Title: The King Of Fighters 2001 BEGINNERS COMBO FAQ Author: Alfran Consing a.k.a AKC (in the arcades) AKofC among friends E-mail: akofc@hotmail.com for your complaints about this FAQ... ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ # @@@@ ##### @@@@ ######### @@@@ ######### @@@@@@@@@@@@ ##### @@@@ ## @@@@@@@@@@ ### @@@@@@@ ### # @@@@ #### @@@@ ######## @@@@@@@@ ####### @@@@@@@@@@@ ####### @@@ # @@@@@@@@@@@@ ## @@@@@@@ ### # @@@@ ### @@@@ ####### @@@@ ## @@@@ ##### @@@@@@@@@@ ######### @@ # @@@@ ## @@@@ # @@@ @@@@ ### # @@@@ ## @@@@ ####### @@@@ #### @@@@ #### @@@@ ################ @ # @@@@ ## @@@@ @@@ @@@@ ### # @@@@ # @@@@ ####### @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@ #################### @@@@ ## @@@@ ##### @@@@ ### # @@@@ @@@@ ######## @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@ #################### @@@@ ## @@@@ ##### @@@@ ### # @@@@ @@@@ ######### @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@@@@@ ################ @@@@ @@ @@@@ ##### @@@@ ### # @@@@@@@@ ########## @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@@@@ ################# @@@@ @@ @@@@ ##### @@@@ ### # @@@@@@@@ ########## @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@@@ ################## @@@@ @@ @@@@ ##### @@@@ ### # @@@@@@@@ ########## @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@ #################### @@@@ ## @@@@ ##### @@@@ ### # @@@@ @@@@ ######### @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@ #################### @@@@ ## @@@@ ##### @@@@ ### # @@@@ @@@@ ######## @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@ #################### @@@@ ## @@@@ ##### @@@@ ### # @@@@ # @@@@ ####### @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@ #################### @@@@ ## @@@@ ##### @@@@ ### # @@@@ ## @@@@ ###### @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@ #################### @@@@@@@@@@@@ ## @@@@@@@@ ## # @@@@ ### @@@@ ##### @@@@ ###### @@@@ ### @@@@ #################### @@@@@@@@@@ ## @@@@@@@@@@ # # @@@@ #### @@@@ ##### @@@@ #### @@@@ #### @@@@ ################################################ # @@@@ ##### @@@@ ##### @@@@ ## @@@@ #### @@@@ ################## Beginners COMBO Guide ######## # @@@@ ###### @@@@ ###### @@@@@@@@ ##### @@@ ################################################### # @@@@ ####### @@@@ ####### @@@@ ###### @@ ########################################## Vr 0.1 ### ########################################################### Copyright AKofC #################### ################################################################################################ (Finally I got my lazy ass up to do a fancy title....sucks though but oh well ^_^; ) [version 0.0001] [DISCLAIMER] Copyright © 2002-2002 Alfran Consing. You, the reader, are not allowed to take duplicate or edit this document without my consent.Don't publish it, don't claim it for your own and don't plagiarize.Violation of any of the terms will result in a law suit where I would most likely win and get a thick sum of money. If there is anything here that I did and that just pisses you off, please notify me so that I can make changes. Oh and just be patient if I can't do it really quick cause I'm really busy with life. KOF 2K1 is copyright © SNK and EOLITH. [REVISION HISTORY] (NEW!!!) 08-03-02 =--= Started the FAQ with the Hero Team Exams are next week!!! 08-04-02 =--= Added Japan Team and started with the Iori team. Exam starts on Tuesday!!! 