.- Both Triple H and Big Show SUCK. Just my 2 cents, and you can keep the change. :smirk:


Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
Ikumi Tachikawa said:
El Duque...

To answer your question...

All of us have certain wrestlers that we enjoy watching, and the Big Show just happens to be mine.:buttrock:

The Big Show is my absolute favorite wrestler for a number of reasons.

First of all I love his character, especially his "lumbering-giant" persona. I find it to be quite enjoyable, watching him utterly destroy those who decide to step in the ring with him, tossing smaller opponents around with little to no effort and knocking people down to the mat with but a single swipe of his mighty paw!

Secondly, NOBODY has an easy time fighting the Showster. You simply do NOT squash someone as enormous as him! And even if he is to go down for the three count, the wrestler that puts him away for good will still come out of the encounter an extremely bruised and beaten man!:cool:

Whenever someone learns that he has to face the Big Show in combat, that wrestler pretty much always gets that "OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO!" look on their face.

Oftentimes when a group of wrestlers are locked in a mosh pit of flying fists and feet, they immediately stop everything and tackle the Showster en masse as soon as he makes his way toward the ring, simply because they KNOW that he is the greatest threat to their well being to ever set foot in the arena! And when the mob attempts to pile onto him, Show simply flings them all away like a bunch of flabby babies.:p

Lastly, I think that the Big Show is cute. I know that plenty of other girls would readily disagree with me (Especially the legions of idiotic Cena fangirls...), but I could really care less what those people think of me. The Showster is cute in an "adorable" sort of way (While the Deadman version of the Undertaker is cute in a "sexy" sort of way).:drool:

The Big Show is a giant teddy bear. A giant teddy bear that likes to beat the heck out of people, but a teddy bear nonetheless.:D

well i see the reason why you like the guy is because of his size and presence in the ring as a dominating figure. i only criticize big show for his lack of ring skills and lack of promoting his matches. i watched some of his matches with cena awhile back and it seeme that cena had to carry the match all the way. the guy has no mic skills to promote any matches. he's the giant, but no andre, which is one of my fav wrestlers growing up with. R.I.P andre :crying:

i guess to each their own i guess. im a guy who watches for ring skills (i.e. angle, benoit, jericho, storm, etc.).

speaking of wrestling, what wrestling submission moves have you been put through or applied to on other people?

well when me and my friends use to wrestle for fun and i was been put through a sharpshooter, crossed face chicken wing, figure four, liontamer (walls of jericho), and crippler crossface. all were painful.
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El_Duque said:
well when me and my friends use to wrestle for fun and i was been put through a sharpshooter, crossed face chicken wing, figure four, liontamer (walls of jericho), and crippler crossface. all were painful.

Fucking-A the crossface chicken-wing was a badass finisher!!! That thing hurts like hell.

Bob Backland was so the man :buttrock:

I've been through and applied most of the same moves with a friend of mine. Submissions are cool :cool:


Ikumi Tachikawa

Crazed MVS Addict
Mar 24, 2004
Charles Franklin Fernandez said:
p.s.- Both Triple H and Big Show SUCK. Just my 2 cents, and you can keep the change. :smirk:

*Choke Slams Charles Franklin Fernandez through a table and onto a bed of thumbtacks*

Um...Submission moves?

I highly doubt that I could PERSONALLY force anyone to submit to such maneuvers in real life...But I find submission holds to be quite interesting to watch on television!:)

My favorite submission hold to watch is the good old-fashioned bear hug. The powerful squeeze is a simple and direct way to force the air out of someone's lungs, plus you needn't worry about bending and twisting someone into any bothersome and complicated positions. It is always nice to see the Showster occasionally try to squeeze people to death when they get close enough.:D

Bear hugs are especially fun when the hugee's arms wind up pinned to their sides, but rarely do I see that happen!
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20 Year Member
Apr 15, 2002
Ikumi Tachikawa said:
*Choke Slams Charles Franklin Fernandez through a table and onto a bed of thumbtacks*

Um...Submission moves?

I highly doubt that I could PERSONALLY force anyone to submit to such maneuvers in real life...But I find submission holds to be quite interesting to watch on television!:)

My favorite submission hold to watch is the good old-fashioned bear hug. The powerful squeeze is a simple and direct way to force the air out of someone's lungs, plus you needn't worry about bending and twisting someone into any bothersome and complicated positions. It is always nice to see the Showster occasionally try to squeeze people to death when they get close enough.:D

Bear hugs are especially fun when the hugee arms wind up pinned to their sides, but rarely do I see that happen!

You're a MAN. You don't fool me.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
qube said:
Fucking-A the crossface chicken-wing was a badass finisher!!! That thing hurts like hell.

