!Arcade! Converter Stereo Jacks


Chin's Drinking Partner
Jan 10, 2001
I receieved my Phantom-1 converter today. It's working just fine, except for the stereo jacks. Nothing comes out of them.

I've heard that this is the true for older models that already have the stereo connections. However, my serial# is 148XXX and I don't believe it has stereo output, as the A/V cables that came with the console had only one cable for sound (white).

This doesn't bother me a whole lot, since I've been using the headphone out jack to get stereo through some powered speakers. But if the sound from the A/V jacks on the converter will be noticably better, I would like to use them. And in case case, I would like to know why the converter audio jacks aren't outputing anything.

Any help or information will be appreciated.


Quiz Detective
May 22, 2001
Hey pal,
Why dont you ask "arcade" as im sure there honest sellers and will help you with your problem,
There website is www.neogeousa.com Not fully
working at the moment but sure there details are there ! <IMG SRC="smilies/loco.gif" border="0">


Support your local Sheriff, ,
Staff member
Aug 13, 2000
!Arcade! does show up here now, but I will give you the answer they gave me since I had the same issue....

Basically, older Neos included a connection on the cartridge port that carried a sound signal. They used this same connection for the jacks. Newer Neos, like the one you have, do not have this connection in them, but it can be added with a little work. Basically, thats it. !Arcade! can provide instructions for making the mod yourself, or could offer to do it for a fee I believe.


Tech Support Moderator,
20 Year Member
Aug 12, 2000
When SNK redesigned the neo board to save costs, they removed some unused circuits and traces (plans of future hardware that never came about I guess). The older model board has traces that run from the headphone circuit to the cart port, which is where the adapter picks up the signals. These traces are no longer there on the redesigned boards. You could add them yourself if you really wanted to.

It's not a defect of the converter, just SNK cutting corners to save costs...


Yagyu Jubei

Dodgeball Yakuza
Feb 16, 2001
Originally posted by scarface:
<STRONG>Hey pal,
Why dont you ask "arcade" as im sure there honest sellers and will help you with your problem,
There website is www.neogeousa.com Not fully
working at the moment but sure there details are there ! <IMG SRC="smilies/loco.gif" border="0"></STRONG>

Nice Faithless reference, Scarface. <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">