08-05-02 =--= Added the Ikari team. 08-06-02 =--= Updating everyday... yeah thats me.... Not studying for the exams?? Are you crazy!!! Cramming is better... Added the Fatal Fury Team 08-08-02 =--= Hey...can you write an apostrophe about your English Exam?? Well I did.. It was required and it goes something like this : You extremely long test Who pains my neck and pen Oh if they only knew That you could be the cause of my suffering... Failing you will bring me pain... But I will still have the last laugh For I know that you will be used to wrap Mangoes at the SRC once Mr.Caballo has Lost his use for you.... Im failing that test... T_T Anyways back to the FAQ... I added some more combos to the existing Teams.... the reason?? Inspiration struck me when somebody kicked my ass at the game... Whoever that nameless individual is... thank you 08-10-02 =--= Last day of exams... thats the reason why Im still up at 3 doing the guide... What?? Why was I still up at 4 the preceding days?? No.. you got me wrong I got up at 4 to cram... 11-15-02 =--= Sorry for not finishing the guide yet but seeing that '02 was out I didn't have a reason to finish the guide.... Well until I saw how many scrubs there are at the place where I play... the only moves they know are for Clark,Ralf and Goro... Hcf + any of the four... So thank them if you're grateful for the guide....if not well ok by me...... :D [INTRODUCTION] WARNING: This guide is intended for beginners to help them learn more about combos and to beat the game. If you're not a beginner and are already a very good player....,well go ahead......... criticize me ya fool....Combos here are for beginners so I'm not yet adding the mind game combos until I find a good reason to make another FAQ,which I probably won't...thank goodness.... Oh and you have to be 18 or somethin in order to view this.... or not... Boring Speech: Well hello,I'd just like you to know that this is my 1st major FAQ. The ones I have written were all character guides and I'm trying to make an average FAQ with combos since, as of the last time I was online, there wasn't a COMBO FAQ for this game. Oh and our arcade just got this game last month so if there are any errors mail me and proper credit will be given. Oh and I am assuming that you already know the terminologies or the character moves. If not, well I am not going to be providing a movelist in this FAQ ever, so go read one of those many excellent FAQS at GameFAQS. Oh and I also guess the 'K-series project',as I like to call it, isnt going to be done for a while. [CONTENTS] I II III [NOTATIONS] [TEAM COMBOS] [CREDITS/NOTES/COPYRIGHT/ETC] [HERO TEAM] [K'|Maxima|Whip|Lin|] [JAPAN TEAM] [Kyo|Benimaru|Goro|Shingo] [IORI TEAM] [Iori|Vanessa|Seth|Ramon] [IKARI TEAM] [Leona|Ralf|Clark|Heidern] [FATAL FURY TEAM] [Terry|Andy|Joe|Mary] [ART OF FIGHTING TEAM] [Ryo|Robert|Yuri|Takuma] [WOMEN TEAM] [King|Mai|Hinako|Xiang Fei] [NESTS TEAM] [Kula|Foxy|K9999|Angel] [PSYCHO SOLDIER TEAM] [Athena|Kensou|Chin|Bao] [KOREA TEAM] [Kim|Chang|Choi|May Lee] [NOTATIONS] up u down d left l right r dragon punch (f,d,df) dp reverse dragon punch rdp (b,d,db) quarter circle forward qcf quarter circle back qcb half circle back hcb half circle forward hcf weak punch A weak kick B strong punch C strong kick D any punch P any kick K super cancel SC xx