How can I get sound to my ps3 hooked to a LCD monitor?


Obsessed Neo-Fan
15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I am about to buy a viewsonic VX2433wm LCD monitor basically just to play xbox 360, and ps3 on. I am going to hook the xbox 360 up via VGA, but the ps3 I guess I have to use a HDMI to DVI cable. How am I going to get sound to the ps3? And will I be able to get sound for the xbox 360 with the VGA cables? The monitor does have integrated speakers. I will not have a computer hooked up to this monitor, so I need to figure out how I am going to get sound. Here is a link to the product page.

Also, I am up to suggestions if there is a good cheap (under $400) LCD television I can use. But I really need something I can play online and have the least amount of lag as possible and have a decent setup. Right now this 17in tube tv is so horrible I can't even read half the text in next gen games. And my 1080i projection television has the same problems. My main consideration is low lag in online gaming.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
The XBox 360 VGA cable outputs sound through standard RCA jacks. The PS3 can output sound through the standard video/audio cable while connected with HDMI. (You can do the same with the 360, but you need a third party AV cable that allows room for the HDMI cable to connect.)


Tarma's Gun Polisher
Feb 9, 2009
Radioshack sells the converter to plug your Red/White RCA cables into a headphone jack. Costs a few bucks and you can just plug it into the monitor that way.

You can also spend a bit more and get some better quality speakers from Microcenter and get something with remote controlled volume so you don't have to get up to change to volume level.


Tarma's Gun Polisher
Feb 9, 2009
That monitor you linked to has speakers built in. So you can just plug into that.

But you can use external computer speakers (like a logitech set with a subwoofer or something similar) and get better sound out of those. And no, you don't need a computer to go into them.

I use a Dell 24" LCD with a set of 2.1 Logitechs and I just plug my 360 straight into the speakers for sound. No PC required.


Obsessed Neo-Fan
15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I got the monitor today, and am really impressed. It looks awesome. Since it had a HDMI connection that pretty much eliminated the sound problem. I plan on getting some speakers later this week, but for now all is good.


Tarma's Gun Polisher
Feb 9, 2009
Out of curiosity, how much was that at Microcenter? I was thinking of picking on up for Shmups. And does it have a fixed or rotating base?


Obsessed Neo-Fan
15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Out of curiosity, how much was that at Microcenter? I was thinking of picking on up for Shmups. And does it have a fixed or rotating base?

The monitor was retail $289.99 but I got it for a little cheaper cause they were out and sold me a display model. I would say for the retail price it is a awesome monitor, and it has HDMI and 2ms refresh rate.

The monitor does not seem to rotate, it just moves up and down, but the stand comes off, so It probably can be mounted sideways to a wall.