Bob Backland was so the man :buttrock:

I've been through and applied most of the same moves with a friend of mine. Submissions are cool :cool:


Bob Backlund and his patented Crossface Chicken Wing...gotta love it. I still remember his match against Bret Hart and the late, great Owen Hart convinced their parents to throw in the towel and allow Bob to win the title. Great match :)

Reality Check

World Hero
Feb 6, 2004
Arcademan said:
The highlight of RAW last night...Triple H talking to a TREE!!! :glee:

:lol: so true. That tree would make a great GM.

P.S. What's with all the Big Show hate? Out of all the big guys currently in the WWE, Big Show is one of the few who can actually wrestle. He doesn't need to be carried though a match like Goldberg, Mark Henry, Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan. Hes soild in the ring, has good mic skills and can work with anybody. The thought of the Big Show sucking is beyond belief. Look his matches against Undertaker, Eddie, Chris Benoit and even Rey Mysterio. For the most part they were good. Plus, no one in the WWE can do a good squash match like the Big Show.


Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
Ikumi Tachikawa said:
*Choke Slams Charles Franklin Fernandez through a table and onto a bed of thumbtacks*

Um...Submission moves?

I highly doubt that I could PERSONALLY force anyone to submit to such maneuvers in real life...But I find submission holds to be quite interesting to watch on television!:)

My favorite submission hold to watch is the good old-fashioned bear hug. The powerful squeeze is a simple and direct way to force the air out of someone's lungs, plus you needn't worry about bending and twisting someone into any bothersome and complicated positions. It is always nice to see the Showster occasionally try to squeeze people to death when they get close enough.:D

Bear hugs are especially fun when the hugee's arms wind up pinned to their sides, but rarely do I see that happen!

that is only move that probably the big show is good at. i watched the one's brock lesnar does and he can't do it that good.

Ikumi Tachikawa

Crazed MVS Addict
Mar 24, 2004
Reality Check said:
P.S. What's with all the Big Show hate? Out of all the big guys currently in the WWE, Big Show is one of the few who can actually wrestle. He doesn't need to be carried though a match like Goldberg, Mark Henry, Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan. Hes soild in the ring, has good mic skills and can work with anybody. The thought of the Big Show sucking is beyond belief. Look his matches against Undertaker, Eddie, Chris Benoit and even Rey Mysterio. For the most part they were good. Plus, no one in the WWE can do a good squash match like the Big Show.

That comment just made my day. Thank you Reality Check!:)

I must admit that there is nothing I love to watch more than the Showster squashing random jobbers and more powerful opponents into the ground.:glee:

Big Show's dreaded Showstopper is my absolute favorite of the WWE Choke Slam finishing maneuvers, and I remember him putting both the Undertaker and Kane THROUGH the ring with it at some point way back when. Thus, I consider him to be the undisputed master of the Choke Slam!:buttrock:
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Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
Ikumi Tachikawa said:
That comment just made my day. Thank you Reality Check!:)

I must admit that there is nothing I love to watch more than the Showster squashing random jobbers and more powerful opponents into the ground.:glee:

Big Show's dreaded Showstopper is my absolute favorite of the WWE Choke Slam finishing maneuvers, and I remember him putting both the Undertaker and Kane THROUGH the ring with it at some point way back when. Thus, I consider him to be the undisputed master of the Choke Slam!:buttrock:

uh it was the other way around, taker choked slammed big show through the ring.

Ikumi Tachikawa

Crazed MVS Addict
Mar 24, 2004
Sorry El Duque, but I specifically remember the Showster tossing Taker through the ring at one point in the past.

I think it was a title match where the Big Show took on the Undertaker. He went clean through the ring. The Corporate Ministry then ran in afterwards to interfere.

Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
Ikumi Tachikawa said:
Sorry El Duque, but I specifically remember the Showster tossing Taker through the ring at one point in the past.

I think it was a title match where the Big Show took on the Undertaker. He went clean through the ring. The Corporate Ministry then ran in afterwards to interfere.

Speaking of which, that's something I think they should seriously consider bring back. Along with DX and the Corporation, I thought that was the coolest thing ever to grace the WWF.


Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
Razial said:
Speaking of which, that's something I think they should seriously consider bring back. Along with DX and the Corporation, I thought that was the coolest thing ever to grace the WWF.

1) vince tried to revive nWo and DX and failed miserably and thus ended DX and the nWo for good.

2) half of wrestlers that were in DX, ministry, or the corporation are gone:
jesse james
big boss man

3) you might as well revive the nation, los boriquas, and the job squad because those stables sucked.


Sorry Maury V., the era of the stable is dead and buried though. They were great in the 90s and arguably helped revive the business, but their time has come and gone sadly...

DX fan forever :cool:
Now that's when Hunter was the fucking man!!