press together the 2 buttons o-----------[ COMBOS ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------o No easy or hard combos. I believe everybody can do this if they have already played the game.If you have not yet played the game play it first and learn the moves then comeback here. NOTES: Most combos can be started with a deep jump in C/D... SCs take 1 power bar. C in most combos can be replaced with a crouching A/B then a standing A/B. Also you should make your own variations for more damage.Try replacing the standing C (I use this so beginners can easily get the hang of the combos) with a crouching A or B or whatever it is that you like then a standing A etc. Be creative and discover. If the move preceding the next knocks down,input the next move before it does its second hit or before it knocks down. ----[HERO TEAM]--------------------------------------------------------------------- [K'] C,dp + C,f + K,qcb + K C,qcb + K,qcb + K C,qcf + A,f + D,dp + C, f + K,qcb + K C,qcf,qcf + C C,qcf,hcb + C C,qcf + A,f + D,hyper jump C,qcb + B C,dp + C,SC on 1st hit qcf,hcb + P/AC C,dp + C,SC on 1st/2nd hit qcf,qcf + P C,qcf + A,f + D,qcf,qcf + P C,cancel on 1st hit,f + A,qcf,qcf + P C,cancel on 1st hit,f + A,qcf,hcb + P/AC Note : The f + A is a super cancel but doesn't take anything from the power bar. [MAXIMA] C,df + C,qcb + P C,qcf + P (x3) C,hcf + K C,hcb (x2) + K C,qcf + P (x2),SC on 3rd hit hcb (x2) + K/BD C,qcf + P (x2),SC on 3rd hit qcf,hcb + P [WHIP] d + C,hcf + C C,f + A (x5) d + C,rdp + A (x8) This'll juggle, too bad it takes all the recovery time. Oh and you'll only get 4 hits if done right. d + C,(2nd hit)hcb + C d + C,qcb,hcf + P/AC dp + P/K,qcb,hcf + P/AC Note: I don't really combo a lot with her. When using her I play defensive at first then when I knock the opponent down I play the offensive... Evil mind games you see.... CHEAP WAY TO BEAT ZERO: (but he's cheap too so it's okay) Just do short vertical jumping CDs on him when he's in a corner. Just get the timing on when to jump and you may even get a perfect. [LIN] C,qcf + A C,qcb + P C,hcb + B C,rdp + A C,qcf + C,qcf + C,qcf + C C,f + A,qcf + C,qcf + C,qcf + C C,f + A,qcf + C,qcf + C,SC d,d,d AC C,f + A,qcf + C,qcf + C,SC qcb,hcf + P/AC d + A,d + A, d + AC SDM cheap motion?? shoot me. Do the above really fast.... A little trickier but I'll just post it here to give ya a little challenge.... C,f + A,rdp + C,rdp + B,dp + A / df + C For mind games can substitute f + A with df + C since f + A is an overhead while df + C hits low and knocks down and the two have the same start up animations. ----[JAPAN TEAM]------------------------------------------------------------ C,hcb + B C,qcf + A (x3) C,qcf + D,D,hcb + B,qcf + A / dp + A (depends on location) or SC qcb,hcf + P C,qcf + C,hcb + C,f + P,dp + P C,qcf + A,hcb + A,hcb + K C,f + B,qcf + A,qcf + A,qcf + A C,f + B,qcf + A,hcb + A ,hcf + B C,f + B,qcf + C,hcb + C,f + P,dp + P c,f + B,hcb + B,SC qcb,hcf + P/AC C,hcb (x2) + AC Note: Not a character for beginners.His combos are average in damage if you don't use strikers. Now if you were to use strikers thats where Kyo starts to shine... So frankly, you need skill... [BENIMARU] C,qcf + B,d,u + B C,f + B,qcf + B,d,u + B C,f + B,qcb + B C,qcb + D,SC on fifth hit for more damage,qcf,qcf + AC/P C,f + B,qcb + B,SC,qcf,qcf + P/AC Note:So little combos but so much damage.... [GORO] d + D,hcf + C df + C,hcf + C C,hcf + C C,hcb,f + C Note: I don't play him offensively,when using him turtle. But that's just me. [SHINGO] C,qcf + P C,hcb + K C,dp + P C,dp + K C,f + B,qcf + C C,f + B,hcf + D Since his hcf + D move only knocks the opponent down if it connects from the farthest range the previous two moves will move you far enough for it to knock down. C,f + B,rdp + D This may do a random 5th hit in a corner C,hcb + K,SC on first hit,qcb,hcf + P C,f + B,qcb,hcf + P C,f + B,qcf,qcf + P/AC [IORI] C,qcb + P (x3) C,qcb + P (x2),dp + C C,qcb + P (x2),qcf + C C,f + A/f + B,qcb + P (x3) C,f + A/f + B,qcb + P (x2),qcf + P C,f + A/f + B,qcb + P (x2),dp + C C,f + A/f + B,qcb + P (x2),SC qcf,hcb + P C,f + A/f + B,qcb + P (x2),dp + C,SC qcf,hcb + P C,f + A/f + B,qcb + P (x2),SC qcf,hcb + P,qcf(x4)+ AC C,f + A/f + B,qcb + P (x2),dp + C,SC qcf,hcb + P,qcf(x4)+ AC [VANESSA] C,f + A C,hcf + P C,dp + A C,qcf,qcf + P C,qcb,hcf + P/AC C,f + A,hcf + P C,f + A,dp + P C,f + A,qcf,qcf + P C,f + A,qcb,hcf + P/AC C,f + A,dp + C,SC qcf,qcf + P C,f + A,dp + C,SC qcb,hcf + P/AC [SETH] C,f + A C,f + B C,b + A C,b + B C,qcf + P C,hcb + K,f + K C,qcf,hcb + K C,qcf,qcf + P C,qcf + P,SC on 1st hit qcf,hcb + K C,qcf + P,SC on 2nd hit qcf,qcf + P [RAMON] C,dp + K,dp + K,d,d + K B,hcf + C C,qcb + P C,hcf + K C,hcb,hcb + P/AC C,qcb,hcf + K [IKARI TEAM] [LEONA] while charging d,A,A,u + C jump in D,qcf,hcb + P/AC C,qcf,qcf + P C,qcb,hcf + K Note: The following moves are done far away from the opponent. You can only do this if the earring connects. qcb + B,charge b,forward + D,f + D qcb + B,qcf,qcf + P qcb + B,jump towards the opponent,qcf,hcb + P/AC [RALF] C,dp + P C,hcf + K C,hcb + D C,qcf,hcb + P/AC C,qcb,hcf + K charge b while pressing C,f + P charge b while pressing C,f + A,SC qcf,hcb + P/AC charge b while pressing C,f + P,SC qcb,hcf + K Note: The following are done if qcf,qcf + P connects. qcf,qcf + P,dp + P qcf,qcf + P,hcb + D [CLARK] C,hcf + K,qcf + P C,hcf + P,d,d + A/B C,hcf + P,d,d + C,qcf + C C,hcf,hcf + K C,hcb,hcb + P/AC charge b C,f + P,dp + P,qcf + C charge b C,f + P,SC hcb,hcb + P/AC [HEIDERN] d + A,hcb + P C,dp + C C,qcf,qcf + K/BD C,qcb,hcf + K/BD C,dp + C,SC qcb,hcf + K/BD Note : Can only be done if qcf + C connects. qcf + C,qcf,qcf + P corner only combos: C,f + B,dp + C C,dp + C,SC qcf,qcf + P/AC C,f + B,qcf,qcf + P/AC C,f + B,qcb,hcf + K/BD C,f + B,dp + C,SC qcf,qcf + P/AC C,f + B,dp + C,SC qcb,hcf + P/BD [FATAL FURY TEAM] [TERRY] d + A,d + A,u + P C,f + A,qcf + A C,qcf + C C,qcb + P C,dp + K C,f + A,qcb + P C,df + C,qcb + P C,f + A,qcf,qcf + K C,f + A,qcb,hcf + P/AC C,f + A,qcf,qcf + K C,f + A,qcb,hcf + P/AC Corner only: C,f + A,dp + K C,qcf + C,SC qcb,hcf + P (you're a moron if you do it as an SDM) [ANDY] A,dp + C C,qcb + A C,qcb + C (may or may not connect but always in corners) C,db,f + C,qcf + C db + C,f + C,qcf + C C,hcf + C,hcf + K C,hcf + C,dp + A C,hcf + C,qcb,hcf + K/BD C,qcf,qcf + P/AC [JOE] C,dp + D C,hcf + D C,f + B,hcf + D C,tap P rapidly,qcf + C C,tap p rapidly,qcf + A,SC qcf,uf + K C,tap p rapidly,qcf + A,SC qcf,qcf + P C,tap p rapidly,qcf + A,SC qcf,hcb + P C,tap p rapidly,qcf + A,SC qcf,qcf + K Note: This super hurts like hell.... [MARY] C,dp + K,dp + K C,qcf + P,qcf + P C,charge b,f + K,qcf + K C,f + A,dp + K,dp + K C,f + A,qcf,hcb + P C,A,A,f,B,C C,A,A,b,B,C C,f + A,qcf,hcb + P,SC,A,A,f,B,C C,f + A,qcf,hcb + P,SC,A,A,b,B,C Note:Also hurts like hell.... [ART OF FIGHTING TEAM] [RYO] C,qcf + A C,dp + P C,hcb + K C,f,b,f + A C,f,b,f + A,qcf + B C,f,b,f + A,hcb + K C,f,b,f + A,dp + C C,qcf,hcb + P qcb + P,SC,qcf,hcb + P qcb + P,SC,f,hcf + P [ROBERT] C,qcf + C C,dp + C C,hcf + D C,f + B,hcf + D C,f + B,dp + A D,hcb + D D,hcb + D,dp + C D,hcb + D,hcf + D D,hcb + D,qcf + C D,hcb + D,f,b,f + B D,hcb + D,qcf,qcf + P D,hcb + D,SC,qcf,qcf + P If opponent blocks...hehehe [YURI] C,qcb + D C,qcb + A C,dp + A C,dp + C,dp + C C,qcf,qcf + K C,qcf,hcb + K C,dp + C,SC qcf,hcb + K C,qcf,qcf + K,SC,A,A,f,B,C [TAKUMA] db,f + D,f,b,f + P C,qcf + C C,f,b,f + P,df + B B,hcb + D C,f + A,qcf + C db + C,f + D,f,b,f + A,df + B db + C,f + D,qcf + C,df + B db + C,f + D,f,hcf + C,df + B C,qcf,hcb + C C,f,hcf + C C,f + A/B,f,hcf + C,df + B C,f + A/B,qcf,hcb + C [WOMEN TEAM] [KING] D,qcf + D D,hcf + C D,dp + D D,hcb + D D,b,hcb + K D,hcb + P,SC,b,hcb + K [MAI] C,qcf + C C,df + B C,qcb + P C,qcb + B C,qcb + B,qcb + C C,hcf + D C,qcf,hcb + D C,qcf,qcf + P [HINAKO] C,tap C rapidly C,qcb + P C,hcb,f + C,dp + C C,hcf + D C,hcb,f + D C,hcb,f + C,tap C rapidly C,hcb,f + C,qcb + P C,hcb,f + C,hcf + D C,qcf,qcf + P C,hcb,f + C,SC qcf,qcf + P C,hcb,f + C,SC hcf,hcf + K [XIANG FEI] C,qcf + A C,qcf + A,D C,f + A,qcf + A C,f + B,qcf + A C,dp + K C,dp + K,SC hcb,hcb + K C,dp + B,SC qcf,hcb + K C,AC,hcf + C,b + C hcb,f + P,qcb + P,SC AC,hcf + C,b + C,dp + B [KULA] C,qcf + A C,dp + P C,qcb + C C,qcb + D C,qcb + B,f + D C,qcb + B,f + D,dp + C C,qcf,qcf + P/AC C,hcb,hcb + AC C,f + A,qcf + A C,f + A,dp + C C,f + A,qcb + B,f + D,dp + C/qcb + C C,f + A,qcf,qcf + P/AC C,f + A,hcb,hcb + AC C,f + A,SC dp + C,qcf,qcf + P/AC C,f + A,SC dp + C,hcb,hcb + AC [FOXY] C,dp + C C,qcf + D C,hcb + P,P C,f + A,qcf + K C,f + A,dp + C C,f + A,hcb + P,P C,f + A,f + B,dp + C C,f + A,qcf,qcf + P C,f + A,dp + C,SC,qcf,qcf + P qcf,qcf + P,d + K,SC/not to SC qcf,qcf + P Note: Don't supercancel the above if opponent is in a corner since it'll hit him on his way down... [K9999] C,f + A,any direction + D C,qcf + A C,dp + A C,df + A C,qcf + A,SC db,hcb,df + A/B C,qcf,d + ABCD C,f + A,SC qcf,d + ABCD C,qcf + A,SC qcf,d + ABCD [ANGEL] ...UNDER CONSTRUCTION... I still can't use her very well so until I do I can't make combos... but do try -------------------- TOXIC/TOXIC AVANGERs -------------------- KOF2k1 ANGEL FAQ...at http://www.GAMEFAQS.com (he has more will power than me...) (...and a very strong dedication..) [PSYCHO SOLDIER TEAM] [ATHENA] C,qcb + A C,dp + C C,hcb,f + AC,A,B,C,A,B,C,D,qcf + P C,hcb,f + AC,A,B,C,A,B,C,D,dp + P C,hcb,f + AC,A,B,C,A,B,C,D,hcb + K C,hcb,f + AC,A,B,C,A,B,C,D,qcf + P/dp + P,hcb,hcb + P/AC C,f + B,dp + C A,f + B,qcb + D C,f + B,hcb,hcb + P/AC C,f + B,qcf,qcf + K C,f + B,dp + C,SC hcb,hcb + P/AC [KENSOU] C,qcb + A A,rdp + C C,hcf + P A,qcf + B,rdp + B C,qcf,hcb + K C,qcf,qcf + AC C,f + A,hcf + A C,f + A,qcf,hcb + K A,rdp + C,qcf,hcb + K A,rdp + C,qcf,qcf + AC [CHIN] qcf + P,C,f + A,qcf + P qcf + P,C,f + A,dp + A qcf + P,C,f + A,hcf + K C,qcb + C C,f + A,qcb + C C,f + A,qcf,qcf + P/AC [BAO] C,qcb + C C,qcb + D C,qcb,qcb + K C,f + A,qcb + C C,f + A,qcb + K C,f + A,qcb,qcb + K [KOREA TEAM] [KIM] D,qcb + D D,d,d + B,dp + K D,qcb,hcf + K/BD D,qcf,qcf + K,qcb,hcf + K/BD D,d,d + B,dp + K,SC qcf,qcf + K d + A,u + D,d + D D,f + A,qcf,hcb + K/BD D,d,d + B,dp + K,SC qcf,hcb + K/BD Note: If this combo connects from a jump C,it will massacre or directly kill a no striker character... [CHANG] D,df + A D,dp + A C,qcf,qcf + A/AC .....well don't look at me... is it my fault if the guy's slow?? [CHOI] d + A,d + A,u + C Note: A real f##ker when in the corner!! C,qcf,hcb + BD C,hcf,hcf + P ...well don't look at me... I'm still looking for longer combos... [MAY LEE] Definetely not one for beginners. Her combos do major damage but requires skill,and even I don't have that much skill... And no,don't even try doing her counter all the time. I'll be looking for her easy,medium damage combos. ------------------------[STRATEGY]-------------------------------------------- |STRATEGIES AGAINST CERTAIN CPU OPPONENTS| Only for those who I see kick the ass of most of the people where I play. [ORIGINAL ZERO] Well he is rather easy once you get used to kicking his ass... First all his moves involving his freaking cape do lots of damage... BUT if blocked will leave the opponent as open as hell... So all you need to do is block his cape then kick his ass... Also he has two DMs First is his FOREVER ZERO looking type black hole super... This does little damage but he pairs it with Long so it connects most of the time... Second is a life raper... the cape DM which even when blocked rapes life like crazy...but leaves him open as hell ALFRANS CRASH COURSE IN KICKING ORIGINAL ZEROS ASS: + play one on one or two on one with him + stay close to him,close enough to get hit by his long cape attack if you are too far he might call out Krizalid and the Lion which will make getting near him a very hard thing to do + DO NOT jump him,this will result in a world of pain + his cape attacks leave him open after the move for about 2/3 seconds in real life + after a cape attack,run up to him and do your best combo. If your not confident enough,you can always pick a character with a rushing attack that does good damage...hell,you can be really cheap and just do RAMONs hcf + D,well it only works on ZERO don't bother with the other characters + don't bother thinking about throwing out supers,save the gauge since you'll need it + if he calls out LONG and does his black hole DM, roll while blocking after the first hit and keep on blocking + if he calls out LONG but doesn't pull anything attack him quickly + if you get caught in his cape DM,just block it if you have the life to spare,if not recovery roll. BTW this DM when blocked will add a lot to your power gauge + after he falls down,un up to him and don't block,this'll trick the CPU into doing a cape throw,block when he stands + if ever he does a black hole DM close to you,keep on blocking after the DM since this has very good recovery time and he might even follow up with another DM + Cheap way to beat using WHIP... Just do short vertical jumping CDs on him when he's in a corner. Just get the timing on when to jump and you may even get a perfect. and there you have it, the dummies guide to beating ZERO [IGNIZ] I play him one on one...though I am not an expert in beating him, I win about 60% of the time when using my best team... TIPS + at the start of the match stay in place, if you he attempts to do his hit low laser blast thingy,do an empty hop and start your combo when you land. Can't risk hitting him with a C only for him to recover and block. + never run and jump towards him,that goes for rolling + be patient,very patient, stay a full screen distance.So he can't hit you always block low... + his jump is the end of him, when he jumps he does this lazy kick,counter it with anything that'll hit for good damage,and since its a counter... + you can roll his pillars of energy DM and punish him + his front laser circle DM will leave him open after the move + don't be fooled by his air string attack, there's a final hit,roll it -------------[CREDITS]-------------------------------------------------------- [SNK] or [PLAYMORE] or [EOLITH] [WHATEVER] - for making the game [Orochi K] - I used his move list to learn about the characters moves... [CJAYC] of [www.GAMEFAQS.com] - for posting my previous guides and for creating the best gaming site on the web and for helping a lot of gamers out there. [WINSTON] - perverted guitar player who taught me the basics of BASS playing I wrote this guide for people like him,he's still trying to learn [GINO] - likes XYRA and has absolutely no shame... hell, he even challenged a kid back in '00 and the kids joystick was really screwed... (the arcade has two KOF '00 machines one for experts,out front,(well maintained of course) and one for noobs at the back with really screwed controls...) He's a good player though, but doesn't prioritize combos, he's a special move only person who capitalizes on mistakes... [KYLE] - likes COOKIEs,and he's still learning to play the game... Winston's best friend, birds of a feather flock together, afterall and these two are perverts [DARYL] - likes the ladies... I go with him to the mall so I can play while he goes scouting... [ERNESTO] - one of the cheapest blokes ever to play a game... at first I thought K9999 was cheap coz of him...f + A forever.... well until I knew that he was playing with.... [RIGEL] - don't ever lend him your cell,he's a thief,he'll steal your pic msgs he's gay (not really)...he prefers Capcoms crossover games and is a noob to KOF [FRANCIS] - I dunno....he dresses weird,he wears a visor invertedly and is a sicko...sick,sick,sick... oh and he goes on air on the radio every Saturday... [TO ALL THOSE GUYS AT THE GAMEFAQS MESSAGE BOARD] - you guys are great...even tough some of you are assholes,you make me enjoy my time on-line... SPECIAL SECTION: (I'm getting all sentimental cause well we won't be seeing each other no more) I would like to thank the following people for putting up with my lousy ass for more than a year... TO: I: Samantha I. ,Gerardo T. ,Ernesto M. ,Jessa V. ,Gino M. II: Kathleen B. ,Jecren I. ,Rhyll B. ,Xyra E. ,Karen S. III: Mary Z. ,Joan T. ,Cypres H. ,Kerlin T. ,Kyle E. IV: Jewel C. ,Orissa M. ,Winston G. ,Jennifer C. ,Allan R. ,Jecelle B. V: Jacqueline T. ,Francis B. ,Jonayrah J. ,Katherine B. ,Daryl T. ,Ryam Y. VI: Rigel B. ,Phoebe T. ,Christian B. ,Candice S. ,Karen D. ,Sheena E. VII: Lorence V. ,Osric Q. ,Loraine N. ,Rhoda C. ,Kristine C. ,Chris V. Pierce B. Adrian G. " THANK YOU.... " " We won't be seeing each other no more... " " I hope one day that our paths will cross again..." "Till then..." " GRAYWOLVES FOREVER!! ...and take care,friend." End the game. KOF 2001 Guide Copyright 2002-2002 Alfran Consing. KOF is copyright Playmore. Don't screw with me. Don't steal anything from this guide. Like there's anything to steal...but just in case. Now go away. Why are you reading this??